


买票有多个窗口,假设有 3 个好了,窗口之间共享一个票池,每个窗口都可以买票直到票池里面没有票可以卖。

不难写出下面的代码。import threading

import random
class WindowThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self,name):
self.name = name
self.tickts = 0
def run(self):
global tickt_count
while tickt_count > 0:
print('%s notice:There has %d tickts remain ' %(self.name,tickt_count))
if tickt_count > 2:
number = random.randint(1,2)
number = 1
tickt_count -= number
self.tickts += number
print('%s have buy %d tickt,the remain tickt\'t count is %d .Already buy %d \n'
% (self.name, number, tickt_count, self.tickts))
print('%s notice:There is no tickt can sold! Already sold %d'%(self.name,self.tickts))
tickt_count = 10
window1 = WindowThread('window1')
window2 = WindowThread('window2')
window3 = WindowThread('window3')
print('tickt count ',tickt_count)

假设有 3 个窗口,总共有 10 张票。

在每个窗口排队购票时,窗口会告诉你当前还剩多少票。if tickt_count > 2:

number = random.randint(1,2)
number = 1
tickt_count -= number
self.tickts += number

每个人最多购买 2 张票,如果票池当中只剩下 1 张票时,那么也只能购买一张票了。

tickt_count 是票池里面剩余的票的数量。

tickts 是每个窗口已经卖出的数量。


最后,所有的窗口无票可卖的时候,结束。然后打印 票池里面的票数,理论上应该是 0,因为票已经卖光了。

我们看结果运行如何:window1 notice:There has 10 tickts remain

window2 notice:There has 10 tickts remain
window1 have buy 2 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 8 .Already buy 2
window2 have buy 1 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 7 .Already buy 1
window1 notice:There has 7 tickts remain
window1 have buy 2 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 5 .Already buy 4
window1 notice:There has 5 tickts remain
window1 have buy 1 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 4 .Already buy 5
window1 notice:There has 4 tickts remain
window1 have buy 1 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 3 .Already buy 6
window1 notice:There has 3 tickts remain
window1 have buy 2 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 1 .Already buy 8
window3 notice:There has 1 tickts remain
window1 notice:There has 1 tickts remain
window1 have buy 1 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 0 .Already buy 9
window1 notice:There is no tickt can sold! Already sold 9
window3 have buy 1 tickt,the remain tickt't count is -1 .Already buy 1
window3 notice:There is no tickt can sold! Already sold 1
window2 notice:There is no tickt can sold! Already sold 1
tickt count -1


3 个窗口的卖出的总数对不上。

最后显示 tickt count 为 -1,而不是 0,这显然不符合我们的预期。




A:Lock 机制可以解决

什么是 Lock?

Lock 中文称为锁,是一种初级的多线程同步的手段。

Lock 有 locked 和 unlocked 两种状态,而这两中状态之间是可以转换的.当 Lock 是 unlocked 状态时候,某个线程调用 acquire() 可以获取这个 Lock,并且将 Lock将状态转换成 locked 状态,并且线程不会阻塞。

但当 Lock 是 locked 状态时,某个线程调用 acquire() 会阻塞自己,直到其他的线程将 Lock 的状态变成 unlocked。

当 Lock 是 locked 状态时,调用 release() 方法,可以释放一个 Lock,这样其它线程就可以获取这个 Lock 了。

但当 Lock 是 unlocked 状态时,某个线程调用 release(),程序会抛出 RuntimeError 异常。

所以,acquire() 和 release() 方法在单个线程当中都是成对使用的。

有效利用 Lock 的状态转换机制,就可以避免多个线程同时修改同一份数据。

于是,我们可以进行代码的改写。import threading

import random
class WindowThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self,name,lock):
self.name = name
self.tickts = 0
self.lock = lock
def run(self):
global tickt_count
while tickt_count > 0:
print('%s notice:There has %d tickts remain ' %(self.name,tickt_count))
if tickt_count > 0:
if tickt_count > 2:
number = random.randint(1,2)
number = 1
tickt_count -= number
self.tickts += number
print('%s have buy %d tickt,the remain tickt\'t count is %d .Already buy %d \n'
% (self.name, number, tickt_count, self.tickts))
print('%s notice:There is no tickt can sold! Already sold %d'%(self.name,self.tickts))
tickt_count = 10
lock = threading.Lock()
window1 = WindowThread('window1',lock)
window2 = WindowThread('window2',lock)
window3 = WindowThread('window3',lock)
print('tickt count ',tickt_count)

还是 3 个线程,但代码少许不一样。lock = threading.Lock()

window1 = WindowThread('window1',lock)
window2 = WindowThread('window2',lock)
window3 = WindowThread('window3',lock)
3 个线程共用 1 个 Lock 对象。self.lock.acquire()
if tickt_count > 0:
if tickt_count > 2:
number = random.randint(1,2)
number = 1
tickt_count -= number
self.tickts += number
print('%s have buy %d tickt,the remain tickt\'t count is %d .Already buy %d \n'
% (self.name, number, tickt_count, self.tickts))

进行关键数据操作的时候,用 Lock 锁起来,这样每次就只能一个线程对 tickt_count 数量进行修改。

最终程序结果运行如下:window1 notice:There has 10 tickts remain

window1 have buy 1 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 9 .Already buy 1
window2 notice:There has 9 tickts remain
window1 notice:There has 9 tickts remain
window2 have buy 1 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 8 .Already buy 1
window3 notice:There has 8 tickts remain
window2 notice:There has 8 tickts remain
window2 have buy 2 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 6 .Already buy 3
window2 notice:There has 6 tickts remain
window3 have buy 2 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 4 .Already buy 2
window3 notice:There has 4 tickts remain
window2 have buy 2 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 2 .Already buy 5
window2 notice:There has 2 tickts remain
window1 have buy 1 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 1 .Already buy 2
window1 notice:There has 1 tickts remain
window3 have buy 1 tickt,the remain tickt't count is 0 .Already buy 3
window3 notice:There is no tickt can sold! Already sold 3
window2 notice:There is no tickt can sold! Already sold 5
window1 notice:There is no tickt can sold! Already sold 2
tickt count 0

可以多试几次,窗口卖出的票数都是可以对的上号的,并且最终票池里面的数量是 0,不会发生之前出现为 -1 的情况。

所以,自此我们就通过引入 Lock 同步机制,进行了一个很简单化的多线程编码示例。

默认情况,当一个 Lock 是 locked 状态时调用 acquire(),会阻塞线程本身。



#阻塞指定时间,如 3 秒钟,当然 python3 的版本才有这个功能
