
def test[T] (x:T, m:Manifest[T]) { ... }


这里给出了一个例子摘自 StackOverflow :

def foo[T](x: List[T])(implicit m: Manifest[T]) = {
    if (m <:< manifest[String])
      println("Hey, this list is full of strings")
      println("Non-stringy list")

foo(List("one", "two")) // Hey, this list is full of strings
foo(List(1, 2)) // Non-stringy list
foo(List("one", 2)) // Non-stringy list

隐式参数m是由编译器根据上下文自动传入的,比如上面是编译器根据 “one”,”two” 推断出 T 的类型是 String,从而隐式的传入了一个Manifest[String]类型的对象参数,使得运行时可以根据这个参数做更多的事情。

不过上面的foo 方法定义使用隐式参数的方式,仍显得啰嗦,于是scala里又引入了“上下文绑定”,回顾一下之前的这篇:scala类型系统:13) context bounds,使得foo方法

def foo[T](x: List[T]) (implicit m: Manifest[T])

def foo[T:Manifest] (x: List[T])


scala> class A[T]

scala> val m = manifest[A[String]]

scala> val cm = classManifest[A[String]]

根据规范里的说法,m的信息是完整的:m: Manifest[A[String]] = A[java.lang.String],而 cm 则只有 A[_] 即不包含类型参数的信息,但我在2.10下验证cm也是:cm: ClassManifest[A[String]] = A[java.lang.String]


scala> m.typeArguments
res8: List[scala.reflect.Manifest[_]] = List(java.lang.String)

scala> cm.typeArguments
res9: List[scala.reflect.OptManifest[_]] = List(java.lang.String)


scala> class A[B]  // 注意在2.10下与帖子中不一致,A[+B] 也是同样的效果
defined class A

scala> manifest[A[_]]
res15: scala.reflect.Manifest[A[_]] = A[_ <: Any]

scala> classManifest[A[_]]
res16: scala.reflect.ClassTag[A[_]] = A[<?>]

到这里我们基本明白了 ManifestClassManifest,不过scala在2.10里却用TypeTag替代了Manifest,用ClassTag替代了ClassManifest,原因是在路径依赖类型中,Manifest存在问题:

scala> class Foo{class Bar}

scala> def m(f: Foo)(b: f.Bar)(implicit ev: Manifest[f.Bar]) = ev

scala> val f1 = new Foo;val b1 = new f1.Bar
scala> val f2 = new Foo;val b2 = new f2.Bar

scala> val ev1 = m(f1)(b1)
ev1: Manifest[f1.Bar] = Foo@681e731c.type#Foo$Bar

scala> val ev2 = m(f2)(b2)
ev2: Manifest[f2.Bar] = Foo@3e50039c.type#Foo$Bar

scala> ev1 == ev2 // they should be different, thus the result is wrong
res28: Boolean = true

ev1 不应该等于 ev2 的,因为其依赖路径(外部实例)是不一样的。

还有其他因素(见下面的引用),所以在2.10版本里,使用TypeTag 替代了 Manifest

Manifests are a lie. It has no knowledge of variance (assumes all type parameters are co-variants), and it has no support for path-dependent, existential or structural types.

TypeTags are types as the compiler understands them. Not “like” the compiler understands them, but “as” the compiler understands them — the compiler itself use TypeTags. It’s not 1-to-1, it’s just 1. :-)