Android emoji 选择库 安卓emoji替换ios_vue


Android emoji 选择库 安卓emoji替换ios_java_02

Emoji are fun to use, but if you’re like most people, you tend to use a few of them a lot more often than others. Instead of switching to the Emoji keyboard every time, why not set up a text replacement shortcut so that you can just type the Emoji you want to use?

表情符号使用起来很有趣,但是如果您像大多数人一样,往往会比其他人更频繁地使用其中的一些。 为什么不设置文本替换快捷方式,而不是每次都切换到表情符号键盘,以便您可以键入要使用的表情符号?

There are a number of ways to type faster on your iOS keyboard, and text replacement is one of the best. Just type a few letters and hit space to have iOS fill in words, phrases, whole paragraphs…or yes, even your favorite emoji. And as a bonus, once you set up shortcuts for your emoji, you can even disable the emoji keyboard (say, if you want to declutter your keyboard) and your text replacement shortcuts will still work just fine.

有多种方法可以在iOS键盘上加快键入速度 ,而文本替换是最好的方法之一。 只需输入几个字母并按空格,即可让iOS填写单词,词组,整个段落……或者是,甚至是您最喜欢的表情符号。 另外,一旦为表情符号设置了快捷方式,您甚至可以禁用表情符号键盘(例如,如果要使键盘更整洁),并且文本替换快捷方式仍然可以正常使用。

To set up a text replacement shortcut, you’ll first need to open up your Settings app and then tap General.


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On the General page, scroll down a bit and then tap Keyboard.


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On the Keyboards page, tap “Text Replacement.”


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The Text Replacement page shows the text replacement shortcuts you may have already created. Tap the New button to create a new shortcut.

“文本替换”页面显示您可能已经创建的文本替换快捷方式。 点击“新建”按钮以创建一个新的快捷方式。

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Tap the Phrase box to select it and then tap the Emoji key to switch to the Emoji keyboard.


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Tap the Emoji for which you’d like to create a shortcut and the Emoji will appear in the Phrase box. Tap the Shortcut box to select it, and then tap the ABC key to return to the normal keyboard.

点按您要为其创建快捷方式的表情符号,表情符号将出现在“短语”框中。 点击快捷方式框将其选中,然后点击ABC键以返回到普通键盘。

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Type in whatever shortcut you’d like to trigger the Emoji. I favor using a symbol like a semicolon before each shortcut (no space after) and then using full words, but you can type whatever suits you. When you’re done, tap Save.

输入您想要触发表情符号的任何快捷方式。 我更喜欢在每个快捷方式之前使用分号之类的符号(在其后没有空格),然后使用完整的单词,但是您可以键入任何适合您的单词。 完成后,点击保存。

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And that’s all there is to it. Now, whenever you type your shortcut and then tap Space, the Emoji will replace the text automatically. If you use emojis a lot, adding a few quick text replacement shortcuts for them will make things easier on you. And the coolest part is that once you set them up, you can remove the Emoji keyboard and your shortcuts will still work.

这就是全部。 现在,只要您键入快捷方式,然后点按“空格”,表情符号就会自动替换文本。 如果您经常使用表情符号,则为它们添加一些快速的文本替换快捷方式将使您更轻松。 最酷的部分是,一旦设置好它们,就可以删除Emoji键盘,快捷方式仍然可以使用。

