Block Token

Block Token解决的问题

Hadoop 安全需要解决的两个问题:

  1. 认证:解决用户身份合法性验证问题
  2. 授权:解决认证用户的操作范围问题
    Block Token 就是为了解决如上问题

Block Token 知识

BlockToken方案采用HMAC(Hash Message Authentication Code)技术实现对合法请求的访问认证检查。


  1. 消息传递前,A和B约定共享密钥;
  2. A把要发送的消息使用共享密钥计算出HMAC值,然后将消息和HMAC发送给B;
  3. B接收到消息和HMAC值后,使用共享密钥计算消息本身的HMAC值,与接收到的HMAC值对比;


Block Token机制实现

Block Token机制是整个Hadoop生态里安全协议的重要组成部分,对HDFS来说,主要包括两个部分:

  1. 客户端经过初始认证(Kerberos),从NameNode获取DelegationToken,作为后续访问HDFS的凭证;
  2. 客户端真正读写数据前,请求NameNode获取对应Block的信息和BlockToken,根据结果向对应DataNode请求读写数据。请求到达DataNode端后,根据提供的BlockToken进行安全验证,通过验证后才能继续后续步骤,否则请求失败;
public class LocatedBlock {
private final ExtendedBlock b;
  private long offset;  // offset of the first byte of the block in the file
  private final DatanodeInfoWithStorage[] locs;
  /** Cached storage ID for each replica */
  private final String[] storageIDs;
  /** Cached storage type for each replica, if reported. */
  private final StorageType[] storageTypes;
  // corrupt flag is true if all of the replicas of a block are corrupt.
  // else false. If block has few corrupt replicas, they are filtered and
  // their locations are not part of this object
  private boolean corrupt;
  private Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> blockToken = new Token<>();
public class BlockTokenIdentifier extends TokenIdentifier {
  // 用来表示Token的类型
  static final Text KIND_NAME = new Text("HDFS_BLOCK_TOKEN");
  private long expiryDate;
  private int keyId;
  private String userId;
  private String blockPoolId;
  private long blockId;
  private final EnumSet<AccessMode> modes;
  private StorageType[] storageTypes;
  private String[] storageIds;
  private boolean useProto;
  private byte[] handshakeMsg;
public enum AccessMode {


LocatedBlocks getBlockLocations(String clientMachine, String srcArg,
      long offset, long length) throws IOException {
      // 最后一个参true就是代表needBlockToken
      res = FSDirStatAndListingOp.getBlockLocations(
            dir, pc, srcArg, offset, length, true);
private LocatedBlock createLocatedBlock(LocatedBlockBuilder locatedBlocks,
      final BlockInfo blk, final long pos, final AccessMode mode)
          throws IOException {
          final LocatedBlock lb = createLocatedBlock(locatedBlocks, blk, pos);
    // 设置BlockToken
    if (mode != null) {
      setBlockToken(lb, mode);
public void setBlockToken(final LocatedBlock b,
      final AccessMode mode) throws IOException {
      // dfs.block.access.token.enable来控制是否生成BlockToken,默认不开启
      if (isBlockTokenEnabled()) {

public Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> generateToken(String userId,
      ExtendedBlock block, EnumSet<BlockTokenIdentifier.AccessMode> modes,
      StorageType[] storageTypes, String[] storageIds) {
      BlockTokenIdentifier id = new BlockTokenIdentifier(userId, block
        .getBlockPoolId(), block.getBlockId(), modes, storageTypes,
        storageIds, useProto);
      return new Token<BlockTokenIdentifier>(id, this);
public Token(T id, SecretManager<T> mgr) {
    password = mgr.createPassword(id);
    identifier = id.getBytes();
    kind = id.getKind();
    service = new Text();


currentNode = blockSeekTo(pos);
private synchronized DatanodeInfo blockSeekTo(long target) {
    // 上面获取目标Block  targetBlock
    // 生成 blockReader
    blockReader = getBlockReader(targetBlock, offsetIntoBlock,
            targetBlock.getBlockSize() - offsetIntoBlock, targetAddr,
            storageType, chosenNode);

protected BlockReader getBlockReader(LocatedBlock targetBlock,
      long offsetInBlock, long length, InetSocketAddress targetAddr,
      StorageType storageType, DatanodeInfo datanode) throws IOException {
     Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> accessToken = targetBlock.getBlockToken();
    // 生成BlockReader
    return new BlockReaderFactory(dfsClient.getConf()).setBlockToken(accessToken).build();

public BlockReader build() throws IOException {
    return getRemoteBlockReaderFromTcp();

private BlockReader getRemoteBlockReaderFromTcp() throws IOException {
    blockReader = getRemoteBlockReader(peer);

private BlockReader getRemoteBlockReader(Peer peer) throws IOException {
    return BlockReaderRemote.newBlockReader(token);

public static BlockReader newBlockReader(token) {
    // 创建Porto的时候将token发送过去
    new Sender(out).readBlock(block, blockToken, clientName, startOffset, len,
        verifyChecksum, cachingStrategy);

// DataXceiver
public void readBlock(final ExtendedBlock block,
      final Token<BlockTokenIdentifier> blockToken,
      final String clientName,
      final long blockOffset,
      final long length,
      final boolean sendChecksum,
      final CachingStrategy cachingStrategy) {
    checkAccess(out, true, block, blockToken, Op.READ_BLOCK,

private void checkAccess() {
    checkAccess(out, reply, blk, t, op, mode, null, null);
private void checkAccess() {
    datanode.blockPoolTokenSecretManager.checkAccess(t, null, blk, mode,
            storageTypes, storageIds);
get(block.getBlockPoolId()).checkAccess(token, userId, block, mode,
        storageTypes, storageIds);
public void checkAccess() {
    BlockTokenIdentifier id = new BlockTokenIdentifier();
    id.readFields(new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(token
    // DataNode检查第一阶段
    checkAccess(id, userId, block, mode, storageTypes, storageIds);
    // DataNode检查第二阶段
    if (!Arrays.equals(retrievePassword(id), token.getPassword())) {
public byte[] retrievePassword(BlockTokenIdentifier identifier) {
    BlockKey key = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      key = allKeys.get(identifier.getKeyId());
    return createPassword(identifier.getBytes(), key.getKey());


public BlockTokenIdentifier(String userId, String bpid, long blockId,
      EnumSet<AccessMode> modes, StorageType[] storageTypes,
      String[] storageIds, boolean useProto) {
    this.cache = null;
    this.userId = userId;
    this.blockPoolId = bpid;
    this.blockId = blockId;
    this.modes = modes == null ? EnumSet.noneOf(AccessMode.class) : modes;
    this.storageTypes = Optional.ofNullable(storageTypes)
    this.storageIds = Optional.ofNullable(storageIds)
                              .orElse(new String[0]);
    this.useProto = useProto;
    this.handshakeMsg = new byte[0];
public Token(T id, SecretManager<T> mgr) {
    password = mgr.createPassword(id);
    identifier = id.getBytes();
    kind = id.getKind();
    service = new Text();

protected byte[] createPassword(BlockTokenIdentifier identifier) {
    // 重点(NameNode与DataNode需要共享的一个密钥)
    BlockKey key = null;
    synchronized (this) {
      key = currentKey;
    identifier.setExpiryDate( + tokenLifetime);
    return createPassword(identifier.getBytes(), key.getKey());


  1. 客户端向NameNode发送Block请求
  2. NameNode经过权限检查,查找到对应数据块信息,生成对应的BlockToken放到LocateBlock返回给客户端
  3. 客户端收到LocateBlock之后,会先使用对应的Block信息创建通道的时候会将Blocks信息与Token信息全部发送给DataNode
  4. DataNode接收到读写信息之后,首先进行BlockToke校验,目的是对客户端的真实性及权限检查。根据从客户端提交过来的BlockTokenIdentifier分两步完成:
    (1) 将BlockToken里的BlockTokenIdentifier反序列化,检查客户端请求的数据块、访问权限及用户名是否与BlockToken里表达一致,如果检查通过进入下一步,否则直接失败;

Block Token 加密key更新逻辑

private class Monitor implements Runnable {
    // 定时更新SecretKey
    blockManager.shouldUpdateBlockKey(now - lastBlockKeyUpdate);
synchronized boolean updateKeys() throws IOException {
    // 移除过期Key
    // 设置当前Key最终过期时间
    allKeys.put(currentKey.getKeyId(), new BlockKey(currentKey.getKeyId(), + keyUpdateInterval + tokenLifetime,
    // 生成新的当前Key
    currentKey = new BlockKey(nextKey.getKeyId(),
        + 2 * keyUpdateInterval + tokenLifetime, nextKey.getKey());
    allKeys.put(currentKey.getKeyId(), currentKey);
    setSerialNo(serialNo + 1);
    nextKey = new BlockKey(serialNo, + 3
        * keyUpdateInterval + tokenLifetime, generateSecret());
    allKeys.put(nextKey.getKeyId(), nextKey);


hadoop 集群的kerberos认证_Text