
Apple has teamed up with leading car manufacturers Ferrari, Mercedes Benz and Volvo to introduce its new ‘CarPlay’ feature, which is designed to bring the iOS screen to the dashboard. With many car manufacturers including touch screen displays and intelligent infotainment systems in their top end models, it was only time until Apple announced a new product to compete in this arena; CarPlay was originally announced alongside the introduction of iOS 7 in 2013, being originally branded as ‘iOS in the car’. By plugging your iOS 7 or above device into your car, you will be provided with an iOS 7 interface that has been specifically designed for use in automobiles and will have access to your music and contacts, and can even use the device as an in-car sat nav; all of this will be controlled from a touch screen mounted in the dashboard, so it will be just as safe and easy to use as existing infotainment systems.

苹果已经与领先的汽车制造商法拉利,梅赛德斯·奔驰和沃尔沃合作,推出了其新的“ CarPlay”功能,该功能旨在将iOS屏幕引入仪表板。 由于许多汽车制造商都在其高端机型中包括触摸屏显示器和智能信息娱乐系统,因此直到苹果宣布在该领域竞争新产品的时候才到了。 CarPlay最初是在2013年推出iOS 7的同时宣布的,最初被称为“车载iOS”。 通过将iOS 7或更高版本的设备插入汽车,您将获得专为汽车设计的iOS 7界面,可以访问您的音乐和通讯录,甚至可以将该设备用作内置设备。汽车坐导航 所有这些都将通过安装在仪表板中的触摸屏进行控制,因此它与现有的信息娱乐系统一样安全且易于使用。

Comparison against existing infotainment systems


Though the ability to plug an iPhone into a car has been an ever-present feature in most makes and models for around the past 7 years, this is the first time that the function to fully utilise your iPhone’s feature has been introduced.


Many cars have auxiliary socket inputs that enable you to hook up your iPhone’s headphone output to the car stereo, but this only lets you play music from your phone through the system and as an analogue function, prevents you from changing track from any device other than the phone. Similarly even though USB functionality has been present in higher end models, this feature only allowed for the playback of music and the control of music through the stereo. Finally, Bluetooth has also been another popular option cars, but its only been available to serve the functions of music streaming and making/receiving phone calls.

许多汽车都有辅助插座输入,使您可以将iPhone的耳机输出连接到汽车立体声,但这仅允许您通过系统播放手机中的音乐,并且作为模拟功能,阻止您从除其他设备之外的任何设备更改音轨电话。 同样,即使在高端机型中已经具有USB功能,该功能也仅允许通过立体声播放音乐和控制音乐。 最后,蓝牙也是另一种流行的选装车,但它仅可用于音乐流和拨打/接听电话的功能。

The iPhone contains many apps that can simplify a driving experience and making them fully accessible through the dashboard will only move to strengthen their popularity. A user can now map out a route using the Maps app on their computer, send this route to their phone and simply plug their phone in and they’re ready to go; alternatively, you sync your latest iTunes songs over wifi without even needing to touch your computer, then simply plug your phone into the car and you’ll have your entire music collection there waiting for you. The possibilities and scope for convenience are endless.

iPhone包含许多可简化驾驶体验的应用程序,并且通过仪表板使其完全可访问它们只会增强其受欢迎程度。 用户现在可以使用计算机上的“地图”应用来绘制路线,将该路线发送至手机,只需插入手机即可开始使用。 另外,您甚至可以通过wifi同步最新的iTunes歌曲,而无需触摸计算机,然后只需将手机插入汽车即可,那里的所有音乐收藏都在等待您的光临。 便利的可能性和范围是无限的。

Widespread adoption


Whilst only Ferrari, Mercedes and Volvo are the first manufacturers to introduce models that include CarPlay, Apple also announced that it had deals in place with another 13 car manufacturers, which would suggest that mass adoption of this in cars isn’t too far off. As one of Apple’s new endeavours, this is designed to undermine Google’s recent development of the Open Automotive Alliance, which is looking to develop a similar system for multiple device manufacturers that will be based on its Android mobile operating system.

尽管只有法拉利,梅赛德斯和沃尔沃是首批引入包括CarPlay在内的车型的制造商,但苹果公司还宣布与另外13家汽车制造商达成了交易,这表明在汽车中大规模采用该技术并不遥不可及。 作为苹果的一项新举措,此举旨在破坏谷歌最近开发的开放汽车联盟(Open Automotive Alliance),后者正寻求为多家设备制造商开发基于其Android移动操作系统的类似系统。

Although Apple’s share of the mobile device market is far smaller than that of the Android operating system at 68.5% against 19.1%, it is widely accepted that iOS boasts of a much higher number of technically competent users that are likely to engage and make use of the company’s latest features and innovations. The same is less likely to be seen with Android users because the Android OS is used in a number of budget smartphones and these users are far less likely to engage in the latest innovations released by Google, especially considering that the Android device market is incredibly segregated and many manufacturers using old and outdated versions of the OS.

尽管苹果在移动设备市场上的份额远远小于Android操作系统,市场份额为68.5%,而市场份额为19.1%,但人们普遍认为iOS拥有大量技术精湛的用户,这些用户很可能会参与并利用公司的最新功能和创新。 Android用户不太可能看到相同的情况,因为许多廉价智能手机都使用了Android OS,而且这些用户参与Google发布的最新创新的可能性也大大降低,尤其是考虑到Android设备市场的隔离程度令人难以置信许多制造商都使用旧版和过时的操作系统。

I would say that CarPlay is definitely a good move by Apple and signifies the company’s commitment to its line of mobile devices for the long term. For many iOS users, it will prove to be very popular because it will simplify their driving experience as it means that they can keep the contents of their car’s infotainment system in their pocket at all times so that they can map new routes and add new music when they feel is convenient, rather than trying to fiddle with inputting an address into a sat nav system just when you need to set off.

我想说,CarPlay绝对是Apple的一个好举动,它表明该公司长期以来对其移动设备产品线的承诺。 对于许多iOS用户而言,它将被证明非常受欢迎,因为它将简化他们的驾驶体验,因为这意味着他们可以随时将汽车信息娱乐系统的内容放在口袋里,以便他们可以绘制新路线并添加新音乐。当他们觉得方便的时候,而不是试图在需要出发时在卫星导航系统中输入地址。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/apple-announces-introduction-carplay/
