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There’s a wider selection of smart phones and mobile OS’s than ever before, but you can’t just go buy every phone available and try them all out. Here’s how you can test out the latest version of the BlackBerry OS for free on your PC.

智能手机和移动操作系统的选择比以往任何时候都更多,但是您不能随便买所有可用的手机并尝试一下。 您可以通过以下方法在PC上免费测试最新版本的BlackBerry OS。

We’ll also look at see how it stacks up to the latest Android and iOS software.


Downloading and Installing the BlackBerry Simulator

下载并安装BlackBerry Simulator

First, you’ll need to download and install the BlackBerry Simulator.  Head over to the download page (link below), select the version of BlackBerry OS you want to try, and click Next.  We’re going to select v6.0.0, which is the latest version that will ship on the BlackBerry Torch.

首先,您需要下载并安装BlackBerry Simulator。 转到下载页面(下面的链接),选择要尝试的BlackBerry OS版本,然后单击“下一步”。 我们将选择v6.0.0,这是BlackBerry Torch附带的最新版本。

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You’ll need to register for the download, so enter your name and other info.


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When you’re done, confirm that your information is correct, select whether or not you want to receive emails from RIM or BlackBerry, and click Next.

完成后,请确认您的信息正确无误,选择是否要接收来自RIM或BlackBerry的电子邮件,然后单击“下一步” 。

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Agree to the license, and click Next.


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Finally, click the Download link to download the simulator software.


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Once the download is finished, run the installer.  Your computer may need to install some extra dependencies, so simply click Next to continue and install them automatically.

下载完成后,运行安装程序。 您的计算机可能需要安装一些额外的依赖项,因此只需单击“下一步”继续并自动安装它们。

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Next and setup as normal. 下一步,然后按常规进行设置。

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Once it’s installed, you’ll be ready to run your new virtual BlackBerry device from the start menu.


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Using the BlackBerry Simulator

使用BlackBerry Simulator

When you first run the Simulator, you may need to add an exception for it to your Firewall.  Windows Firewall will ask you to allow it to access your home networks, so just click Allow Access to let it have access to the internet.

首次运行模拟器时,可能需要将其例外添加到防火墙。 Windows防火墙将要求您允许其访问家庭网络,因此只需单击“允许访问”即可使其能够访问Internet。

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You’ll also be prompted by the simulator with info about using the virtual touch screen on the simulator.


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Now you’ll see a virtual BlackBerry on your desktop, booting the latest version of BlackBerry OS.

现在,您会在桌面上看到一个虚拟的BlackBerry,它正在启动最新版本的BlackBerry OS。

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View menu if you’d like. 查看”菜单更改设备的缩放比例。

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Here’s the simulator at 50% zoom, so now we can see it all at once.


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When the virtual phone finishes loading, you’ll need to accept a license agreement.  Click and drag up to scroll through the text.

虚拟电话完成加载后,您需要接受许可协议。 单击并向上拖动以滚动显示文本。

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Then at the bottom, click Ok to accept it.


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Near the bottom of the setup page you’ll notice some tutorials available to help you learn your way around the BlackBerry OS.

在设置页面底部附近,您会发现一些可用的教程可帮助您了解BlackBerry OS的使用方法。

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Everything else seemed to work fine.  Once you’re done with the introduction, you’ll see the full BlackBerry OS running right on Windows.

其他一切似乎都正常。 完成介绍后,您将看到完整的BlackBerry OS在Windows上运行。

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You can use the virtual hardware keys on the BlackBerry, but it’s usually easier to just point and click with your mouse.  To scroll, drag up or down with your mouse, just as you would on a touchscreen.  If you’d like to see the device at a different angle, hover your mouse over any of the corners in the simulator and it will turn into an angled phone icon.

您可以在BlackBerry上使用虚拟硬件密钥,但是使用鼠标指向和单击通常会更容易。 要像在触摸屏上一样滚动,上下拖动鼠标。 如果您想以不同的角度观看设备,请将鼠标悬停在模拟器的任意一个角落上,它将变成带角度的电话图标。

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Click and drag to rotate the virtual phone.


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Using BlackBerry OS in The Simulator

在模拟器中使用BlackBerry OS

The BlackBerry Simulator works almost just like the OS on a real BlackBerry device.  You can launch apps from the pane at the bottom of the home screen.

BlackBerry Simulator的工作原理几乎就像真正的BlackBerry设备上的操作系统一样。 您可以从主屏幕底部的窗格中启动应用程序。

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Or, click and drag up to see all the available options and applications.


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We were very impressed with the responsiveness of the simulator, and it run much better than most other smart phone emulators on our computer.  Transitions and animations were smooth, and we were able to get a good feel for how the BlackBerry OS 6 works with this simulator.

模拟器的响应能力给我们留下了深刻的印象,它比计算机上的其他大多数智能手机模拟器运行得更好。 过渡和动画非常流畅,我们对BlackBerry OS 6与此模拟器的配合使用感觉很好。

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You can even update your status using the built-in social networking applications to impress your friends with your new virtual smart phone.


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You can also see how the notifications work once you’ve added some networks.


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The simulator even has a virtual red alert light when you’ve got a new message or alert.


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Press the BlackBerry key in the bottom left of the simulator to open menus, or press and hold it to switch to another open application.


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Most of the applications work great, but some of them did crash.  Additionally, as mentioned before, the browser crashed every time we attempted to run it.

大多数应用程序运行良好,但其中一些确实崩溃了。 此外,如前所述,每次我们尝试运行浏览器时,浏览器都会崩溃。

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Install New BlackBerry Apps From the App World

从App World安装新的BlackBerry Apps

You can also try out the latest apps available for BlackBerry OS from the App World in the All pane.

您也可以从“应用程序世界”的“所有”窗格中试用适用于BlackBerry OS的最新应用程序。

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You can browse available applications, look at the most popular apps, and search for ones you may have heard of.


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Select an app to get more information, and click Download if you’d like to add it to your simulator.


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Note that you’ll need a BlackBerry ID to download apps, but if you don’t already have one, click Create a BlackBerry ID to sign up for free in seconds.

请注意,您需要使用BlackBerry ID才能下载应用程序,但是如果您还没有BlackBerry ID ,请单击“创建BlackBerry ID”以在几秒钟内免费注册。

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After a few moments, your new app will be downloaded and installed.  You can run it directly from the prompt, or find it in the All menu on the home screen as before.

片刻之后,您的新应用将被下载并安装。 您可以直接在提示符下运行它,也可以像以前一样在主屏幕的“所有”菜单中找到它。

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Here’s an app from the App World running on our BlackBerry simulator.  Pretty neat!

这是在BlackBerry模拟器上运行的App World中的应用程序。 很简约!

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Install Apps Manually


If you have a BlackBerry app you’ve downloaded directly from the internet, you can install it in the emulator as well.  Click Load BlackBerry Application in the File menu to open the application.

如果您有直接从Internet下载的BlackBerry应用程序,则也可以将其安装在模拟器中。 单击“文件”菜单中的“加载BlackBerry Application ”以打开应用程序。

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Moments later, your new application will appear in the application menu ready to use.


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Conclusion 结论

Although many younger users might consider BlackBerry an outdated smart phone, the latest version of the BlackBerry OS offers many nice features. A lot of business users still use Blackberries and it will fit their needs well.  We were excited to get to try it out on our PC, and this is a great way to see how you like a mobile OS before you sign a new mobile contract.  Whether or not you’re thinking about getting a new smart phone, this can still be a fun way to try out the latest in mobile tech for free.

尽管许多年轻用户可能认为BlackBerry是过时的智能手机,但是最新版本的BlackBerry OS提供了许多不错的功能。 许多企业用户仍在使用Blackberry,它将很好地满足他们的需求。 我们很高兴能在PC上进行试用,这是在签署新的移动合同之前了解您对移动操作系统的喜好的好方法。 无论您是否正在考虑购买新的智能手机,这仍然是一种免费试用最新移动技术的有趣方式。

If you’re interested in trying out the latest mobile devices on your PC, check out some of our other recent articles on running Android, webOS, and Windows Phone 7 on your PC:

如果您有兴趣在PC上试用最新的移动设备,请查看我们在PC上运行Android,webOS和Windows Phone 7的其他其他最新文章:

  • Test Drive webOS Without Buying a Phone 无需购买电话即可试用webOS
  • Test Drive Google Android on Your PC 在您的PC上试驾Google Android
  • Enable the Android Marketplace in the Google Android Emulator 在Google Android Emulator中启用Android Marketplace
  • Test All Features of Windows Phone 7 On Your PC 在PC上测试Windows Phone 7的所有功能



Download the BlackBerry Simulator

下载BlackBerry Simulator

