1. 计算机操作熟练,会使用AutoCAD软件,以及数控车冲床软件。

Good computer skills include AutoCAD and NC punchingmachine software.

2. 熟练使用的解释

2. 我相信我能够在短时间内熟练的使用韩语进行交流,我也相信,我有足够强的适应能力,从而尽早的融入到贵国的社会环境当中。

I believe I can in a short time the use of skilled Korean exchanges, I also believe that I have sufficiently strong adaptability, which as soon as possible into your country`s social environment.

3. 他非常勇敢,逐渐能很熟练地使用甩石袋,以至于他从来没失败过。

He was very brave and he became so skilful with his sling that he never missed.

4. 熟练使用各种作图软件;具有至少两年以上的产品设计和开发的经验

At least two years experience in product design and development

5. 教育经历 2002/09--至今上海交大自学考电气工程及其自动化本科 1997/09--2001/07 上海石化工业学校机械电子工程/机电一体化大专机电一体化的专业培训主修:模拟/数字电子电工基础电机拖动毕业设计的智能抢达器获学校一等奖培训经历 2003/01--2003/02 全国职业技术等级培训中心技术等级考合技术员证书 IT 技能技能名称熟练程度使用时间 CADAM 熟练 22月证书 2000/09 CAD中级优秀 1999/09 CAD初级优秀附加信息兴趣爱好:赛车,军事及生活常识特长:急救在暑期兼职其间曾就职于鸥罗巴水上世界,担任水上救生员。

The fed by the calendar 2002/09-- to Shanghai Jiaotong University and self-study test automation undergraduate electrical engineering 1997/09--2001/07 Shanghai Petrochemical industry machinery electronic engineering school/college and integration And the integration of professional training Where: Analog/digital electronic Electrician foundation Electrical fees Smart design graduate school class of field-device Pui training by calendar 2003/01--2003/02 National Vocational Tchnical level training center with technical grading test technician certificate It skills can Name skills proficiency use of time CADAM skilled 22 months Certificate 2000/09 cad-outstanding 1999/09 cad primary outstanding By the letter of interest Love interest: car racing, military and living knowledge Fortes: first aid Gull which had employed part-time in the summer Luoba water world, as water lifeguards.

6. 良好的英文及计算机能力,能熟练使用AutoCAD。

Good comm of English computer skills.

7. 熟练使用各种办公软件,财务应用软件。

Be familiar with Office Software and finance applicationware.

8. 熟练使用各种办公软件,财务应用软件。

Be familiar with Office Software finance applicationware.

9. 熟悉机械产品图纸,能熟练使用CAD、UG等机械制图软件绘制和阅读图纸;并且熟悉质量控制体系和质量工具,如SPC,QC7tools等

Familiar with UG and Auto CAD, familiar with quality control tool and system

10. 所以和一般秘书相比,高级秘书除了能够讲一口流利的英语,熟练的使用电脑和拟写各种文件等硬件之外,它更应该具备良好的沟通、组织、协调、一定的决策胜任以及解决问题的胜任。

Compared to common secretaries, in addition to the exertwares like the as talking with fluent English, using computers with proficient skills and drafting documents, senior secretaries are further supposed to possess favorable competences in communication, organization, correspondance and decision-making and problem-solving in some degree.

11. 熟练使用内、外千分尺以及游标卡尺。

Completed ability to use inside and outside micrometer, caliper.

12. 具备基本的读、写、听、说的英语能力,达到国家英语四级水平;能使用熟练的粤语、普通话和潮汕话进行交际。

Have basic reading, writing, listening and speaking English proficiency, and achieve the level of English 4; Access to skilled Cantonese, Putonghua and the Chaoshan remark Communication.

13. 熟练掌握所有机加工使用的机床和测量设备的使用,包括车床、立式铣床、氩弧焊、乙炔焊和各种焊接设备,卧式和立式带锯床、平台、高度规、游标卡尺、千分尺等。

Mastery of all machines and measuring equipment in the tool shop including but not limited to machining lathe, Bridgeport style knee mill, Arc-welding machine, Acetylene cutting brazing, and welding equipment, Horizontal and vertical band-saw, surface plate, height gage, vernier calipers, micrometer.

14. 您将学习六个普遍原则,如何使用他们成为一个熟练的劝说和对他们如何保护自己。

You'll learn the six universal principles, how to use them to become a skilled persuader—and how to defend yourself against them.

15. 熟练使用的解释

15. 熟悉企业行政管理工作、熟练使用办公软件(特别是Word和Excel)、具备基本的网络知识和较熟练的英语应用能力

Familiar with general services activities, Proficient in office automation software, Having basic understanding of network, Good command of English communication

16. 熟悉企业行政工作流程,熟练使用办公软件和办公自动化设备、具备基本的网络知识和较熟练的英语应用能力

Familiar with general services work; Proficient in office automation software and office automation appliance; Having basic understanding on office network and good command of English

17. 熟悉企业行政管理工作、熟练使用办公软件(特别是Word和Excel)、具备良好的网络知识和熟练的英语读写应用能力。

Familiar with general services activities. Proficient in office automation software. Having good understanding of network. Good command of English communication Oral and Write

18. 熟练使用autocad及通用计算机软件,能熟练运用结构分析软件和3d软件进行结构设计

Good computer skill on autocad and general computer software, proficient in designing w

19. 熟练使用计算机及实验室仪器,能够协助工程师进行产品测试工作

Skilled in using computer and lab instrument, capable to assist engineer in product testing

20. 驾驶技术的熟练驾驶维度是手机使用安全性态度和危险行为之间、无规范性人格和手机使用限制态度之间的调节变量。

Skillfulness is the moderator between safety attitude and risky behaviour, and between normlessness and restriction attitude.