
1.1 说明




2.1 源码

 * Defines the algorithm for searching for metadata-associated methods exhaustively
 * including interfaces and parent classes while also dealing with parameterized methods
 * as well as common scenarios encountered with interface and class-based proxies.
 * <p>Typically, but not necessarily, used for finding annotated handler methods.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Rossen Stoyanchev
 * @since 4.2.3
public final class MethodIntrospector {

	private MethodIntrospector() {

	 * Select methods on the given target type based on the lookup of associated metadata.
	 * <p>Callers define methods of interest through the {@link MetadataLookup} parameter,
	 * allowing to collect the associated metadata into the result map.
	 * @param targetType the target type to search methods on
	 * @param metadataLookup a {@link MetadataLookup} callback to inspect methods of interest,
	 * returning non-null metadata to be associated with a given method if there is a match,
	 * or {@code null} for no match
	 * @return the selected methods associated with their metadata (in the order of retrieval),
	 * or an empty map in case of no match
	public static <T> Map<Method, T> selectMethods(Class<?> targetType, final MetadataLookup<T> metadataLookup) {
		final Map<Method, T> methodMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
		Set<Class<?>> handlerTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
		Class<?> specificHandlerType = null;

		if (!Proxy.isProxyClass(targetType)) {
			specificHandlerType = ClassUtils.getUserClass(targetType);

		for (Class<?> currentHandlerType : handlerTypes) {
			final Class<?> targetClass = (specificHandlerType != null ? specificHandlerType : currentHandlerType);

			ReflectionUtils.doWithMethods(currentHandlerType, method -> {
				Method specificMethod = ClassUtils.getMostSpecificMethod(method, targetClass);
				T result = metadataLookup.inspect(specificMethod);
				if (result != null) {
					Method bridgedMethod = BridgeMethodResolver.findBridgedMethod(specificMethod);
					if (bridgedMethod == specificMethod || metadataLookup.inspect(bridgedMethod) == null) {
						methodMap.put(specificMethod, result);
			}, ReflectionUtils.USER_DECLARED_METHODS);

		return methodMap;

	 * Select methods on the given target type based on a filter.
	 * <p>Callers define methods of interest through the {@code MethodFilter} parameter.
	 * @param targetType the target type to search methods on
	 * @param methodFilter a {@code MethodFilter} to help
	 * recognize handler methods of interest
	 * @return the selected methods, or an empty set in case of no match
	public static Set<Method> selectMethods(Class<?> targetType, final ReflectionUtils.MethodFilter methodFilter) {
		return selectMethods(targetType,
				(MetadataLookup<Boolean>) method -> (methodFilter.matches(method) ? Boolean.TRUE : null)).keySet();

	 * Select an invocable method on the target type: either the given method itself
	 * if actually exposed on the target type, or otherwise a corresponding method
	 * on one of the target type's interfaces or on the target type itself.
	 * <p>Matches on user-declared interfaces will be preferred since they are likely
	 * to contain relevant metadata that corresponds to the method on the target class.
	 * @param method the method to check
	 * @param targetType the target type to search methods on
	 * (typically an interface-based JDK proxy)
	 * @return a corresponding invocable method on the target type
	 * @throws IllegalStateException if the given method is not invocable on the given
	 * target type (typically due to a proxy mismatch)
	public static Method selectInvocableMethod(Method method, Class<?> targetType) {
		if (method.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(targetType)) {
			return method;
		try {
			String methodName = method.getName();
			Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
			for (Class<?> ifc : targetType.getInterfaces()) {
				try {
					return ifc.getMethod(methodName, parameterTypes);
				catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
					// Alright, not on this interface then...
			// A final desperate attempt on the proxy class itself...
			return targetType.getMethod(methodName, parameterTypes);
		catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
			throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(
					"Need to invoke method '%s' declared on target class '%s', " +
					"but not found in any interface(s) of the exposed proxy type. " +
					"Either pull the method up to an interface or switch to CGLIB " +
					"proxies by enforcing proxy-target-class mode in your configuration.",
					method.getName(), method.getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName()));

	 * A callback interface for metadata lookup on a given method.
	 * @param <T> the type of metadata returned
	public interface MetadataLookup<T> {

		 * Perform a lookup on the given method and return associated metadata, if any.
		 * @param method the method to inspect
		 * @return non-null metadata to be associated with a method if there is a match,
		 * or {@code null} for no match
		T inspect(Method method);


2.2 原理解析

2.2.1 MetadataLookup


	 * A callback interface for metadata lookup on a given method.
	 * @param <T> the type of metadata returned
	public interface MetadataLookup<T> {

		 * 对给定的方法执行查找并返回关联的元数据(如果有)
		 * @param method 需要檢查的方法
		 * @return 如果存在匹配项,则将非null元数据与方法关联;如果没有匹配项,则为null
		T inspect(Method method);

经常结合其他工具类来实现该接口类。 例如:查询方法上的第一个MyAnnotation注解并返回

 * MyAnnotation注解
 * @author Leon
 * @date 2020-12-07 11:06
public @interface MyAnnotation

 * @MyAnnotation 注解的元数据查询类
 * @author Leon
 * @date 2020-12-07 11:05
public class MyAnnotationLookup implements MethodIntrospector.MetadataLookup<MyAnnotation>

	 * 查询该方法上的第一个的MyAnnotation注解并返回
	public MyAnnotation inspect(Method method)
		return AnnotatedElementUtils.findMergedAnnotation(method, MyAnnotation.class);

2.2.2 selectMethods(Class, MetadataLookup)



	 * 根据自定义的metadataLookup参数在指定类上查询符合要求的method结果集作为结果返回
	 * targetType: 方法搜索所基于的目标类的类型
	 * metadataLookup: 自定义的metadataLookup参数。如果存在匹配,则返回要与给定方法关联的非空元数据,如果没有匹配,则返回null
	public static <T> Map<Method, T> selectMethods(Class<?> targetType, final MetadataLookup<T> metadataLookup) {
		final Map<Method, T> methodMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
		Set<Class<?>> handlerTypes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
		Class<?> specificHandlerType = null;

		if (!Proxy.isProxyClass(targetType)) {
			// 如果是代理类,找到实际的类型
			specificHandlerType = ClassUtils.getUserClass(targetType);

		// 遍历所有找到的class对象:包括当前类自身、其父类、其实现的接口
		for (Class<?> currentHandlerType : handlerTypes) {
			final Class<?> targetClass = (specificHandlerType != null ? specificHandlerType : currentHandlerType);

			ReflectionUtils.doWithMethods(currentHandlerType, method -> {
				Method specificMethod = ClassUtils.getMostSpecificMethod(method, targetClass);
				// 获取方法关联的元数据,这里实际是指注解
				T result = metadataLookup.inspect(specificMethod);
				if (result != null) {
					// 找到所提供的Method的原始方法
					Method bridgedMethod = BridgeMethodResolver.findBridgedMethod(specificMethod);
					if (bridgedMethod == specificMethod || metadataLookup.inspect(bridgedMethod) == null) {
						methodMap.put(specificMethod, result);
			}, ReflectionUtils.USER_DECLARED_METHODS);

		return methodMap;



public class XxlJobSpringExecutor extends XxlJobExecutor implements ApplicationContextAware, SmartInitializingSingleton, DisposableBean {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(XxlJobSpringExecutor.class);

    // start
    public void afterSingletonsInstantiated() {

        // init JobHandler Repository

        // init JobHandler Repository (for method)

        // refresh GlueFactory

        // super start
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    // destroy
    public void destroy() {

    /*private void initJobHandlerRepository(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
        if (applicationContext == null) {

        // init job handler action
        Map<String, Object> serviceBeanMap = applicationContext.getBeansWithAnnotation(JobHandler.class);

        if (serviceBeanMap != null && serviceBeanMap.size() > 0) {
            for (Object serviceBean : serviceBeanMap.values()) {
                if (serviceBean instanceof IJobHandler) {
                    String name = serviceBean.getClass().getAnnotation(JobHandler.class).value();
                    IJobHandler handler = (IJobHandler) serviceBean;
                    if (loadJobHandler(name) != null) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job jobhandler[" + name + "] naming conflicts.");
                    registJobHandler(name, handler);

    private void initJobHandlerMethodRepository(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
        if (applicationContext == null) {
        // init job handler from method
        String[] beanDefinitionNames = applicationContext.getBeanNamesForType(Object.class, false, true);
        for (String beanDefinitionName : beanDefinitionNames) {
            Object bean = applicationContext.getBean(beanDefinitionName);

            Map<Method, XxlJob> annotatedMethods = null;   // referred to :org.springframework.context.event.EventListenerMethodProcessor.processBean
            try {
            	// 含义解释:
            	//     在当前bean的类中,寻找上标有@XxlJob注解的方法。可能存在0个、1个或多个Method。将结果集以Map<Method, XxlJob>的形式返回。
                annotatedMethods = MethodIntrospector.selectMethods(bean.getClass(),
                        new MethodIntrospector.MetadataLookup<XxlJob>() {
                            public XxlJob inspect(Method method) {
                                return AnnotatedElementUtils.findMergedAnnotation(method, XxlJob.class);
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
                logger.error("xxl-job method-jobhandler resolve error for bean[" + beanDefinitionName + "].", ex);
            if (annotatedMethods==null || annotatedMethods.isEmpty()) {

            for (Map.Entry<Method, XxlJob> methodXxlJobEntry : annotatedMethods.entrySet()) {
                Method method = methodXxlJobEntry.getKey();
                XxlJob xxlJob = methodXxlJobEntry.getValue();
                if (xxlJob == null) {

                String name = xxlJob.value();
                if (name.trim().length() == 0) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler name invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#" + method.getName() + "] .");
                if (loadJobHandler(name) != null) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job jobhandler[" + name + "] naming conflicts.");

                // execute method
                if (!(method.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && method.getParameterTypes()[0].isAssignableFrom(String.class))) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler param-classtype invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#" + method.getName() + "] , " +
                            "The correct method format like \" public ReturnT<String> execute(String param) \" .");
                if (!method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(ReturnT.class)) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler return-classtype invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#" + method.getName() + "] , " +
                            "The correct method format like \" public ReturnT<String> execute(String param) \" .");

                // init and destory
                Method initMethod = null;
                Method destroyMethod = null;

                if (xxlJob.init().trim().length() > 0) {
                    try {
                        initMethod = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(xxlJob.init());
                    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler initMethod invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#" + method.getName() + "] .");
                if (xxlJob.destroy().trim().length() > 0) {
                    try {
                        destroyMethod = bean.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(xxlJob.destroy());
                    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("xxl-job method-jobhandler destroyMethod invalid, for[" + bean.getClass() + "#" + method.getName() + "] .");

                // registry jobhandler
                registJobHandler(name, new MethodJobHandler(bean, method, initMethod, destroyMethod));


    // ---------------------- applicationContext ----------------------
    private static ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
        this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

    public static ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
        return applicationContext;
