

协议参考 rfc2616:http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt 




 2. 通过长度创建一个相当大小的文件

 3. 创建线程组

 4. 分隔文件

 5. 各个线程获取一个文件块任务(比较小),读取后放在内存中,完成块后写入文件,再领取下一个文件块任务

 6. 直到全部块都完成


  线程组用异步IO 代替,为了简便任务用Stack管理块得分配,失败后再次push回,按照大概的顺序关系下载,直到栈空结束下载。实现比较简单,实际网络情况复杂,还有很多功能需要完善,不多说直接贴代码吧:

  class  ConcurrentDownLoader
         public  Uri ToUri {  get ;  set ; }

         public   string  SavePath {  get ;  set ; }

         private   int  _contentLength;
         public   int  ContentLength {  get { return  _contentLength;} }

         private   bool  _acceptRanges;
         public   bool  AcceptRanges {  get  {  return  _acceptRanges; } }

         private   int  _maxThreadCount;
         public   int  MaxThreadCount {  get { return  _maxThreadCount;} }

         public   event  Action OnDownLoaded;

         public   event  Action < Exception >   OnError;

         private  FileStream saveFileStream;
         private   object  _syncRoot  =   new   object ();

         public  ConcurrentDownLoader(Uri uri,  string  savePath)
            :  this (uri, savePath,  5 )

         public  ConcurrentDownLoader(Uri uri, string  savePath, int  maxThreadCount)
            ToUri  =  uri;
            SavePath  =  savePath;
            _maxThreadCount  =  maxThreadCount;

            ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit  =   100 ;

         public   void  DownLoadAsync()
            _acceptRanges  =  CheckAcceptRange();
             if  ( ! _acceptRanges)  // 可以使用顺序下载
                 throw   new  Exception( " resource cannot allow seek " );
             // create a File the same as ContentLength
             if  (File.Exists(SavePath))
                 throw   new  Exception( string .Format( " SavePath:{0} already exists " ,SavePath));
            saveFileStream  =  File.Create(SavePath);

            PartManager pm  =   new  PartManager( this );
            pm.OnDownLoaded  +=  ()  =>  
                 if  (OnDownLoaded  !=   null ) ;

            pm.OnError += (ex) =>
                 if (OnError != null )


          public   void  WriteFile(DPart part, MemoryStream mm)
             lock  (_syncRoot)
                    mm.Seek( 0 , SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    saveFileStream.Seek(part.BeginIndex, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                     byte [] buffer  =   new   byte [ 4096 ];
                     int  count  =   0 ;
                     while  ((count  =  mm.Read(buffer,  0 , buffer.Length))  >   0 )
                        saveFileStream.Write(buffer,  0 , count);


                    Console.WriteLine( " 写入:{0}~{1} 成功 " ,part.BeginIndex,part.EndIndex);   
                 catch  (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine( " {0},Write Error 这该咋办呢?? fu*K " ,ex.Message);   

         // 检测资源是否支持断点续传
         public   bool  CheckAcceptRange()
             bool  isRange  =   false ;

             // 同步方式,取到应答头即可
            HttpWebRequest req  =  (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(ToUri);
            WebResponse rsp  =  req.GetResponse();
             if (rsp.Headers[ " Accept-Ranges " ] == " bytes " )
                isRange = true ;

            _contentLength  =  ( int )rsp.ContentLength;

             return  isRange;




 class PartManager

         private   int  partSize  =   128   *   1024 ;  // 128K每份
         private  ConcurrentDownLoader _loader;
         private  ConcurrentStack < DPart >  _dParts;
         private  AsyncWebRequest[] _reqs;
         public   event  Action OnDownLoaded;
         public   event  Action < Exception >  OnError;
         private   int  _aliveThreadCount;
         private  Thread _checkComplete;

         public  PartManager(ConcurrentDownLoader loader)
            _loader  =  loader;
            _dParts  =   new  ConcurrentStack < DPart > ();
            _checkComplete  =   new  Thread( new  ThreadStart(()  =>
                Thread.Sleep( 3   *   1000 );
                 while  ( true )
                     int  count  =   0 ;
                     foreach  (var req  in  _reqs)
                         if  (req.IsComplete)
                            count ++ ;
                     if  (_reqs.Length  ==  count)
                         if  (OnDownLoaded  !=   null )
                        Thread.Sleep( 1000 );
            _checkComplete.IsBackground  =   true ;

             // parts Data 
             if  (loader.ContentLength  <  partSize)
                _dParts.Push( new  DPart() { BeginIndex  =   1 , EndIndex  =  loader.ContentLength });
                 int  count  =  loader.ContentLength  %  partSize  ==   0   ?  loader.ContentLength  /  partSize : loader.ContentLength  /  partSize  +   1 ;
                 for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  count; i ++ )
                    DPart p  =   new  DPart();
                    p.BeginIndex  =  i  *  partSize;
                    p.EndIndex  =  (i  +   1 )  *  partSize  -   1 ;

                     if  (count  -   1   ==  i)
                        p.EndIndex  =  loader.ContentLength  -   1 ;


             // 建立工作线程
            _aliveThreadCount  =  loader.MaxThreadCount;
            _reqs  =   new  AsyncWebRequest[loader.MaxThreadCount];
             for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  loader.MaxThreadCount; i ++ )
                _reqs[i]  =   new  AsyncWebRequest(i, loader);

         public   void  Proc()
             foreach  (AsyncWebRequest req  in  _reqs)
                 if  (_dParts.Count  >   0 )
                    DPart d;
                     if  (_dParts.TryPop( out  d))
                        req.IsComplete  =   false ;
                        req.BeginGetStream(Callback, d);
                        req.IsComplete  =   true ;
                    req.IsComplete  =   true ;

         public   void  Callback(AsyncWebRequest req, MemoryStream mm, Exception ex)
             // 一个线程如果3次都失败,就不再使用了,可能是线程数有限制,
             if  (ex  ==   null   &&  mm  !=   null )
                 // check mm size
                 if  (( int )mm.Length  ==  req.EndIndex  -  req.BeginIndex  +   1 )
                    _loader.WriteFile(req.Part, mm);
                     // 重新分配 Part
                     if  (_dParts.Count  >   0 )
                        DPart d;
                         if  (_dParts.TryPop( out  d))
                            req.BeginGetStream(Callback, d);
                         // 所有Part都已经完成鸟,ok success
                        req.IsComplete  =   true ;
                    req.IsComplete  =   true ;
                    Console.WriteLine( " mm Length:{0}, Part Length:{1} ,Why not the same ~~~shit " , mm.Length, req.EndIndex  -  req.BeginIndex);
                     // 回收分区
                    Interlocked.Decrement( ref  _aliveThreadCount);
                     if  (_aliveThreadCount  ==   0 )
                         if  (OnError  !=   null )
                            OnError( null );
                req.IsComplete  =   true ;
                 // 回收分区
                Interlocked.Decrement( ref  _aliveThreadCount);
                 if  (_aliveThreadCount  ==   0 )
                     if  (OnError  !=   null )
                        OnError( null );


 3. 文件分片


  class  DPart
         public   int  BeginIndex;
         public   int  EndIndex;
         public   bool  IsComlete;
         public   int  tryTimes;



class AsyncWebRequest

         // http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt
         //  suffix-byte-range-spec = "-" suffix-length
         // suffix-length = 1*DIGIT
         //  Range = "Range" ":" ranges-specifier
         // Range: bytes=100-300

         //   Content-Range = "Content-Range" ":" content-range-spec
         // content-range-spec      = byte-content-range-spec
         // byte-content-range-spec = bytes-unit SP
         //                           byte-range-resp-spec "/"
         //                           ( instance-length | "*" )
         // byte-range-resp-spec = (first-byte-pos "-" last-byte-pos)
         //                                | "*"
         // instance-length           = 1*DIGIT

         //       HTTP/1.1 206 Partial content
         // Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 06:25:24 GMT
         // Last-Modified: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 04:58:08 GMT
         // Content-Range: bytes 21010-47021/47022
         // Content-Length: 26012
         // Content-Type: image/gif

         private   int  _threadId;
         public   int  ThreadId {  get  {  return  _threadId; } }

         public   bool  IsComplete {  get ;  set ; }

         private  ConcurrentDownLoader _loader;
         public  ConcurrentDownLoader Loader {  get  {  return  _loader; } }

         private  DPart _part;
         public  DPart Part {  get  {  return  _part; } }
         private   int  _beginIndex;
         public   int  BeginIndex {  get  {  return  _beginIndex; } }

         private   int  _endIndex;
         public   int  EndIndex {  get  {  return  _endIndex; } }

         private   int  _tryTimeLeft;

         private  Action < AsyncWebRequest, MemoryStream, Exception >  _onResponse;
         private  HttpWebRequest _webRequest;
         private  MemoryStream _mmStream;
         private  Stream _rspStream;
         public  AsyncWebRequest( int  threadId, ConcurrentDownLoader loader)
            _threadId  =  threadId;
            _loader  =  loader;

         public   void  BeginGetStream(Action < AsyncWebRequest, MemoryStream, Exception >  rep, DPart part)
            IsComplete  =   false ;
            _beginIndex  =  part.BeginIndex;
            _endIndex  =  part.EndIndex;
            _part  =  part;
            _onResponse  =  rep;
            _tryTimeLeft  =   3 ;

         private   void  DoRequest()
            _webRequest  =  (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Loader.ToUri);
            _webRequest.AddRange(BeginIndex, EndIndex);
             //   _webRequest.Headers.Add(string.Format("Range: bytes={0}-{1}", BeginIndex, EndIndex));
            _mmStream  =   new  MemoryStream(EndIndex  -  BeginIndex);

            Console.WriteLine( " 开始获取{0}-{1}段 " , BeginIndex, EndIndex);

            _webRequest.BeginGetResponse((result)  =>
                    HttpWebRequest req  =  result.AsyncState  as  HttpWebRequest;
                    WebResponse rsp  =  req.EndGetResponse(result);
                     // 验证Content-Range: bytes的正确性
                     string  contentRange  =  rsp.Headers[ " Content-Range " ];
                     //  (\d+)\-(\d+)\/(\d+) Match Content-Range: bytes 21010-47021/47022
                    Regex reg  =   new  Regex( @" (\d+)\-(\d+)\/(\d+) " );
                    Match mc  =  reg.Match(contentRange);
                     if  (mc.Groups.Count  ==   4 )
                         int  bid  =  Convert.ToInt32(mc.Groups[ 1 ].Value);
                         int  eid  =  Convert.ToInt32(mc.Groups[ 2 ].Value);
                         int  len  =  Convert.ToInt32(mc.Groups[ 3 ].Value);
                         if  (bid  ==  BeginIndex  &&  eid  ==  EndIndex  &&  Loader.ContentLength  ==  len)
                            Console.WriteLine( " 开始获取{0}-{1}段时返回成功,Content-Range:{2} " , BeginIndex, EndIndex, contentRange);
                             throw   new  Exception( string .Format( " 开始获取{0}-{1}段时返回失败,Content-Range 验证错误:{2} " , BeginIndex, EndIndex, contentRange));
                         throw   new  Exception( " return Content-Range Error : "   +  contentRange);

                    Console.WriteLine( " 开始获取{0}-{1}段时返回成功,开始读取数据 " , BeginIndex, EndIndex);

                    _rspStream  =  rsp.GetResponseStream();
                     byte [] buffer  =   new   byte [ 4096 ];
                    _rspStream.BeginRead(buffer,  0 ,  4096 , EndReadStream, buffer);
                 catch  (Exception ex)
                     if  (_tryTimeLeft  >   0 )
                        Console.WriteLine( " 获取{0}-{1}失败,ex:{2},重试 " , BeginIndex, EndIndex, ex.Message);
                        _tryTimeLeft -- ;
                        _rspStream  =   null ;
                        _webRequest  =   null ;
                        Console.WriteLine( " 获取{0}-{1}失败,ex:{2},已经重试3次放弃~~ " , BeginIndex, EndIndex, ex.Message);
                         if  (_onResponse  !=   null )
                            _onResponse( this ,  null , ex);
            }, _webRequest);

         private   void  EndReadStream(IAsyncResult result)
                 byte [] buffer  =  result.AsyncState  as   byte [];
                 int  count  =  _rspStream.EndRead(result);
                 if  (count  >   0 )
                    Console.WriteLine( " 读取{0}-{1}段数据中,读取到:{2}字节,continue··· " , BeginIndex, EndIndex, count);
                    _mmStream.Write(buffer,  0 , count);
                    _rspStream.BeginRead(buffer,  0 ,  4096 , EndReadStream, buffer);
                     // OK now all is back
                     if  (_onResponse  !=   null )
                        _onResponse( this , _mmStream,  null );
             catch  (Exception ex)
                 if  (_tryTimeLeft  >   0 )
                    Console.WriteLine( " 获取{0}-{1}失败,ex:{2},重试 " , BeginIndex, EndIndex, ex.Message);
                    _tryTimeLeft -- ;
                     if  (_rspStream  !=   null )
                    _rspStream  =   null ;
                    _webRequest  =   null ;
                    Console.WriteLine( " 获取{0}-{1}失败,ex:{2},已经重试3次放弃~~ " , BeginIndex, EndIndex, ex.Message);
                     if  (_onResponse  !=   null )
                        _onResponse( this , _mmStream, ex);

