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It happens to the best of us: you’re out and about, and suddenly you think of something you need to do at home. Or, you’re looking at your pantry, and want to make sure you get the right groceries for the week. Out comes your phone and your note-taking app of choice. But which app is the best for you?

这对我们最好的人来说是偶然的:您出门在外,突然间您想到了您需要在家做的事情。 或者,您正在寻找食品储藏室,并希望确保本周获得正确的食品杂货。 您的手机和您选择的记笔记应用程序就会出来。 但是,哪个应用最适合您?

(Google Keep)

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Google Keep is my personal favorite since I use the rest of Google’s services—but even if you’re not all-in on Google’s ecosystem, it’s worth taking a look at Keep.

自从我使用Google的其余服务以来,Google Keep是我个人的最爱。但是,即使您不完全了解Google的生态系统,也值得一看。

Keep syncs all your notes to your Google account, so you know it’s backed up. You can read your notes on any device with the Google Keep app (iOS, Android, or Chrome extension) or by visiting the Google Keep web-page.

保持同步会将您所有的笔记同步到您的Google帐户,以便您备份。 您可以在具有Google Keep应用( iOS , Android或Chrome扩展程序)的任何设备上或通过访问Google Keep网页来阅读笔记。

Keep lets you color code your notes, pin important stuff to the top of your list, and archive notes that you don’t want to see every day. As for the notes themselves, you can make a checklist, a drawing or a doodle, or just type in plain text. You can also record your voice, insert a drawing, or add a collaborator from your contacts. Keep goes one step further for voice recordings: you can have them automatically transcribed into text.

Keep可让您对笔记进行颜色编码,将重要内容固定在列表的顶部,并存档您不想每天查看的笔记。 至于注释本身,您可以制作清单,绘图或涂鸦,或仅输入纯文本。 您还可以录制声音,插入绘图或从联系人中添加协作者。 Keep会进一步发展语音录音:您可以将它们自动转录为文本。

Keep is minimal compared to the other options, but that’s part of the beauty. You don’t have to sort through a bunch of options: just write down whatever’s on your mind. When you open Keep again, you don’t sort through a bunch of folders: everything is either staring you in the face or it’s archived.

与其他选项相比,保持功能极少,但这是美丽的一部分。 您不必进行一系列选择:只需写下您的想法即可。 再次打开“保存”时,您不会对一堆文件夹进行排序:所有内容都盯着您或被存档。


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If you prefer Microsoft’s services over Google’s, OneNote may be better for you. OneNote syncs with your Microsoft account, so you can add notes on your desktop (Windows and macOS) or smartphone (Android and iOS).

如果您更喜欢Microsoft的服务而不是Google的服务,OneNote可能对您更好。 OneNote与您的Microsoft帐户同步,因此您可以在台式机( Windows和macOS )或智能手机( Android和iOS )上添加笔记。

OneNote organizes your notes into Notebooks, so you can have different Notebooks for different topics. If there’s something you want to have as soon as you can, you can add the note to your homepage. The way OneNote organizes its notes won’t be for everyone, but the ability to add your favorite notes to your home screen should appease those—like me—who just prefer everything up front.

OneNote将笔记组织到笔记本中,因此您可以针对不同主题使用不同的笔记本。 如果您想尽快拥有一些东西,可以将注释添加到主页中。 OneNote整理笔记的方式并不适合所有人,但是将喜欢的笔记添加到主屏幕的能力应该能使像我这样的人感到安心,他们只喜欢前面的所有内容。

OneNote is more full-featured than Keep. You can add pictures, voice memos, drawings, or checkboxes for a to-do list. OneNote can even turn your writing into regular text and clean up your scribbled math equations (plus, show you how to solve them). Of course, all those additional features come at the cost of some added complexity.

OneNote比Keep更全功能。 您可以为待办事项列表添加图片,语音备忘录,工程图或复选框。 OneNote甚至可以将您的书写内容转换为普通文本,并清理乱码的数学方程式(另外,向您展示如何解决它们)。 当然,所有这些附加功能都以增加一些复杂性为代价。

(Samsung Notes)

If you have a Samsung phone—especially a Galaxy Note—you’re probably familiar with Samsung Notes. If you don’t use it, it’s a handy alternative, particularly if you organize your notes at all. Samsung Notes lets you break things down into different Collections, but you can also view all of your notes on a single page. You can also set important notes as favorites, or sort notes by title, date created or date modified.

如果您有三星手机,尤其是Galaxy Note,则您可能对Samsung Notes很熟悉。 如果您不使用它,这是一个方便的选择,特别是如果您完全整理笔记的话。 三星笔记可让您将内容分解为不同的收藏集,但您也可以在单个页面上查看所有笔记。 您还可以将重要注释设置为收藏夹,或按标题,创建日期或修改日期对注释进行排序。

If you’re using the S-Pen with your Galaxy Note, you’ll be happy to know that Samsung Notes lets you scribble some words down onto a note, like in the photo at the beginning of this post. You can also attach a voice recording or a photo.

如果您将S-Pen与Galaxy Note配合使用,您会很高兴知道Samsung Notes可让您在记事本上写下一些字样,例如本文开头的照片。 您还可以附加录音或照片。

Where Samsung Notes comes up short is compatibility: it only works on Samsung phones. If you love your Galaxy that’s great, but not so much if you want to sync notes to a desktop or different mobile device.

三星笔记不足之处就是兼容性:它仅适用于三星手机。 如果您喜欢Galaxy,那就太好了,但是如果您想将笔记同步到台式机或其他移动设备上,那就不行了。


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Evernote has been out since dinosaurs roamed the Earth, but it’s still a great option in 2018. You can view your notes on your smartphone (Android and iOS), the Evernote app on Windows, or on Evernote’s webpage.

自从恐龙在地球上漫游以来,Evernote就已经消失了,但是在2018年,它仍然是一个不错的选择。您可以在智能手机( Android和iOS ), Windows上的Evernote应用程序或Evernote的网页上查看笔记。

When it comes to writing a note, you can type in text, sketch with your finger or a stylus, insert diagrams or drawings, or record audio. You can also use speech-to-text to have Evernote transcribe your note for you if you’re on the go and don’t want to worry about typing.

书写笔记时,您可以键入文本,用手指或手写笔进行草图绘制,插入图表或绘图或录制音频。 如果您在旅途中并且不想担心打字,也可以使用语音转文本功能让Evernote为您转录笔记。

Evernote organizes your notes into notebooks, but by default, you’ll see all your notes when you open the app. You can also share notes with other Evernote users, so your partner can help you with your grocery list.

Evernote将笔记整理到笔记本中,但是默认情况下,打开应用程序时,您会看到所有笔记。 您还可以与其他Evernote用户共享笔记,以便您的合作伙伴可以帮助您选择购物清单。


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As the name implies, SimpleNote tries to remove the barriers between you and your notes. It does this by offering simple, text-based notes. SimpleNote is more basic than the other options, but that means it doesn’t throw a bunch of distractions in your way when you’re just trying to jot something down for later. You can get to your notes on your smartphone (Android or iOS), desktop (Windows 10, Windows 7/8, macOS, and Linux), or by visiting SimpleNote’s webpage.

顾名思义,SimpleNote试图消除您与笔记之间的障碍。 它通过提供基于文本的简单注释来实现。 SimpleNote比其他选项更基本,但是这意味着当您稍后尝试记下某些内容时,它不会给您带来很多干扰。 您可以在智能手机( Android或iOS ),台式机( Windows 10 , Windows 7/8 , macOS和Linux )上或通过访问SimpleNote的网页获取笔记。

SimpleNote displays all of your notes up front, and you can organize them with tags. You can collaborate with other SimpleNote users, either with their email or by sharing a link to your note. As for the notes themselves, you can add text…and that’s it. No checkboxes, no images, no voice memos: just text. There’s nothing wrong with that, and it could be perfect if you prefer the basics.

SimpleNote会在前面显示所有笔记,您可以使用标签来组织它们。 您可以通过电子邮件或共享笔记的链接与其他SimpleNote用户进行协作。 至于注释本身,您可以添加文本……仅此而已。 没有复选框,没有图像,没有语音备忘录:仅是文本。 这没什么不对,如果您喜欢基础知识,那可能是完美的。


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Color is a great way to organize your notes, and ColorNote runs with that. You can create a note or to-do list and set its theme color right as you make it. ColorNote opens to a list of all your notes, but you can sort by name, created time, modified time, color, or reminder time.

颜色是组织笔记的好方法,而ColorNote就是以此来运行的。 您可以创建便笺或待办事项列表,并在设置便笺时设置其主题颜色。 ColorNote将打开所有笔记的列表,但是您可以按名称,创建时间,修改时间,颜色或提醒时间进行排序。

You can only add text to each note, so no adding a diagram or doodling with your stylus. You can archive notes, but there isn’t the option for folders or tags.

您只能在每个音符中添加文本,因此不能在手写笔中添加图表或涂鸦。 您可以存档笔记,但是文件夹或标签没有选项。

Availability is the biggest downside to ColorNote: it’s only available on Android. If you only want your notes on your phone, that’s fine, but it’d be nice to be able to view them on a desktop web browser as well.

可用性是ColorNote的最大缺点:仅适用于Android。 如果您只想在手机上记录笔记,那很好,但是也可以在桌面网络浏览器上查看它们,这是很好的。


android 笔记