


create database user

use user


create table StuInfo
StuNo varchar(12) primary key,
StuName varchar(12) not null,
StuAge int not null check(StuAge>=0 and StuAge<=100),
StuSex nchar(1) not null check(StuSex = '男' or StuSex = '女') default('男'),
StuTel varchar(15),
StuAddress varchar(12) not null,
ClassName varchar(12) not null


create table Exam
ExamNo int primary key identity(1,1),
StuNo varchar(12) foreign key references StuInfo(StuNo),
Written float check(Written >= 0 and Written <= 100),
Lab float check(Lab>=0 and Lab <= 100)


create table A 
Name varchar(12) not null,
Password varchar(12) not null




select s.StuNo,StuName,StuSex,e.Written,e.Lab from StuInfo s inner join Exam e on s.StuNo = e.StuNo


返回所有左表比配中的不比配内弄,关键字,outer join外连接关键字,left为左连接关键字

select s.StuNo,StuName,StuSex,e.Written,e.Lab from StuInfo s left outer join Exam e on s.StuNo = e.StuNo


返回所有右表比配中的不比配内弄,关键字,outer join外连接关键字,right为左连接关键字

select s.StuNo,s.StuName,s.StuSex, e.Written,e.Lab from StuInfo s right outer join Exam e on s.StuNo = e.StuNo

(5)Order by

select s.StuNo,s.StuName,s.StuSex,e.Written,e.Lab from StuInfo s inner join Exam e on s.StuNo = e.StuNo where StuAge>15 order by s.StuAge


select s.StuNo,s.StuName,s.StuSex,e.Written,e.Lab from StuInfo s full outer join Exam e on s.StuNo = e.StuNo


简单的理解为两个表的字段乘积,关键字为cross join

select s.StuNo,s.StuName,s.StuSex,e.Written,e.Lab from StuInfo s cross join Exam e


select * from StuInfo s where StuNo = any (select StuNo from Exam e where Written >90 and Lab > 90)


select lab from Exam where Lab = ''
select * from Exam where Lab = ''


insert into B (Name,Password) select Name,Password from A


CREATE table A select * from teach


select top 0 * into C from B


select AVG(Written),AVG(Lab) from Exam


select AVG((Written+Lab) / 2) from Exam


select min(written) from Exam


select max(written) from Exam


select count(Lab) from Exam


--ExamNo = 1就是根据它的ID来求某行的平均值
select AVG((written+lab) /2) from Exam where ExamNo = 1


select SUM(written+lab) from Exam where ExamNo = 1


select * into stuinfo_bakl from stuInfo


delete student where StuNo = 1


