
  • 一、前言
  • 二、顺序栈的实现
  • 三、链栈的实现
  • 四、其他数据结构实现





class Stack:
	    Sequential Stack implement
	    def __init__(self):
	        initialize an empty Stack, __stack means it's a private member
	        self.__stack = []
	    def top(self):
	        get the top element of Stack
	        :return: if Stack is empty return None, else return the top element
	        return None if self.isEmpty() else self.__stack[-1]
	    def push(self, obj):
	        push an element into Stack
	        :param obj: object to be pushed
	    def pop(self):
	        pop the top element from Stack
	        :return: if Stack is empty return None, else return the popped element
	        return None if self.isEmpty() else self.__stack.pop()
	    def clear(self):
	        clear the whole Stack
	    def isEmpty(self):
	        judge the Stack is empty or not
	        :return: bool value
	        return self.length() == 0
	    def length(self):
	        get the length of Stack
	        return len(self.__stack)


  1. 取栈顶元素(top方法)和出栈操作(pop方法)的时候,一定要处理栈为空的情况,不然会抛出索引越界的错误。
  2. 对比C/C++、Java语言中的类实现,可以发现类的数据成员通常分为public、protected、private三种,虽然在Python中没有这三个修饰符,但是Python同样可以为数据成员定义访问权限
    (2)如果要设定受保护的成员,需在数据成员之前添加单个下划线 _ ,比如self._stack
    (3)如果要设定私有的成员,需在数据成员之前添加两个下划线 __ ,如上面初始化函数中所示的self.__stack



class LinkNode:
	    Link Node definition
	    def __init__(self):
	        self.data = None
	        self.next = None


class LinkStack:
	    Link Stack implement
	    def __init__(self):
	        initialize an empty Link Stack
	        self.__link_stack = LinkNode()
	    def top(self):
	        get the top element of Link Stack
	        :return: if Link Stack is empty return None, else return the top element
	        return None if self.isEmpty() else self.__link_stack.next.data
	    def push(self, obj):
	        push an element into Link Stack
	        :param obj: object to be pushed
	        node = LinkNode()
	        node.data = obj
	        node.next = self.__link_stack.next
	        self.__link_stack.next = node
	    def pop(self):
	        pop the top element from Link Stack
	        :return: if Link Stack is empty return None, else return the popped element
	        if self.isEmpty():
	            return None
	            next_node = self.__link_stack.next
	            self.__link_stack.next = next_node.next
	            return next_node.data
	    def clear(self):
	        clear the whole Link Stack
	        self.__link_stack = LinkNode()
	    def isEmpty(self):
	        judge the Link Stack is empty or not
	        :return: bool value
	        return self.__link_stack.next is None
	    def length(self):
	        get the length of Link Stack
	        count = 0
	        curr_node = self.__link_stack.next
	        while curr_node:
	            count += 1
	            curr_node = curr_node.next
	        return count



  1. Python数据结构篇(二)—— 顺序队列和优先队列的实现
  2. Python数据结构篇(三)—— 链表的实现(待更新)
  3. Python数据结构篇(四)—— 二叉树的实现(待更新)