
        之前介绍的 storeOffsets 方法调用它写入已提交位移消息。而本篇介绍的 storeGroup 方法调用它写入消费者组注册消息,即向 Coordinator 注册消费者组。

def storeGroup(group: GroupMetadata,
                 groupAssignment: Map[String, Array[Byte]],
                 responseCallback: Errors => Unit): Unit = {
    // 判断当前Broker是否是该消费者组的Coordinator
    getMagic(partitionFor(group.groupId)) match {
      case Some(magicValue) => // 如果当前Broker是Coordinator
        // We always use CREATE_TIME, like the producer. The conversion to LOG_APPEND_TIME (if necessary) happens automatically.
        val timestampType = TimestampType.CREATE_TIME
        val timestamp = time.milliseconds()
        // 构建注册消息的Key
        val key = GroupMetadataManager.groupMetadataKey(group.groupId)
        // 构建注册消息的Value
        val value = GroupMetadataManager.groupMetadataValue(group, groupAssignment, interBrokerProtocolVersion)
        // 使用 Key 和 Value 构建待写入消息集合。这里的消息集合类是 MemoryRecords。
        val records = {
          val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(AbstractRecords.estimateSizeInBytes(magicValue, compressionType,
            Seq(new SimpleRecord(timestamp, key, value)).asJava))
          val builder = MemoryRecords.builder(buffer, magicValue, compressionType, timestampType, 0L)
          builder.append(timestamp, key, value)
        // 计算要写入的目标分区
        val groupMetadataPartition = new TopicPartition(Topic.GROUP_METADATA_TOPIC_NAME, partitionFor(group.groupId))
        val groupMetadataRecords = Map(groupMetadataPartition -> records)
        val generationId = group.generationId

        // set the callback function to insert the created group into cache after log append completed
        // 就是当消息被写入到位移主题后,填充 Cache。
        def putCacheCallback(responseStatus: Map[TopicPartition, PartitionResponse]): Unit = {
          // the append response should only contain the topics partition
          if (responseStatus.size != 1 || !responseStatus.contains(groupMetadataPartition))
            throw new IllegalStateException("Append status %s should only have one partition %s"
              .format(responseStatus, groupMetadataPartition))

          // construct the error status in the propagated assignment response in the cache
          val status = responseStatus(groupMetadataPartition)

          val responseError = if (status.error == Errors.NONE) {
          } else {
            debug(s"Metadata from group ${group.groupId} with generation $generationId failed when appending to log " +
              s"due to ${status.error.exceptionName}")

            // transform the log append error code to the corresponding the commit status error code
            status.error match {
              case Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION
                   | Errors.NOT_ENOUGH_REPLICAS
                   | Errors.NOT_ENOUGH_REPLICAS_AFTER_APPEND =>

              case Errors.NOT_LEADER_FOR_PARTITION
                   | Errors.KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR =>

              case Errors.REQUEST_TIMED_OUT =>

              case Errors.MESSAGE_TOO_LARGE
                   | Errors.RECORD_LIST_TOO_LARGE
                   | Errors.INVALID_FETCH_SIZE =>

                error(s"Appending metadata message for group ${group.groupId} generation $generationId failed due to " +
                  s"${status.error.exceptionName}, returning UNKNOWN error code to the client")


              case other =>
                error(s"Appending metadata message for group ${group.groupId} generation $generationId failed " +
                  s"due to unexpected error: ${status.error.exceptionName}")


        // 向位移主题写入消息
        // 该方法就是调用 ReplicaManager 的 appendRecords 方法,将消息写入到位移主题中。
        appendForGroup(group, groupMetadataRecords, putCacheCallback)

      case None => // 如果当前Broker不是Coordinator
        // 返回NOT_COORDINATOR异常


        查询位移时,Coordinator 只会从 GroupMetadata 元数据缓存中查找对应的位移值,而不会读取位移主题。真正需要读取位移主题的时机,是在当前 Broker 当选 Coordinator,也就是 Broker 成为了位移主题某分区的 Leader 副本时。

        一旦当前 Broker 当选为位移主题某分区的 Leader 副本,它就需要将它内存中的元数据缓存填充起来,因此需要读取位移主题。在代码中,这是由 scheduleLoadGroupAndOffsets 方法完成的。该方法会创建一个异步任务,来读取位移主题消息,并填充缓存。

def scheduleLoadGroupAndOffsets(offsetsPartition: Int, onGroupLoaded: GroupMetadata => Unit): Unit = {
    val topicPartition = new TopicPartition(Topic.GROUP_METADATA_TOPIC_NAME, offsetsPartition)
    if (addLoadingPartition(offsetsPartition)) {
      info(s"Scheduling loading of offsets and group metadata from $topicPartition")
      scheduler.schedule(topicPartition.toString, () => loadGroupsAndOffsets(topicPartition, onGroupLoaded))
    } else {
      info(s"Already loading offsets and group metadata from $topicPartition")

        loadGroupsAndOffsets 方法本质上是调用 doLoadGroupsAndOffsets 方法实现的位移主题读取,它要做两件事请:加载消费者组;加载消费者组的位移。

private def doLoadGroupsAndOffsets(topicPartition: TopicPartition,
                                     onGroupLoaded: GroupMetadata => Unit): Unit = { // 加载完成后要执行的逻辑
    // 第 1 部分:读取consumer_offsets主题文件
    // 获取位移主题指定分区的LEO值
    // 如果当前Broker不是该分区的Leader副本,则返回-1
    def logEndOffset: Long = replicaManager.getLogEndOffset(topicPartition).getOrElse(-1L)
    // 读取位移主题目标分区的日志对象
    replicaManager.getLog(topicPartition) match {
      // 如果无法获取到日志对象
      case None =>
        warn(s"Attempted to load offsets and group metadata from $topicPartition, but found no log")

      case Some(log) =>
        // 已完成位移值加载的分区列表
        val loadedOffsets = mutable.Map[GroupTopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset]()
        // 处于位移加载中的分区列表,只用于Kafka事务
        val pendingOffsets = mutable.Map[Long, mutable.Map[GroupTopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset]]()
        // 已完成组信息加载的消费者组列表
        val loadedGroups = mutable.Map[String, GroupMetadata]()
        // 待移除的消费者组列表
        val removedGroups = mutable.Set[String]()

        // buffer may not be needed if records are read from memory
        // 保存消息集合的ByteBuffer缓冲区
        var buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0)

        // loop breaks if leader changes at any time during the load, since logEndOffset is -1
        // 位移主题目标分区日志起始位移值
        var currOffset = log.logStartOffset

        // loop breaks if no records have been read, since the end of the log has been reached
        // 至少要求读取一条消息
        var readAtLeastOneRecord = true

        // 当前读取位移<LEO,且至少要求读取一条消息,且GroupMetadataManager未关闭
        while (currOffset < logEndOffset && readAtLeastOneRecord && !shuttingDown.get()) {
          // 读取位移主题指定分区,调用Log.scala的read方法
          val fetchDataInfo = log.read(currOffset,
            maxLength = config.loadBufferSize,
            isolation = FetchLogEnd,
            minOneMessage = true)
          // 如果无消息可读,则不再要求至少读取一条消息
          readAtLeastOneRecord = fetchDataInfo.records.sizeInBytes > 0
          // 创建消息集合
          // 由于 doLoadGroupsAndOffsets 方法要将读取的消息填充到缓存中,
          // 因此,这里必须做出 MemoryRecords 类型的消息集合。这就是第二路 case 分支要将 FileRecords 转换成 MemoryRecords 类型的原因。
          val memRecords = fetchDataInfo.records match {
            case records: MemoryRecords => records
            case fileRecords: FileRecords =>
              val sizeInBytes = fileRecords.sizeInBytes
              val bytesNeeded = Math.max(config.loadBufferSize, sizeInBytes)

              // minOneMessage = true in the above log.read means that the buffer may need to be grown to ensure progress can be made
              if (buffer.capacity < bytesNeeded) {
                if (config.loadBufferSize < bytesNeeded)
                  warn(s"Loaded offsets and group metadata from $topicPartition with buffer larger ($bytesNeeded bytes) than " +
                    s"configured offsets.load.buffer.size (${config.loadBufferSize} bytes)")

                buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bytesNeeded)
              } else {

              fileRecords.readInto(buffer, 0)
          // 第 2 部分:处理消息集合。
          memRecords.batches.asScala.foreach { batch =>
            // 遍历消息集合的每个消息批次(RecordBatch)
            val isTxnOffsetCommit = batch.isTransactional
            // 如果是控制类消息批次
            // 控制类消息批次属于Kafka事务范畴,这里不展开讲
            if (batch.isControlBatch) {
              val recordIterator = batch.iterator
              if (recordIterator.hasNext) {
                val record = recordIterator.next()
                val controlRecord = ControlRecordType.parse(record.key)
                if (controlRecord == ControlRecordType.COMMIT) {
                  pendingOffsets.getOrElse(batch.producerId, mutable.Map[GroupTopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset]())
                    .foreach {
                      case (groupTopicPartition, commitRecordMetadataAndOffset) =>
                        if (!loadedOffsets.contains(groupTopicPartition) || loadedOffsets(groupTopicPartition).olderThan(commitRecordMetadataAndOffset))
                          loadedOffsets.put(groupTopicPartition, commitRecordMetadataAndOffset)
            } else {
              // 保存消息批次第一条消息的位移值
              var batchBaseOffset: Option[Long] = None
              // 遍历消息批次下的所有消息
              for (record <- batch.asScala) {
                // 确保消息必须有Key,否则抛出异常
                require(record.hasKey, "Group metadata/offset entry key should not be null")
                if (batchBaseOffset.isEmpty)
                  batchBaseOffset = Some(record.offset)
                // 读取消息Key
                GroupMetadataManager.readMessageKey(record.key) match {
                  // 如果是OffsetKey,说明是提交位移消息
                  case offsetKey: OffsetKey =>
                    if (isTxnOffsetCommit && !pendingOffsets.contains(batch.producerId))
                      pendingOffsets.put(batch.producerId, mutable.Map[GroupTopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset]())

                    // load offset
                    val groupTopicPartition = offsetKey.key
                    // 如果该消息没有Value,那么此消费者组可以删掉
                    if (!record.hasValue) {
                      if (isTxnOffsetCommit)
                        // 将目标分区从已完成位移值加载的分区列表中移除
                    } else {
                      val offsetAndMetadata = GroupMetadataManager.readOffsetMessageValue(record.value)
                      if (isTxnOffsetCommit)
                        pendingOffsets(batch.producerId).put(groupTopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset(batchBaseOffset, offsetAndMetadata))
                        // 将目标分区加入到已完成位移值加载的分区列表
                        loadedOffsets.put(groupTopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset(batchBaseOffset, offsetAndMetadata))
                  // 如果是GroupMetadataKey,说明是注册消息
                  case groupMetadataKey: GroupMetadataKey =>
                    // load group metadata
                    val groupId = groupMetadataKey.key
                    val groupMetadata = GroupMetadataManager.readGroupMessageValue(groupId, record.value, time)
                    // 如果消息Value不为空
                    if (groupMetadata != null) {
                      // 把该消费者组从待移除消费者组列表中移除
                      // 将消费者组加入到已完成加载的消费组列表
                      loadedGroups.put(groupId, groupMetadata)
                    } else {
                      // 把该消费者组从已完成加载的组列表中移除
                      // 将消费者组加入到待移除消费组列表
                  // 如果是未知类型的Key,抛出异常
                  case unknownKey =>
                    throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected message key $unknownKey while loading offsets and group metadata")
            // 更新读取位置到消息批次最后一条消息的位移值+1,等待下次while循环
            currOffset = batch.nextOffset
        // 第 3 部分:处理loadedOffsets
        // 对 loadedOffsets 进行分组,将那些已经完成组加载的消费者组位移值分到一组,保存在字段 groupOffsets 中;
        // 将那些有位移值,但没有对应组信息的分成另外一组,也就是字段 emptyGroupOffsets 保存的数据。
        val (groupOffsets, emptyGroupOffsets) = loadedOffsets
          // 提取出<组名,主题名,分区号>与位移值对
          .mapValues(_.map { case (groupTopicPartition, offset) => (groupTopicPartition.topicPartition, offset) })
          .partition { case (group, _) => loadedGroups.contains(group) }

        // 事务性逻辑,不描述
        val pendingOffsetsByGroup = mutable.Map[String, mutable.Map[Long, mutable.Map[TopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset]]]()
        pendingOffsets.foreach { case (producerId, producerOffsets) =>
          producerOffsets.keySet.map(_.group).foreach(addProducerGroup(producerId, _))
            .mapValues(_.map { case (groupTopicPartition, offset) => (groupTopicPartition.topicPartition, offset)})
            .foreach { case (group, offsets) =>
              val groupPendingOffsets = pendingOffsetsByGroup.getOrElseUpdate(group, mutable.Map.empty[Long, mutable.Map[TopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset]])
              val groupProducerOffsets = groupPendingOffsets.getOrElseUpdate(producerId, mutable.Map.empty[TopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset])
              groupProducerOffsets ++= offsets

        val (pendingGroupOffsets, pendingEmptyGroupOffsets) = pendingOffsetsByGroup
          .partition { case (group, _) => loadedGroups.contains(group)}

        // 处理loadedGroups
        loadedGroups.values.foreach { group =>
          // 提取消费者组的已提交位移
          val offsets = groupOffsets.getOrElse(group.groupId, Map.empty[TopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset])
          val pendingOffsets = pendingGroupOffsets.getOrElse(group.groupId, Map.empty[Long, mutable.Map[TopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset]])
          debug(s"Loaded group metadata $group with offsets $offsets and pending offsets $pendingOffsets")
          // 为已完成加载的组执行加载组操作
          loadGroup(group, offsets, pendingOffsets)
          // 为已完成加载的组执行加载组操作之后的逻辑

        // load groups which store offsets in kafka, but which have no active members and thus no group
        // metadata stored in the log
        (emptyGroupOffsets.keySet ++ pendingEmptyGroupOffsets.keySet).foreach { groupId =>
          val group = new GroupMetadata(groupId, Empty, time)
          val offsets = emptyGroupOffsets.getOrElse(groupId, Map.empty[TopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset])
          val pendingOffsets = pendingEmptyGroupOffsets.getOrElse(groupId, Map.empty[Long, mutable.Map[TopicPartition, CommitRecordMetadataAndOffset]])
          debug(s"Loaded group metadata $group with offsets $offsets and pending offsets $pendingOffsets")
          // 为空的消费者组执行加载组操作
          loadGroup(group, offsets, pendingOffsets)
          // 为空的消费者执行加载组操作之后的逻辑
        // 处理removedGroups
        removedGroups.foreach { groupId =>
          // if the cache already contains a group which should be removed, raise an error. Note that it
          // is possible (however unlikely) for a consumer group to be removed, and then to be used only for
          // offset storage (i.e. by "simple" consumers)
          if (groupMetadataCache.contains(groupId) && !emptyGroupOffsets.contains(groupId))
            throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected unload of active group $groupId while " +
              s"loading partition $topicPartition")