线上问题:项目使用的NAS文件系统因硬盘空间使用率过高而报警[ITRS] Alert on Managed Entity(Host) xxx - disk partition xxx - the disk usage is too high.

RCA:1) NAS默认设置按一定频率做storage-snapshot,经查ActiveMQ配置的临时数据存储目录下缓存文件过大造成每次snapshot空间巨增;2) 由于ActiveMQ的消息subscriber服务在线上遇到特殊场景形成性能瓶颈,publish数量远大于subscribe数量,造成大量缓存数据需要存储到硬盘上(db-*.log)。

解决方案:1) 硬盘空间扩容;2) ActiveMQ性能优化。




1. Storage-Snapshot 






2. ActiveMQ KahaDB






KahaDB is a file based persistence database that is local to the message broker that is using it. It has been optimised for fast persistence and is the the default storage mechanism from ActiveMQ 5.4 onwards. KahaDB uses less file descriptors and provides faster recovery than its predecessor, the AMQ Message Store.


db-*.log  存储消息的内容。对于一个消息而言,不仅仅有消息本身的数据(message data),而且还有(Destinations、订阅关系、事务...)

the data logs contain all of the message data and all of the information about destinations, subscriptions, transactions, etc..

data log以日志形式存储消息,而且新的数据总是以APPEND的方式追加到日志文件末尾。因此,消息的存储是很快的。比如,对于持久化消息,Producer把消息发送给Broker,Broker先把消息存储到磁盘中(enableJournalDiskSyncs配置选项),然后再向Producer返回Acknowledge。Append方式在一定程度上减少了Broker向Producer返回Acknowledge的时间。


journalMaxFileLength  默认值32MB,当存储的消息达到32MB时,新建一个新文件来保存消息。这个配置对生产者或消息者的速率有影响。比如,生产者速率很快而消费者速率很慢时,将它配置得大一点比较好。

journalMaxFileLength—(default 32mb) 当broker的吞吐量特别大的时候,日志文件会很快被写满,这样会因为频繁的关闭文件,打开文件而导致性能低下。你可以通过调整文件的size,减少文件切换的频率,从而获得轻微的性能改善。





对比:LevelDB-store (http://activemq.apache.org/leveldb-store)

Both KahaDB and the LevelDB store have to do periodic garbage collection cycles to determine which log files can deleted. In the case of KahaDB, this can be quite expensive as you increase the amount of data stored and can cause read/write stalls while the collection occurs. The LevelDB store uses a much cheaper algorithm to determine when log files can be collected and avoids those stalls.