



There is currently an issue with explosions where some blocks will turn into items that cannot be picked up, and some blocks will turn into falling blocks that never set properly on the ground. If you log out and log back in, you will be able to pick up the items and the glitched blocks should be fixed.




Fixed issue with rain sounds causing the console to spam errors.


MC-134915 - The player walks, jumps and falls really fast in Superflat or after changing dimension

MC-134915 - 在超平坦世界的玩家或在改变维度后的玩家会在走动、跳跃以及从高处掉落时会变得很快

MC-134905 - Exception ticking world

MC-134905 - 崩溃:Exception ticking world

MC-134903 - Mobs can break turtle eggs by standing on them when gamerule mobGriefing is false

MC-134903 - 在游戏规则mobGriefing为false时生物仍可以通过站在海龟蛋上的方式来破坏它

MC-134858 - The TNT block state "explode" does not carry over to 1.13.1's "unstable"

MC-134858 - TNT的方块状态“explode”不应该被带到1.13.1中

MC-134833 - Fast movement

MC-134833 - 移动速度变快了

MC-134828 - Server crash - Ticking world entities

MC-134828 - 服务器崩溃:Ticking world entities

MC-134826 - Deleting a world doesn't remove it from the list until re-entering world list

MC-134826 - 在删除世界后并不会将世界立即从世界列表中移除(在重新进入世界选择列表时才会)

MC-134819 - Game speeds up when entering the nether sometimes.

MC-134819 - 有时在进入地狱后游戏的运行速度会变得更快

MC-134816 - Crash: Exception ticking world entities

MC-134816 - 崩溃:Exception ticking world entities

MC-134274 - Map Markers for players holding a different Map

MC-134274 - 地图上会显示其他拿着不同地图的玩家

MC-134273 - Player Markers on Map after disconnect

MC-134273 - 断开连接的玩家仍会在地图上显示

MC-133294 - Map Markers blacked out

MC-133294 - 地图上的标记变黑了

MC-123880 - Clientbound play packet 0x0C (Boss Bar) using same byte for different booleans

MC-123880 - 客户端侧的播放封包0X0C(Boss条)对两个不同的布尔值都使用了相同的字节

MC-123586 - Debug pie chart uses locale specific number formatting

MC-123586 - Debug(F3)的饼形图使用了本地化的特定数字格式

MC-120780 - Chunk data packets are sometimes created unnecessarily

MC-120780 - 区块数据包有时会被多余地创建

MC-120664 - Tool durability is off-by-one

MC-120664 - 工具耐久度被允许等于0

MC-119856 - Slime blocks missing cullface argument

MC-119856 - 史莱姆方块模型的callface参数丢失了

MC-114218 - Dispensers and droppers don't offset smoke particles when facing up or down

MC-114218 - 发射器和投掷器在面对顶部或底部时不会对喷出的粒子做偏移

MC-76615 - Lightning bolt summoned by /summon is offset +0.5x and +0.5z

MC-76615 - 用summon命令生成的闪电的坐标会在x轴和z轴方向上增加0.5个方块

MC-75465 - Vignette effect's visibility is not being updated according to light level when GUI is hidden

MC-75465 - 在GUI隐藏时,黑边效果的可见性并不会根据亮度等级来变化

MC-74764 - Particle "largeexplode", "hugeexplosion" and "sweepattack" not showing when using the front view (twice F5)

MC-74764 - 粒子效果“largeexplode”、“hugeexplosion” 和“sweepattack” 不会在使用正面视角(按两次F5)时显示