
There may be times when you want to add a note to an email message you received. Maybe you need to remember something about the sender or the contents of the email. There are several ways to add a note to an email message.

有时您可能想在收到的电子邮件中添加注释。 也许您需要记住有关发件人或电子邮件内容的信息。 有几种方法可以将注释添加到电子邮件中。

NOTE: You can also create a new task containing an email message you received. This is useful if you need to do something related to the email. The new task will contain all the contents (except attachments) from the email.

注意:您还可以创建一个包含收到的电子邮件的新任务。 如果您需要执行与电子邮件相关的操作,这将很有用。 新任务将包含电子邮件中的所有内容(附件除外)。

One method of adding a note to an email message is to flag the message. To do this, right-click on the flag icon in the flag column for the message to which you want to add a note. Select Custom from the popup menu.

在电子邮件中添加注释的一种方法是标记邮件。 为此,请在标记列中的标记图标上单击鼠标右键,以在其中添加注释的邮件。 从弹出菜单中选择“自定义”。


On the Custom dialog box, you can select a ready-made note from the Flag to drop-down list.



You can also type a custom note in the Flag to edit box. Select a Start date and a Due date and setup a reminder, if desired. Click OK.

您也可以在“标记要编辑”框中键入自定义注释。 选择开始日期和到期日期,并根据需要设置提醒。 单击确定。


The flag displays above the body of the email message when you double-click on the message to open it in the Message window.



You can also put the cursor in the subject line of the message and add text to it, as shown below.



When you close the message window, a confirmation dialog box displays asking if you want to save your changes. To save the note you added to the subject line, click Yes.

关闭消息窗口时,将显示一个确认对话框,询问您是否要保存更改。 要保存添加到主题行的笔记,请单击“是”。


Your note displays as part of the subject line on the message in your list of email messages.



You can also add a note to the body of an email message. To do this, you must enable editing of the message. Double-click the message to open the Message window. Click Actions in the Move section of the Message tab and select Edit Message from the drop-down menu.

您还可以在电子邮件正文中添加注释。 为此,必须启用消息编辑。 双击消息以打开“消息”窗口。 单击“消息”选项卡的“移动”部分中的“操作”,然后从下拉菜单中选择“编辑消息”。


Click in the body of the message and type your note.



When you close the Message window, a confirmation dialog box displays asking if you want to save your changes. Click Yes to save you note in the body of the email.

关闭“消息”窗口时,将显示一个确认对话框,询问您是否要保存更改。 单击“是”将您的笔记保存在电子邮件正文中。


You can see the note you added if it is visible as part of the first line of the body displayed in the list of email messages.



Use the Notes section of Outlook to create a separate note you can attach to an email message. To do this, click the … button on the Navigation Bar and select Notes from the popup menu.

使用Outlook的“注释”部分来创建单独的注释,您可以将其附加到电子邮件中。 为此,请单击导航栏上的…按钮,然后从弹出菜单中选择“注释”。


Click New Note on the Home tab of the Notes window (or press Ctrl + N) to create a note.

单击“注释”窗口“主页”选项卡上的“新建注释”(或按Ctrl + N)以创建注释。


Enter the text for your note in the small note window that displays and click the X button to close the note, saving it.



To attach the note to the email message, make sure the Mail section of Outlook is active. Double-click on the message onto which you want to attach the note. Leaving the Message window open, go back to the main Outlook window and select Notes from the Navigation Bar, as mentioned above. Drag the note you created to the message window. The note is added to the message as an attachment.

要将注释附加到电子邮件,请确保Outlook的“邮件”部分处于活动状态。 双击要附加注释的消息。 使“消息”窗口保持打开状态,返回到Outlook主窗口,然后从导航栏中选择“注释”,如上所述。 将您创建的注释拖到消息窗口。 该注释将作为附件添加到邮件中。


When you close the Message window, a confirmation dialog box displays asking if you want to save your changes. To save the message with your note added as an attachment, click Yes.

关闭“消息”窗口时,将显示一个确认对话框,询问您是否要保存更改。 要保存邮件并添加便笺作为附件,请单击“是”。


A paperclip icon is added to the message in the list of email messages, indicating there is an attachment in the message.



When you add a note to an email message as an attachment using the Notes section of Outlook, you don’t have to keep the original note. The note is now saved with the message, and can be deleted from the Notes section.

当使用Outlook的“便笺”部分将便笺作为附件添加到电子邮件中时,不必保留原始便笺。 现在,便笺将随消息一起保存,并且可以从“便笺”部分中删除。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/173329/how-to-add-a-note-to-an-email-message-in-outlook-2013/