iOS短信转发功能 苹果手机短信转发_linux


iOS短信转发功能 苹果手机短信转发_mac_02

We love Apple’s Continuity features, including the ability to receive calls and text message from your iPhone on your Mac or iPad. If you want to automatically forward text messages to your Mac or iPad however, you first need to set it up.

我们喜欢Apple的Continuity功能,包括能够在Mac或iPad上从iPhone接收呼叫和短信的功能。 但是,如果要自动将短信转发到Mac或iPad,则首先需要进行设置。

Text message forwarding works great because you don’t have to actually be on your iPhone to communicate via text. Any text messages that arrives on your iPhone will automatically be forwarded to your Mac or iPad via the Messages app.

短信转发功能很棒,因为您不必真正在iPhone上就可以通过短信进行交流。 iPhone上收到的任何短信都将通过“消息”应用程序自动转发到Mac或iPad。

At this point, it’s akin to using instant messaging, you simply type and talk as if you’re using the phone and messages will continue to be sent and received via text.


To set up text message forwarding, first open the “Settings” on your iPhone, then tap on “Messages”. Next, tap on “Text Message Forwarding” to allow text messages to “be sent and received on other devices signed in to your iMessage account.”

要设置短信转发,请先在iPhone上打开“设置”,然后点击“短信”。 接下来,点击“短信转发”以允许“在登录到您的iMessage帐户的其他设备上发送和接收短信”。

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In this example, there are two other devices available for text message forwarding. We tap on our Mac to turn it on and we’ll next need to verify to allow this device.

在此示例中,还有两个其他设备可用于文本消息转发。 我们点击Mac将其打开,接下来我们需要验证以允许使用此设备。

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Each device you enable text message forwarding will need to be verified on your iPhone. 您启用了短信转发的每个设备都需要在iPhone上进行验证。

On our Mac, the Messages app will display a dialog telling you that in order to send and receive iPhone text messages, you need to enter a code on your iPhone.


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Enter the code the Messages app gives you on your iPhone. 输入消息应用在您的iPhone上为您提供的代码。

Similarly, a message will appear on you iPhone urging you to enter the code shown on your Mac. In this case, upon entering the code and tapping the “Allow” button, any text messages that arrive on our iPhone will also be routed to our Mac as well.

同样,iPhone上也会出现一条消息,敦促您输入Mac上显示的代码。 在这种情况下,输入密码并点击“允许”按钮后,到达iPhone的所有短信也将被路由到Mac。

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Enter the code shown on your Mac or iPad to complete the setup process. 输入Mac或iPad上显示的代码以完成设置过程。

So, if we’re working on something using our Macbook, and our iPhone is in the other room, not only will be not miss any important texts that arrive, but we’ll be able to reply to them without actually using the iPhone!


If you have other devices to which you want to forward text messages, simply repeat this process for each one. On the other hand, if you want to turn off text message forwarding, then simply return to the Message settings on your iPhone and disable each or all the devices you previously allowed.

如果您要将其他文本设备转发到其他设备,只需对每个设备重复此过程。 另一方面,如果您要关闭短信转发功能,则只需返回到iPhone上的“短信”设置,然后禁用以前允许的每个或所有设备。

We hope you found this article helpful and will soon be taking full advantage of all the wonderful features Continuity offers. Should you have any comments or questions you would like to contribute, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

希望本文对您有所帮助,并且很快将充分利用Continuity提供的所有出色功能。 如果您有任何意见或疑问要发表,请在我们的论坛中发表您的反馈意见。

