


demo函数怎么用 demos函数画图_三角函数


学生说——By: Lloyd &Mia

我们在数学课上已经学习了很多种类的函数,比如一次函数、二次函数、三角函数、圆、椭圆、对数函数、指数函数等等。学习函数的过程可能是无聊的, zeros, x-intercepts, y-intercepts, maximum value, minimum value, domain, range, asymptote, reflection, translation, stretch, graph... 我们常常被这些函数的图像、性质而搞得晕头转向。

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Desmos是一个完全免费的函数绘图计算器网站,它具有很多功能,微积分、统计、参数方程、极坐标也完全不在话下。Desmos的官网上也会有一些牛人用函数做的优秀作品展示以及相关比赛等。所以近期,我们的数学外教Ms. Vee 留了一项相关的作业———用Desmos画图。

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作业可以以小组(peer activity) 或个人(individual activity) 的方式完成,我们所完成的作品没有要求,可以是建筑、动物、logo等等,但要确保用到linear functions, quadratic functions, circle, absolute functions, square root functions等函数,并设计一幅海报(poster)。

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起初,我们都很困惑,无论是画什么,还是怎么画,大家都一筹莫展。但随着和自己partner的探讨和对于Desmos, functions组合的深入研究。最后每一组或个人都呈现出了一幅幅令人惊艳的作品。





外教说——By: Vithel Niez

Our textbook suggested a unit project entitled “The Art of Mathematics”. Since we are tackling different functions and using Desmos in showing graphs, I preferred to give this specific Function Art Project that I found on the internet. 

How can we use mathematical functions to create a piece of art that is meaningful to ourselves and others? This is the essential question in this project. As mentioned from the website, "Function Art" will be an opportunity for the students to reflect on all of the different types of functions they've studied, and particularly the properties and features of their graphs. This project will allow them to integrate their knowledge of the graphs of the major functions and relations of study in algebra, Pre-Calculus 12 and past Mathematics lessons with the concepts of domain, range, and transformations of functions. During the project, they will apply what they know about the mathematical phenomena of translations, stretches, compressions, and shifts of graphs, and use what they learn to help create an outstanding piece of mathematical design.

The students submitted 1) Digital Graphic Art by sharing permalink on Edmodo, 2) Self-Reflection writing and 3) Poster that are mounted on Gallery Wall at the back of Math classroom. Their posters are amazing! They’ve done their best and showed creativity using functions. I am impressed!

These are some of Desmos permalink where we can see the varied functions they used to create their art: