ios path绘制形状

After reading an article on how to create a custom Android bottom-bar shape, I asked myself how to archive the same on iOS. Above is an image of the layout that I want to build.

阅读了有关如何创建自定义Android底部栏形状的文章后,我问自己如何在iOS上对其进行归档。 上面是我要构建的布局的图像。

First of all, we need to create a custom IBDesignable UITabBar class and override the draw method. Here we need to insert a sublayer to the views layer. In the created layer, we define the inner color, the stroke color, and the path that we want to draw. Furthermore, I created a switch that is replacing the layer if it already exists. This way the layout also supports orientation changes.

首先,我们需要创建一个自定义的IBDesignable UITabBar类并重写draw方法。 在这里,我们需要在视图层中插入一个子层。 在创建的图层中,我们定义内部颜色,笔触颜色以及要绘制的路径。 此外,我创建了一个开关来替换该层(如果已经存在)。 这样,布局还支持方向更改。

Since the drawing of the path takes a little more code, I extracted it into a separate method.


The actual drawing of the custom TabBar is implemented in the createPath method. With the help of the UIBezierPath, we draw a line from the top left to the beginning of our indentation. Here it’s getting a little tricky (at least for me). I got the correct Bézier curves by trial and error, and this nice tool.

自定义TabBar的实际图形是在createPath方法中实现的。 在UIBezierPath的帮助下,我们从左上角到缩进的开头画了一条线。 在这里,它变得有些棘手(至少对我而言)。 通过反复试验,我得到了正确的贝塞尔曲线 ,并且这个工具不错

After finishing the curves, we simply need to connect the missing corners of the UIBezierPath.


As we set the class of the TabBar in the interface builder to our custom TabBar, we can already see a preview of the new layout.

当我们在界面构建器中将TabBar的类设置为自定义TabBar ,我们已经可以看到新布局的预览。

To add a button to the indentation, I simply created a button sized 70 x 70 in the two ViewControllers. For the layout, I used constraints, centering the button horizontally in the view and adding its vertical center to the bottom of the TabBar. To give the button rounded corners, I used the layer.cornerRadius key path and set it to 25. Also, don’t forget to enable “clip to bounds.”

为了向缩进添加按钮,我只是在两个ViewController创建了一个大小为70 x 70的按钮。 对于布局,我使用了约束,将按钮在视图中水平居中并将其垂直中心添加到TabBar的底部。 为了给按钮提供圆角,我使用了layer.cornerRadius关键路径并将其设置为25。此外,不要忘记启用“ clip to bounds”。

You maybe noticed that the icons are not really centered in relation to the indentation. I found no better solution than setting the key path of titlePositionAdjustment for the UITabBarItem. The left item is shifted by -20 and the right by 20.

您可能已经注意到,图标并不是相对于缩进真正居中。 我发现没有比为UITabBarItem设置titlePositionAdjustment的关键路径更好的解决方案。 左边的项目偏移-20,右边的偏移20。

By executing the project, you will end up with a UI that looks exactly like the requested layout, but there is one thing missing: the click area of the button.To avoid the TabBar receiving touch events by clicking the button in the lower areas, we need to override the point-inside method of the TabBar and return false if the button was clicked.


That's it!


If you do not like the Bézier curve, you can also go with a circle:


You can find an example project on GitHub:

您可以在GitHub上找到一个示例项目: https : //


ios path绘制形状