回滚 centos rm 回滚显卡驱动_java


回滚 centos rm 回滚显卡驱动_windows_02

Updating a driver on your PC doesn’t always work out well. Sometimes, they introduce bugs or simply don’t run as well as the version they replaced. Luckily, Windows makes it easy to roll back to a previous driver in Windows 10. Here’s how.

在PC上更新驱动程序并非总是能正常工作。 有时,它们会引入错误或根本无法像替换的版本那样运行。 幸运的是,Windows使在Windows 10中轻松回滚到以前的驱动程序的方法如下。

While driver updates generally go pretty well, that’s not always the case. Often, updated versions introduce new features or fix bugs, but sometimes they bring new problems of their own. Those problems can range from poor performance to odd behavior to system-crashing bugs. Generally, we don’t recommend updating drivers unless you’re experiencing particular problems or need specific features that you know the update fixes or includes. In other words, don’t fix what isn’t broken. Still, sometimes you’ll want to install new drivers and take a chance. Here’s how to recover when that chance doesn’t pay off.

虽然驱动程序更新通常进行得很顺利,但并非总是如此。 通常,更新版本会引入新功能或修复错误,但有时它们会带来新的问题。 这些问题的范围从性能低下到奇怪的行为到系统崩溃的错误。 通常,我们不建议您更新驱动程序,除非您遇到特定问题或需要知道该更新已修复或包含的特定功能。 换句话说,不要修复没有损坏的东西。 尽管如此,有时您还是需要安装新的驱动程序并把握机会。 当机会没有回报时,这是如何恢复的方法。

(How to Roll Back a Driver)

When you roll back a driver, Windows uninstalls the current driver and then re-installs the previous version. Note that Windows keeps the previous version of drivers around for just this purpose, but only the previous version—it does not keep an archive of even older drivers for you to select.

回滚驱动程序时,Windows会卸载当前驱动程序,然后重新安装以前的版本。 请注意,Windows仅出于此目的保留驱动程序的先前版本,而仅保留先前的版本-它不会保留甚至更旧的驱动程序的存档供您选择。

Note: You’ll need to be signed into an account with administrator privileges to roll back a driver. Also, the feature is not available for printer drivers.

注意:您需要使用管理员权限登录到帐户才能回滚驱动程序。 另外,该功能不适用于打印机驱动程序。

As with any other such procedure, we do recommend backing up your PC before getting started.


Open up Device Manager by pressing Windows+X and then clicking the “Device Manager” option on the Power Users menu.

通过按Windows + X,然后单击“高级用户”菜单上的“设备管理器”选项,打开设备管理器。

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翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/404131/how-to-roll-back-a-driver-in-windows/
