课题设计包括硬件设计和软设计两部分。硬件部分包括硬件的选型、连接、调试。在开发板现有的外围模块上设计了GPRS通信模块315MRF 数据接收模块。软件的实现是在硬件调试通过的基础上进行编程,先在PC机Linux 系统下编程,然后,就开始软件上的设计通过Linux系统实实再将编程的内窨传至开发根上。并且给出了开发平台,不但完成了本文系统的嵌入式Linux2.6.14内核的移植、以及引导程序ViVi的移植,而且还完成了NFS根文件系统的有效移植。在应用程序方面主要是以多线程的编程为主如此一来。就有利于对以上两个添加的模块之间实施有效的访问控制。此外,给出了更适合的硬件驱动程序,以便对全部的报警信号均能实施有效的调控。最终,本文从硬件乃至软件上真正的做到了对智能家居系统的开发。
After several years of development, the performance of the smart home system has become more and more mature and perfect. This paper base on building the platform of embedded computer system, aim at feed function acquirement and development of smart home system, starting from the hardware of embedded computer system and researching its communication system and its hardware system,and design the smart home system based on GPRS. From classification division of the sub system, which is composed by home security systems and remote-control systems.
The home security is a system what the home internal security combines with the external security, and carries on the real-time monitoring to the home environment signal, such as fire, that, combustible gas disclosure.
Once there is a dangerous occurrence, it will perform specific operation such as tum on alarm switch in the case of a fire signal it will turn on the water-tap which used for Fire extinguishing installations. Besides, it will send an alarm message to the householder and the Property Management Center via the GPRS to inform the dangerous, so that the danger obtains the effective control.
Remote control provides a comfortable and convenient living environment to the use