




本文模型选取为一个简单的连接器悬臂端子,目标是去评估它的结构刚度(K值)以及塑性变形状况。 考虑的参数变量有3组,分别为:(材料磷青铜(C5191R-H),板材厚度0.30mm),(材料镍铜(C7025-TM02),板材厚度0.25mm),(材料不锈钢(SUS301-1/2H),板材厚度0.20mm)。 端子几何模型如图1所示,装配模型如图2所示。端子的网格划分为S4R单元,将Set-Fix这个集固定。端子上方的刚性板会下压和端子产生接触。接触属性设置为法向硬接触,切向无摩擦力。端子的厚度属性和材料属性暂时先随便填一个。 分析步共计2个Step,step-1是刚性板下压0.5mm,step-2是刚性板上抬0.5mm回到初始位置。之后是生成这个案例的inp文件。

abaqus导出python脚本 abaqus怎么导出odb_abaqus导出python脚本


 图1. 端子几何模型   


abaqus导出python脚本 abaqus怎么导出odb_Python_02

     图2. 端子的装配模型


在上一步生成的inp文件的Section部分,需要将*shell section此行的material=改成material=,之后一行改成,9。

** Section: Section-1*Shell Section, elset=_PickedSet12, material=, offset=SPOS, 9



# create the studypars = ('thick1','mat')           cons=ParStudy(par=pars,directory=OFF,verbose=ON)           # define the parameters                       cons.define(CONTINUOUS, par='thick1')cons.define(DISCRETE, par='mat')# sample the parameters                       cons.sample(INTERVAL, par='thick1', interval=0.05, domain=(0.20,0.30))cons.sample(VALUES,par='mat',values=('SUS301-3/4H-N1','C7025-TM02-N1','C5191R-H'))# combine the samples to give the designscons.combine(TUPLE,name='Con')# generate analysis datacons.generate(template='Contact_Study')# execute all analysis jobs sequentiallycons.execute(INTERACTIVE)# PARAMETRIC STUDY OUTPUTcons.output(file=ODB)# GATHER RESULTS FOR HISTORY OUTPUT AND WRITE XYPLOTcons.gather(results='u2',step=1,request=HISTORY,variable='U2',node=1,instance='Rigid-1')cons.gather(results='RF2',step=1,request=HISTORY,variable='RF2',node=1,instance='Rigid-1')cons.report(FILE, file='U_RF.psr', results=('u2','RF2')


在Abaqus command中执行命令:Abaqus script=cons.psf


***COMMENT: Parameter study created with 2 parameter(s) ***COMMENT: Executing the define command ***COMMENT: Current definition for parameter 'thick1':   type      = 'CONTINUOUS'   domain    = None   reference = None   sample    = None ***COMMENT: Executing the define command ***COMMENT: Current definition for parameter 'mat':   type      = 'DISCRETE'   domain    = None   reference = None   sample    = None ***COMMENT: Executing the sample command ***COMMENT: Current sample for parameter 'thick1':   Sample = [0.20000000000000001, 0.25, 0.29999999999999999] ***COMMENT: Executing the sample command ***COMMENT: Current sample for parameter 'mat':   Sample = ['SUS301-3/4H-N1', 'C7025-TM02-N1', 'C5191R-H'] ***COMMENT: Executing the combine command ***COMMENT: Current design(s) in design set 'Con':   c1 = [0.20000000000000001, 'SUS301-3/4H-N1']   c2 = [0.25, 'C7025-TM02-N1']   c3 = [0.29999999999999999, 'C5191R-H'] ***COMMENT: Executing the generate command ***COMMENT: The current generated variation file is 'cons.var' ***COMMENT: The jobs created by the parameter study are:   Contact_Study_cons_Con_c1   Contact_Study_cons_Con_c2Contact_Study_cons_Con_c3 ***COMMENT: Executing the execute command ***COMMENT: Starting execution of the parameter study in INTERACTIVE mode




  (1) Execute the next design of this study

  (2) Execute the next `n` designs of this study

  (3) Skip over the next `n` designs of this study

  (4) Execute the remaining designs of this study

  (5) Skip over the remaining designs of this study


option = 4Contact_Study_cons_Con_c1 completedContact_Study_cons_Con_c2 completedContact_Study_cons_Con_c3 completed*COMMENT: No more designs remain to be executed*COMMENT: Executing the output command*COMMENT: Executing the gather command*COMMENT: A gather with the following settingresult = 'u2'file = 'ODB'step = 1instance = 'Rigid-1'frameValue = 'LAST' or mode = 1variable = 'U2'node = 1request = 'HISTORY'*COMMENT: Getting the result for design set Con*COMMENT: The gather for 'u2' was successful*COMMENT: Executing the gather command*COMMENT: A gather with the following setting is reresult = 'RF2'file = 'ODB'step = 1instance = 'Rigid-1'frameValue = 'LAST' or mode = 1variable = 'RF2'node = 1request = 'HISTORY'*COMMENT: Getting the result for design set Con*COMMENT: The gather for 'RF2' was successful*COMMENT: Executing the report command*COMMENT: Results written to the file 'U_RF.psr'



abaqus导出python脚本 abaqus怎么导出odb_abaqus导出python脚本_03

图3. Psr文件收集到的结果


for i in range(1,3):    odbName = 'Contact_Study_cons_Con_c' + str(i) + '.odb'    odb = session.openOdb(name=odbName)    session.XYDataFromHistory(name='RF2', odb=odb, outputVariableName='Reaction force: RF2 PI: RIGID-1 Node 1 in NSET SET-1', steps=('Step-1', 'Step-2', ), skipFrequency=1)    session.XYDataFromHistory(name='U2', odb=odb, outputVariableName='Spatial displacement: U2 PI: RIGID-1 Node 1 in NSET SET-1', steps=('Step-1', 'Step-2', ), skipFrequency=1)    xy1 = session.xyDataObjects['U2']    xy2 = session.xyDataObjects['RF2']    xy3 = combine(-xy1, -xy2)    session.XYData(name='RF2vsU2'+'_'+str(i), objectToCopy=xy3, sourceDescription='combine ( -"U2", -"RF2" )')    x0 = session.xyDataObjects['RF2vsU2'+'_'+str(i)]    session.xyReportOptions.setValues(numDigits=9)    session.writeXYReport(fileName= 'Contact_Study_cons_Con_c' + str(i)  + '.rpt', appendMode=OFF, xyData=(x0, ))    del session.xyDataObjects['RF2']    del session.xyDataObjects['U2']    del session.xyDataObjects['RF2vsU2']


Con_c1; [0.20, 'SUS301-3/4H-N1'];Con_c2; [0.25, 'C7025-TM02-N1'];Con_c3; [0.30, 'C5191R-H'];


abaqus导出python脚本 abaqus怎么导出odb_优化问题_04

图4. RF vs Stoke