是python呀2020-10-27 20:50:16烟花由中国古代人民较早发明,常用于盛大的典礼或表演中,也在除夕夜及元宵节中燃放用来烘托节日氛围。近年来随着环境污染的加剧,一些地区已经禁止燃放烟花了,那我们就用 Python 实现一场无污染的烟花秀。环境操作系统:WindowsPython 版本:3.6涉及模块:tkinter、PIL、time、random、math实现导入库:import tkinter as tk

from PIL import Image, ImageTk

from time import time, sleep

from random import choice, uniform, randint

from math import sin, cos, radians烟花颜色:colors = ['red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'white', 'green', 'orange', 'purple', 'seagreen', 'indigo', 'cornflowerblue']定义烟花类:class fireworks:

def __init__(self, cv, idx, total, explosion_speed, x=0., y=0., vx=0., vy=0., size=2., color='red', lifespan=2, **kwargs):

self.id = idx

# 烟花绽放 x 轴

self.x = x

# 烟花绽放 x 轴

self.y = y

self.initial_speed = explosion_speed

# 外放 x 轴速度

self.vx = vx

# 外放 y 轴速度

self.vy = vy

# 绽放的粒子数

self.total = total

# 已停留时间

self.age = 0

# 颜色

self.color = color

# 画布

self.cv = cv

self.cid = self.cv.create_oval(x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size,


self.lifespan = lifespan

# 更新数据

def update(self, dt):

self.age += dt

# 粒子膨胀

if self.alive() and self.expand():

move_x = cos(radians(self.id * 360 / self.total)) * self.initial_speed

move_y = sin(radians(self.id * 360 / self.total)) * self.initial_speed

self.cv.move(self.cid, move_x, move_y)

self.vx = move_x / (float(dt) * 1000)

# 膨胀到最大下落

elif self.alive():

move_x = cos(radians(self.id * 360 / self.total))

self.cv.move(self.cid, self.vx + move_x, self.vy + 0.5 * dt)

self.vy += 0.5 * dt

# 过期移除

elif self.cid is not None:


self.cid = None

# 定义膨胀效果的时间帧

def expand(self):

return self.age <= 1.5

# 检查粒子是否仍在生命周期内

def alive(self):

return self.age <= self.lifespan燃放烟花:def ignite(cv):

t = time()

# 烟花列表

explode_points = []

wait_time = randint(10, 100)

# 爆炸的个数

numb_explode = randint(6, 10)

for point in range(numb_explode):

# 爆炸粒子列表

objects = []

# 爆炸 x 轴

x_cordi = randint(50, 550)

# 爆炸 y 轴

y_cordi = randint(50, 150)

speed = uniform(0.5, 1.5)

size = uniform(0.5, 3)

color = choice(colors)

# 爆炸的绽放速度

explosion_speed = uniform(0.2, 1)

# 爆炸的粒子数半径

total_particles = randint(10, 50)

for i in range(1, total_particles):

r = fireworks(cv, idx=i, total=total_particles, explosion_speed=explosion_speed, x=x_cordi, y=y_cordi,

vx=speed, vy=speed, color=color, size=size,

lifespan=uniform(0.6, 1.75))

# 添加进粒子列表里


# 把粒子列表添加到烟花列表


total_time = .0

# 在 1.8 秒时间帧内保持更新

while total_time < 1.8:

# 让画面暂停 0.01s


# 刷新时间

tnew = time()

t, dt = tnew, tnew - t

# 遍历烟花列表

for point in explode_points:

# 遍历烟花里的粒子列表

for item in point:

# 更新时间


# 刷新页面


total_time += dt

root.after(wait_time, ignite, cv)启动:if __name__ == "__main__":

root = http://tk.Tk()

# 绘制一个画布

cv = tk.Canvas(root, height=400, width=600)

# 背景图

image = Image.open("bg.jpg")

photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)

# 在画板上绘制一张图片

cv.create_image(0, 0, image=photo, anchor='nw')



root.after(100, ignite, cv)

# 生成窗口


烟花由中国古代人民较早发明,常用于盛大的典礼或表演中,也在除夕夜及元宵节中燃放用来烘托节日氛围。近年来随着环境污染的加剧,一些地区已经禁止燃放烟花了,那我们就用 Python 实现一场无污染的烟花秀。


Python 版本:3.6




import tkinter as tk

from PIL import Image, ImageTk

from time import time, sleep

from random import choice, uniform, randint

from math import sin, cos, radians


colors = ['red', 'blue', 'yellow', 'white', 'green', 'orange', 'purple', 'seagreen', 'indigo', 'cornflowerblue']


class fireworks:

def __init__(self, cv, idx, total, explosion_speed, x=0., y=0., vx=0., vy=0., size=2., color='red', lifespan=2, **kwargs):

self.id = idx

# 烟花绽放 x 轴

self.x = x

# 烟花绽放 x 轴

self.y = y

self.initial_speed = explosion_speed

# 外放 x 轴速度

self.vx = vx

# 外放 y 轴速度

self.vy = vy

# 绽放的粒子数

self.total = total

# 已停留时间

self.age = 0

# 颜色

self.color = color

# 画布

self.cv = cv

self.cid = self.cv.create_oval(x - size, y - size, x + size, y + size,


self.lifespan = lifespan

# 更新数据

def update(self, dt):

self.age += dt

# 粒子膨胀

if self.alive() and self.expand():

move_x = cos(radians(self.id * 360 / self.total)) * self.initial_speed

move_y = sin(radians(self.id * 360 / self.total)) * self.initial_speed

self.cv.move(self.cid, move_x, move_y)

self.vx = move_x / (float(dt) * 1000)

# 膨胀到最大下落

elif self.alive():

move_x = cos(radians(self.id * 360 / self.total))

self.cv.move(self.cid, self.vx + move_x, self.vy + 0.5 * dt)

self.vy += 0.5 * dt

# 过期移除

elif self.cid is not None:


self.cid = None

# 定义膨胀效果的时间帧

def expand(self):

return self.age <= 1.5

# 检查粒子是否仍在生命周期内

def alive(self):

return self.age <= self.lifespan


def ignite(cv):

t = time()

# 烟花列表

explode_points = []

wait_time = randint(10, 100)

# 爆炸的个数

numb_explode = randint(6, 10)

for point in range(numb_explode):

# 爆炸粒子列表

objects = []

# 爆炸 x 轴

x_cordi = randint(50, 550)

# 爆炸 y 轴

y_cordi = randint(50, 150)

speed = uniform(0.5, 1.5)

size = uniform(0.5, 3)

color = choice(colors)

# 爆炸的绽放速度

explosion_speed = uniform(0.2, 1)

# 爆炸的粒子数半径

total_particles = randint(10, 50)

for i in range(1, total_particles):

r = fireworks(cv, idx=i, total=total_particles, explosion_speed=explosion_speed, x=x_cordi, y=y_cordi,

vx=speed, vy=speed, color=color, size=size,

lifespan=uniform(0.6, 1.75))

# 添加进粒子列表里


# 把粒子列表添加到烟花列表


total_time = .0

# 在 1.8 秒时间帧内保持更新

while total_time < 1.8:

# 让画面暂停 0.01s


# 刷新时间

tnew = time()

t, dt = tnew, tnew - t

# 遍历烟花列表

for point in explode_points:

# 遍历烟花里的粒子列表

for item in point:

# 更新时间


# 刷新页面


total_time += dt

root.after(wait_time, ignite, cv)


if __name__ == "__main__":

root = tk.Tk()

# 绘制一个画布

cv = tk.Canvas(root, height=400, width=600)

# 背景图

image = Image.open("bg.jpg")

photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)

# 在画板上绘制一张图片

cv.create_image(0, 0, image=photo, anchor='nw')



root.after(100, ignite, cv)

# 生成窗口

