import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import calendar
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdate
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse
from scipy.optimize import minimize

# =============================================================================
# part1 :处理数据 ,通过时间区间[time1,time2]中的数据获取日收益率何周收益率
# =============================================================================
start = '20041231'
end = '20181231'

stock = pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\Risk parity\\test.xlsx',sheet_name='股票')
bond = pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\Risk parity\\test.xlsx',sheet_name='债券')
#goods = pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\Risk parity\\stock&bond.xlsx',sheet_name='南华商品')

Name = [stock , bond] # 所要配置的资产
asset = ['stock' , 'bond'] #记录资产组合中资产的名称,方便后期作图

def _deal_data(Name):
    ## 首先实现表格的连接
    if len(Name) == 1 :
        data = Name[0]
        data = pd.merge(Name[0], Name[1], how='outer',on=['Date'])
    # 两个表格直接连接,多表循环
    i = 2
    while i < len(Name):
        data = pd.merge(data, Name[i], how='outer',on=['Date'])
        i = i + 1
    data = data.sort_values(by = 'Date') 
    data = data.reset_index(drop = True)
    # 返回经时间排序的资产收盘价数据
    ## 其次删除空值,选取目标日期
    data.dropna(axis=0 ,how ='any' ,inplace =True)
    data = data.reset_index(drop = True)
    data = data[(data['Date'] >= pd.to_datetime(start)) & (data['Date'] <= pd.to_datetime(end))]
    data = data.reset_index(drop = True)
    dataAll = pd.date_range(start ,end )
    dataAll = pd.DataFrame(dataAll)
    dataAll.columns = ['Date']
    data = pd.merge(dataAll, data, how='outer',on=['Date'])
    data = data.fillna(method='pad')
    # 返回包含每个日期的收盘价数据,非交易日附之前最近一个交易日数据

    data.dropna(axis=0 ,how ='any' ,inplace =True)
    data = data.reset_index(drop = True)    
    return data

test = _deal_data(Name)

def _day_return(Name):
    # 计算收盘价的日收益
    data = _deal_data(Name)
    name = data.columns
    for j in range(data.shape[1]):
        data['day_return_'+name[j]] = (data[name[j]]-data[name[j]].shift(1)) / data[name[j]].shift(1)
    # 返回dataFrame,前line列为资产收盘价 ,后line列为标的资产日收益率  
    # 由于是按日历日期计算的,因而由于节假日存在部分零值,为保证波动率的真实性,删除零值
#    data = 
#    data['day_return_中证全债']=4*data['day_return_中证全债']
    line = int(0.5*data.shape[1])
    return data.iloc[1::,line::]
def _day_return_leverage(Name,leverage):
    # 计算收盘价的日收益
    # leverage : 表示杠杆的倍数
    data = _deal_data(Name)
    name = data.columns
    for j in range(data.shape[1]):
        data['day_return_'+name[j]] = (data[name[j]]-data[name[j]].shift(1)) / data[name[j]].shift(1)
    # 返回dataFrame,前line列为资产收盘价 ,后line列为标的资产日收益率  
    # 由于是按日历日期计算的,因而由于节假日存在部分零值,为保证波动率的真实性,删除零值    
    line = int(0.5*data.shape[1])
    return data.iloc[1::,line::]

def _period_return(data , period):
    # 计算收盘价的月收益率 
    # 输入: period 对应的是 'W':周 ;'M':月 ;'3M':季度 ;'6M':半年 

    __df= data.resample(period).last()
    dataw = pd.concat([data.iloc[0,0::].T,__df.T],axis=1).T 
    # 返回周末收盘价,同时保留表格第一行数据
    name = dataw.columns    
    for j in range(dataw.shape[1]):
        dataw['return_'+name[j]] = (dataw[name[j]]-dataw[name[j]].shift(1)) / dataw[name[j]].shift(1)
    # 返回dataFrame,前line列为资产收盘价 ,后line列为标的资产日收益率   
    line = int(0.5*dataw.shape[1])
    return dataw.iloc[1::,line::]

def _calculate_cov(data):
    return data.cov().values

return_daily = _day_return(Name) #日收益率
#return_weekly = _weekly_return(Name) # 周收益率

def MaxDrawdown(asset_value):
#     '''最大回撤率'''
    # np.maximum.accumulate():生成一列当日之前历史最高价值的序列。
    # argmax(f(x))是使得 f(x)取得最大值所对应的变量x
    i = np.argmax((np.maximum.accumulate(asset_value) - asset_value) / np.maximum.accumulate(asset_value))  # 结束位置
#    if i == 0:
#        return 0
    j = np.argmax(asset_value[:i])  # 开始位置
    return (asset_value[j] - asset_value[i]) / (asset_value[j])

def asset_statistics_model(Name,asset0):
    asset_price_data = _deal_data(Name)
    asset_price_data.columns = asset0
    A_return = _period_return(asset_price_data , 'M') #'M'表示当前是一月一调仓
    A_return_yearly = _period_return(asset_price_data , 'Y')
#    A_return_daily = _period_return(asset_price_data , 'D')
    total_return = ((A_return + 1).T.values.cumprod(1)).T[-1]-1
    total_return = pd.DataFrame(total_return).T
    total_return.columns = asset0

    annual_return = pow(total_return + 1, 1.0/13) - 1
    annual_return_mean = A_return_yearly.mean()
    annual_return_mean = pd.DataFrame(annual_return_mean).T
    annual_return_mean.columns = asset0
    annual_return_std = A_return_yearly.std()
    annual_return_std = pd.DataFrame(annual_return_std).T
    annual_return_std.columns = asset0
#    annual_Volatility = (A_return_daily.std() / A_return_daily.mean())/ np.sqrt(1/365)
    yearly_sharpe = annual_return_mean/annual_return_std
#    yearly_sharpe = pd.DataFrame(yearly_sharpe).T
    yearly_sharpe.columns = asset0    
    asset_maxDrawdown = []
    for i in range(len(Name)):
    asset_maxDrawdown = pd.DataFrame(asset_maxDrawdown).T
    asset_maxDrawdown.columns = asset0

    asset_statistics = pd.concat([total_return , annual_return , annual_return_mean , annual_return_std , yearly_sharpe , asset_maxDrawdown])
    asset_statistics = asset_statistics.T
    asset_statistics.columns = ['total_return' , 'annual_return' , 'annual_return_mean' , 'annual_return_std' , 'yearly_sharpe' , 'asset_maxDrawdown']
    return asset_statistics.T

asset_behaviour_statistics = asset_statistics_model(Name , asset)

# =============================================================================
# part2 : Risk parity 二次规划问题求解 
# =============================================================================


#### step1: 构建二次规划问题并优化
def _allocation_risk(weights, covariances):
    # 计算给定资产权重下资产组合的风险
    # 输入: weights:资产权重,行向量(注意使用np.matrix()将list转化为1*n为行向量) ; covrances:资产的协方差矩阵
    portfolio_risk = np.sqrt((weights * covariances * weights.T))[0, 0]    
    return portfolio_risk

def _assets_risk_contribution_to_allocation_risk(weights, covariances):
    # 计算资产组合中单个资产贡献的风险(total risk contribution)
    # 输入:与_allocation_risk()函数一致 ; 输出为 N*1的列向量(N表示资产的数量)
    portfolio_risk = _allocation_risk(weights, covariances)    
    assets_risk_contribution = np.multiply(weights.T,covariances*weights.T)/portfolio_risk
    return assets_risk_contribution

def _risk_budget_objective_error(weights, args):
    # 二次规划问题的目标函数 :weights为规划问题求解的变量 ;args是参数的传递
    # 参数1为资产的协方差阵
    covariances = args[0]
    # 参数2为单个资产对于资产组合的目标贡献率——1/N
    assets_risk_budget = args[1]
    # convert the weights to a matrix
    weights = np.matrix(weights)
    # We calculate the risk of the weights distribution
    portfolio_risk = _allocation_risk(weights,covariances)
    # We calculate the contribution of each asset to the risk of the weights distribution
    assets_risk_contribution = _assets_risk_contribution_to_allocation_risk(weights,covariances)
    # We calculate the desired contribution of each asset to the risk of the weights distribution
    # asset_risk_target 为行向量
    assets_risk_target = np.asmatrix(np.multiply(portfolio_risk, assets_risk_budget))
    # Error between the desired contribution and the calculated contribution of each asset
    error = sum(np.square(assets_risk_contribution - assets_risk_target.T))[0, 0]
    # It returns the calculated error ; the aim is minimize error
#    error = sum(np.square(assets_risk_contribution[0]-assets_risk_contribution[1]))
    return error

def _get_risk_parity_weights(covariances, assets_risk_budget, initial_weights):
    # Restrictions to consider in the optimisation: only long positions whose sum equals 100%
    constraints = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1.0},{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x})
    # Optimisation process in scipy
    optimize_result = minimize(fun=_risk_budget_objective_error,
                               args=[covariances, assets_risk_budget],
                               options={'disp': False})
    # Recover the weights from the optimised object
    weights = optimize_result.x
    # It returns the optimised weights
    return weights 

#### step2: 确定portfolio中asset_weight

def get_theday_of_last_year(date):
    date_parse = parse(date)
    year = date_parse.year - 1
    month = date_parse.month
    day =
    if month==2:
        if (year+1) % 4 == 0:
            if (year+1) % 100 == 0:
                day = day - 2
                day = day - 1
    last_date = datetime(year,month,day)
    return last_date

def get_theday_of_next_year(date):
    date_parse = parse(date)
    year = date_parse.year + 1
    month = date_parse.month
    day =
    if month==2:
        if (year+1) % 4 == 0:
            if (year+1) % 100 == 0:
                day = day - 2
                day = day - 1
    next_date = datetime(year,month,day)
    return next_date

def get_nmonth_endday(time,month_number):
 输入 time 以字符串表示的日期
 输入 month_number 为后n个月,可正可负
    return: 返回 list 日期
 需要import datatime,parse,calendar
    today = parse(time)
    year = today.year
    month = today.month
    while month>12:
        month -= 12
    while month <= 0:
        month += 12
        year -= 1   
    firstDayWeekDay, monthRange = calendar.monthrange(year, month)
    return res

def _time_interval_build(number):
    # number:时间区间所包含的月份 该函数通常用于生成月末,季度末,半年末的日历日期
    # 输入:number(int);输出:date_month(DataFrame)
    dateAll = pd.date_range(get_theday_of_next_year(start) , end , freq = 'M')
    dateAll = pd.DataFrame(dateAll)
    date_month = dateAll.iloc[(dateAll.index%number) ==0]        
    date_month.columns = ['Date']
    date_month = date_month.reset_index(drop = True)
    return date_month

# =============================================================================
# def _get_nonzero_value(data):
#     return
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# def get_weights(_return,time):
#     # 输入:_return: return on aeest ; time: date of rebalance
#     data = _return.iloc[(_return.index <= time)&(_return.index> get_nmonth_endday(time))]
#     covariances = data.cov().values*250
#     # We calculate the covariance matrixre
#     # The desired contribution of each asset to the portfolio risk: we want all asset to contribute equally
#     assets_risk_budget = [1/data.shape[1]]*data.shape[1]
#     # Initial weights: equally weighted
#     init_weights = [1/data.shape[1]]*data.shape[1]
#     # Optimisation process of weights
#     weights = _get_risk_parity_weights(covariances,assets_risk_budget, init_weights)#两行一列的向量
#     # Convert the weights to a pandas Series
#     weights = pd.Series(weights, index=data.columns, name='weight')
#     return weights
# =============================================================================

def get_weights(_return,time):
    # 输入:_return: return on aeest ; time: date of rebalance
    data = _return.iloc[(_return.index <= time)&(_return.index> get_theday_of_last_year(time))]
    #data反映了回看周期 ,即以过去多长时间的数据计算协方差阵
    covariances = data.cov().values*250 #*250表示年化
    # We calculate the covariance matrixre
    # The desired contribution of each asset to the portfolio risk: we want all asset to contribute equally
    assets_risk_budget = [1/data.shape[1]]*data.shape[1]
    # Initial weights: equally weighted
    init_weights = [1/data.shape[1]]*data.shape[1]
    # init_weights = [0.2,0.8]
    # Optimisation process of weights
    weights = _get_risk_parity_weights(covariances,assets_risk_budget, init_weights)#两行一列的向量
    # Convert the weights to a pandas Series
    weights = pd.Series(weights, index=data.columns, name='weight')
    return weights

# =============================================================================
# #def all_portfolio_weight(number):
# #    # 返回的是投资组合权重的字典序
# #    result={}
# #    date_m = _time_interval_build(number)
# #    
# #    
# #    if number == 6:
# #        _return=return_weekly
# #    else:
# #        _return=return_daily
# #    # 如果调仓频率为半年,则按照周收益率计算协方差阵,若调仓频率为单月或季度,则按照日收益率计算协方差阵
# #    
# #    for i in range(date_m.shape[0]-1):    
# ##    result[date_m.iloc[i+1].values[0]]=pd.DataFrame(get_weights(return_daily , date_m.iloc[i].values[0] , date_m.iloc[i+1].values[0])).iloc[0,0::]
# #        result[date_m.iloc[i+1].values[0]]=pd.DataFrame(get_weights(_return , date_m.iloc[i].values[0] , date_m.iloc[i+1].values[0])).T
# #  
# #    return result
# =============================================================================

def all_portfolio_weight(_return , number):
    # 返回的是投资组合权重的字典序
    result = pd.DataFrame(result)#生成空的dataFrame以方便记录portfolio中asset的权重
    date_m = _time_interval_build(number)  # date_m表示的是调仓的频率
    result = pd.concat([result ,date_m],axis=1)
    result.set_index('Date',inplace=True) #result的index指标对应须调仓日
    for i in range(len(_return.columns.values)):
    # 通过收益率确定对应资产
    for i in range(result.shape[0]):    
        for j in range(result.shape[1]):
            result[result.columns.values[j]][date_m.iloc[i].values[0]] = get_weights(_return ,str( date_m.iloc[i].values[0]) )[j]

    return result

#weight_weekly_semiannually = all_portfolio_weight(return_weekly , 6)
weight_daily_monthly = all_portfolio_weight(return_daily , 1)
weight_daily_3monthly = all_portfolio_weight(return_daily , 3)
# =============================================================================
# part3 : backtest
# 回测期:200601-201908
# =============================================================================

backtest_start = '20051231'
backtest_end = '20181231'

def plt_weight_change(weight):
## 功能:采用堆叠柱状图反映资产权重变化
    #prepare data
    weight_value = [] #记录各资产的权重值,以满足堆叠折线图的绘制过程中,stackplot函数对于纵坐标的要求
    for i in range(len(asset)):
    # Draw
#    plt.figure(figsize = (12,6) , dpi = 60 )
    colors = ['powderblue','steelblue','darkturquoise','coral','darkcyan','gold','teal','pink','y','r','snow','b','k','g','orange','c','bisque','brown','lime','aqua']
    plt.stackplot(weight.index, weight_value, labels=asset, colors=colors)


def _rebalance_portfolio_value(Name):
    # 输入:资产组合中各资产的权重和日收益率
    # 计算资产组合的单位净值以及累计收益
    _return = _day_return(Name)
    weight = all_portfolio_weight(_return , 1)
    asset_value0 = 1
    asset_daily_value = []
    asset_return = 1
    for i in range(weight.shape[0]-1):
        asset_value = asset_value0 *weight.iloc[i]
        _return_peiod = _return[(_return.index > weight.index[i]) & (_return.index <= weight.index[i+1])]
        for j in range(_return_peiod.shape[0]):
            asset_value = np.multiply( ( _return_peiod.iloc[j]+1) , asset_value)
        asset_return = asset_return * (np.sum(asset_value)/asset_value0)
        asset_value0 = np.sum(asset_value)
    asset_daily_value = pd.concat(asset_daily_value)
    asset_daily_value.columns = asset
    return [asset_daily_value,asset_return]

#portfolio_value  = _rebalance_portfolio_value (Name)[0]
#test = _rebalance_portfolio_value(Name)

def _rebalance_portfolio_leverage_value(Name,leverage):
    # 输入:资产组合中各资产的权重和日收益率
    # 计算资产组合的单位净值以及累计收益
    _return = _day_return_leverage(Name,leverage)
    weight = all_portfolio_weight(_return , 1)
    asset_value0 = 1
    asset_daily_value = []
    asset_return = 1
    for i in range(weight.shape[0]-1):
        asset_value = asset_value0 *weight.iloc[i]
        _return_peiod = _return[(_return.index > weight.index[i]) & (_return.index <= weight.index[i+1])]
        for j in range(_return_peiod.shape[0]):
            asset_value = np.multiply( ( _return_peiod.iloc[j]+1) , asset_value)
        asset_return = asset_return * (np.sum(asset_value)/asset_value0)
        asset_value0 = np.sum(asset_value)
    asset_daily_value = pd.concat(asset_daily_value)
    asset_daily_value.columns = asset
    return [asset_daily_value,asset_return]

def portfolio_statistics(Name):
    portfolio_value = _rebalance_portfolio_leverage_value(Name,3)[0]
    portfolio_value['Asset_sum'] = portfolio_value.apply(lambda x: x.sum(), axis=1)
    portfolio = pd.DataFrame(portfolio_value['Asset_sum'])
    date = pd.DataFrame( portfolio.index.values)
    portfolio = portfolio.reset_index(drop = True)
    portfolio = pd.concat([date,portfolio],axis = 1 )
    portfolio.columns = ['Date','资产组合']
    portfolio_statistics = asset_statistics_model([portfolio],['资产组合'])
    return portfolio_statistics

def plt_asset_value(Name):
## 功能:绘制资产以及资产组合的价格变化
    # Prepare data
    portfolio_value = _rebalance_portfolio_leverage_value (Name,3)[0]
    portfolio_value['Asset_sum'] = portfolio_value.apply(lambda x: x.sum(), axis=1) # 确定资产组合的每日价值
    data = _deal_data(Name).iloc[(_deal_data(Name).index >= portfolio_value.index[0])&(_deal_data(Name).index <= portfolio_value.index[-1])]
    weight = pd.DataFrame(1/data.iloc[0]).T.values
    data = np.multiply(weight,data)    # 归一化处理
    data.columns = asset #data反映的是资产组合中个资产的价值
    # Plot 
# =============================================================================
#     fig,ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,8))
#     ax2 = ax1.twinx()    # mirror the ax1   
#     # 由于股票的变动幅度较大,为更好的反映各个资产价格的变化,将股票价格单独设主坐标轴表示
#     ax1.plot(data.index, data[asset[0]] ,'g',label = asset[0])
#     ax2.plot(data.index, data[asset[1]],'b')
#     ax2.plot(portfolio_value.index, portfolio_value['Asset_sum'],'r')
# =============================================================================
    for i in range(data.shape[1]):
        plt.plot(data.index , data[asset[i]] ,label=asset[i])    
    plt.plot(portfolio_value.index , portfolio_value['Asset_sum'] ,label = 'Portfolio_value')

    # Decorations



def risk_contribution(Name):
    # 根据二次规划的解:计算各项资产对于资产组合的实际贡献程度
#    portfolio_value  = _rebalance_portfolio_value (Name) # 资产组合中各资产的净值
#    _return = _day_return_leverage(Name,3) #资产组合中各资产的日收益率
    _return = _day_return_leverage(Name,3)
    weight = all_portfolio_weight(_return , 1) #资产组合中各资产的权重
    contribution = []
    for i in range(weight.shape[0]-1):
         _return_peiod = _return[(_return.index > weight.index[i]) & (_return.index <= weight.index[i+1])]         
         weights = np.matrix(pd.DataFrame(weight.iloc[i]).T)
         covariances = np.matrix(_return_peiod.cov())
         portfolio_risk = _allocation_risk(weights, covariances)
         asset_risk = _assets_risk_contribution_to_allocation_risk(weights, covariances)
         asset_contribution = pd.DataFrame(asset_risk/portfolio_risk).T
#         asset_contribution= pd.concat( weight.index[i] , asset_contribution)
    contribution = pd.concat(contribution)
    contribution.columns = asset    
    contribution.index = pd.date_range(weight.index[1] , weight.index[-1] ,freq = 'M')
    return contribution 

asset_actual_risk_contribution = risk_contribution(Name)