

create table samplemath
(m numeric (10,3),
-- numeric(全体位数,小数位数),全体位数包括小数点左边和右边位数的总和
 n integer,
 p integer);
SELECT * FROM samplemath;

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select m,abs(m) from samplemath;-- 求绝对值,绝大多数函数对于null都返回null
select n,p,mod(n,p) from samplemath;-- n÷p的余数,n%p也行
select m,round(m,1) as round_col from samplemath;

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select * from SampleStr;

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字符拼接concat(str1,str2,…);字符串长度计算length(str),注意在UTF-8编码中1个汉字占3个字节,中文编码gbk、gb2312中1个汉字占2个字节;大小写转换用upper和lower函数;字符串替换用replace(对象str,替换前的str,替换后的str);字符串截取用substring(str,from 起始位置 for 截取的字符数):

-- 字符拼接:concat函数,比如第concatstr列第1行为'opxrt':
select str1,str2,concat(str1,str2) as concatstr from SampleStr;

-- 字符串长度计算:length函数,得出'山田'的长度为4,此时是gbk编码:
select str1,length(str1) as lenstr1 from SampleStr;
-- 下列语句可修改编码方式:
alter table SampleStr CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8;
-- 现在1个汉字就占了3个字节:
select str1,length(str1) as lenstr2 from SampleStr where str2='abc';

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-- 大小写转换:upper、lower
select str1,upper(str1) as up,lower(str1) as low from SampleStr where 
str1 in ('ABC','abc','aBC','山田');-- in和or一个意思
-- 字符串替换:replace函数
select str1,str2,str3,replace(str1,str2,str3) as repstr from SampleStr;
-- 比如str1中的‘abc太郎’含有str2中的‘abc’,那么‘abc’就换成str3中的‘ABC’

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-- 字符串截取:substring或者substr函数
select str1,substring(str1 from 3 for 2) as sub_str from SampleStr;
-- 上述语句截取了第2位和第3位,注意1个汉字也算1个字符

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-- 当前日期和时间
select current_date;-- 返回年-月-日
select current_time;-- 返回时:分:秒
select current_timestamp;-- 返回年-月-日 时:分:秒
-- 截取日期元素 
select current_timestamp,
extract(year from current_timestamp()) as Y,
extract(month from current_timestamp()) as M,
extract(day from current_timestamp()) as D,
extract(hour from current_timestamp()) as h,
extract(minute from current_timestamp()) as m,
extract(second from current_timestamp()) as s;

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数据类型转换函数:cast(转换前的值 as 转换后的数据类型);将null转换为其他值:coalesce(数据1,数据2,…),返回第一个不为null的数据:

-- 数据类型转换:cast函数
select cast('0007' as signed int) as int_col;-- 字符串转化为带符号整数
select cast('2017-09-09' as date) as date_col;

-- 将null转换为其他值:coalesce函数
select coalesce(null,1) as col1,coalesce(null,'test',null) as col1,
coalesce(null,null,'哈哈') as col1;
-- 上述语句返回可变参数中第一个不为null的值:1,'test','哈哈'
select coalesce(str2,'null') from SampleStr;-- 将null转换为字符串'null'

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(strcol VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (strcol));
SELECT * FROM samplelike;

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模糊查询:like谓词,有前方一致、中间一致和后方一致三种类型;范围查询用between谓词,即 < column> between A and B,注意是闭区间;in谓词是or的简单用法,但是不能筛选出null记录,得用is null或者is not null语句:

select * from SampleLike where strcol like 'ddd%';-- 前方一致,返回dddabc
select * from SampleLike where strcol like '%ddd%';-- 中间一致,返回3条记录
select * from SampleLike where strcol like '%ddd' ;-- 后方一致,返回abcddd
select * from SampleLike where strcol like 'abc__' ;
-- 后方一致,后面是两个下划线,返回abcdd
select * from SampleLike where strcol like '_bd__' ;-- 中间一致,返回abddc

select product_name,sale_price from product where sale_price between 100 and 1000;
-- 上述语句包含临界值
select product_name,sale_price from product where sale_price between 100.01 and 999.99;
-- 或者用大于、小于符号

select product_name,purchase_price from product where purchase_price in (320,500,2800);
-- 上述语句不返回null数据,得用is null或者is not null来判断:
select product_name,purchase_price from product where purchase_price is not null;


(shop_id    CHAR(4)       NOT NULL,
 shop_name  VARCHAR(200)  NOT NULL,
 product_id CHAR(4)       NOT NULL,
 quantity   INTEGER       NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (shop_id, product_id));#两列为主键才能区分每一条记录
SELECT * FROM ShopProduct;

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select product_name,sale_price from product where product_id in
(select product_id from ShopProduct where shop_id='000C');
-- 一般来说编码比商品名称更加不容易改变

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select product_name,sale_price from product where product_id not in
(select product_id from ShopProduct where shop_id='000A');
-- not加在第一层where后也可

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exist谓词:参数是关联子查询(子查询中使用select *语句是惯例),但是一般都用in谓词代替exist谓词,因为in更好理解。比如上述两个事务也可以由以下两个语句实现:

select product_name,sale_price from product as p1 where exists
(select * from ShopProduct as p2 where shop_id='000C' and 
select product_name,sale_price from product as p1 where not exists
(select * from ShopProduct as p2 where shop_id='000A' and 


主要是搜索型case表达式,类似于其他编程语句中的if…else…分支语句。结构为case (when…then…) (when…then…) else… end,注意else默认不写时就是else null,end一定不能省略。比如实现字母与商品名称的组合:

select product_name, case 
when product_type='衣服' then concat('A:',product_type)
when product_type='办公用品' then concat('B:',product_type)
when product_type='厨房用具' then concat('C:',product_type)
else null 
end as abc_type from product;

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select sum(case when product_type='衣服' then sale_price else 0 end) as 'clothes',
sum(case when product_type='办公用品' then sale_price else 0 end) as 'office',
sum(case when product_type='厨房用具' then sale_price else 0 end) as 'kitchen' from product;

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