
XML是可扩展标记语言(Extensible Markup Language)的缩写,其中标记是关键部分。用户可以创建内容,然后使用限定标记标记它,从而使每个单词、短语或块成为可识别、可分类的信息。
标记语言从早起的私有公司和政府制定形式逐渐演变成标准通用标记语言(Standard Generalized Markup Language,SGML)、超文本标记语言(Hypertext Markup Language,HTML),并且最终演变成XML。XML有以下几个特点:

  • XML的设计宗旨是传输数据,而非显示数据
  • XML的标签没有被预定义,用户需要自行定义标签
  • XML被设计为具有自我描述性
  • XML是W3C的推荐标准




xml.dom.minidom是DOM API的极简化实现,比完整版的DOM要简单的多,而且这个包也小得多,下面以movie.xml文件为例进行操作。

<collection shelf="New Arrivals">
<movie title="Enemy Behind">
   <type>War, Thriller</type>
   <description>Talk about a US-Japan war</description>
<movie title="Transformers">
   <type>Anime, Science Fiction</type>
   <description>A schientific fiction</description>
   <movie title="Trigun">
   <type>Anime, Action</type>
   <description>Vash the Stampede!</description>
<movie title="Ishtar">
   <description>Viewable boredom</description>


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
import xml.dom.minidom
# 使用minidom解析器打开 XML 文档
DOMTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse("movies.xml")
collection = DOMTree.documentElement
if collection.hasAttribute("shelf"):
   print "Root element : %s" % collection.getAttribute("shelf")
# 在集合中获取所有电影
movies = collection.getElementsByTagName("movie")
# 打印每部电影的详细信息
for movie in movies:
   print "*****Movie*****"
   if movie.hasAttribute("title"):
      print "Title: %s" % movie.getAttribute("title")
   type = movie.getElementsByTagName('type')[0]
   print "Type: %s" % type.childNodes[0].data
   format = movie.getElementsByTagName('format')[0]
   print "Format: %s" % format.childNodes[0].data
   rating = movie.getElementsByTagName('rating')[0]
   print "Rating: %s" % rating.childNodes[0].data
   description = movie.getElementsByTagName('description')[0]
   print "Description: %s" % description.childNodes[0].data

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
import xml.dom.minidom
# 使用minidom解析器打开 XML 文档
DOMTree = xml.dom.minidom.parse("movies.xml")
collection = DOMTree.documentElement
if collection.hasAttribute("shelf"):
   print "Root element : %s" % collection.getAttribute("shelf")
# 在集合中获取所有电影
movies = collection.getElementsByTagName("movie")
# 打印每部电影的详细信息
for movie in movies:
   print "*****Movie*****"
   if movie.hasAttribute("title"):
      print "Title: %s" % movie.getAttribute("title")
   type = movie.getElementsByTagName('type')[0]
   print "Type: %s" % type.childNodes[0].data
   format = movie.getElementsByTagName('format')[0]
   print "Format: %s" % format.childNodes[0].data
   rating = movie.getElementsByTagName('rating')[0]
   print "Rating: %s" % rating.childNodes[0].data
   description = movie.getElementsByTagName('description')[0]
   print "Description: %s" % description.childNodes[0].data


Root element : New Arrivals
Title: Enemy Behind
Type: War, Thriller
Format: DVD
Rating: PG
Description: Talk about a US-Japan war
Title: Transformers
Type: Anime, Science Fiction
Format: DVD
Rating: R
Description: A schientific fiction
Title: Trigun
Type: Anime, Action
Format: DVD
Rating: PG
Description: Vash the Stampede!
Title: Ishtar
Type: Comedy
Format: VHS
Rating: PG
Description: Viewable boredom



# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import os

import xml.dom.minidom

xml_file_path = "/home/lyz/data/VOCdevkit/MyDataSet/Annotations/"
lst_label = ["height", "width", "depth"]
lst_dir = os.listdir(xml_file_path)

for file_name in lst_dir:
    file_path = xml_file_path + file_name
    tree = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file_path)
    root = tree.documentElement		#获取根结点
    size_node = root.getElementsByTagName("size")[0]
    for size_label in lst_label:	#替换size标签下的子节点
        child_tag = "img_" + size_label
        child_node = size_node.getElementsByTagName(child_tag)[0]
        new_node = tree.createElement(size_label)
        text = tree.createTextNode(child_node.firstChild.data)
        size_node.replaceChild(new_node, child_node)

    lst_obj = root.getElementsByTagName("object")
    data = {}
    for obj_node in lst_obj:
        box_node = obj_node.getElementsByTagName("bounding_box")[0]
        new_box_node = tree.createElement("bndbox")
        for child_node in box_node.childNodes:
            tmp_node = child_node.cloneNode("deep")
        x_node = new_box_node.getElementsByTagName("x_left_top")[0]
        xmin = x_node.firstChild.data
        data["xmin"] = (xmin, x_node)
        y_node = new_box_node.getElementsByTagName("y_left_top")[0]
        ymin = y_node.firstChild.data
        data["ymin"] = (ymin, y_node)
        w_node = new_box_node.getElementsByTagName("width")[0]
        xmax = str(int(xmin) + int(w_node.firstChild.data))
        data["xmax"] = (xmax, w_node)
        h_node = new_box_node.getElementsByTagName("height")[0]
        ymax = str(int(ymin) + int(h_node.firstChild.data))
        data["ymax"] = (ymax, h_node)

        for k, v in data.items():
            new_node = tree.createElement(k)
            text = tree.createTextNode(v[0])
            new_box_node.replaceChild(new_node, v[1])
        obj_node.replaceChild(new_box_node, box_node)

    with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
        tree.writexml(f, indent="\n", addindent="\t", encoding='utf-8')

    lines = []
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()[1:]
    with open(file_path, 'wb') as f:

