
  • 基础查询语句
  • 条件查询语句


#语法:select 查询列表 from 表名;
#例如:select 字段1,字段2,表达式 from 表;
#执行顺序:1.from子句 2.select子句

select 100;       #形成一个虚拟表格

select 100+100;
select 100%3;

select name from world.city;

select id,name from world.city;

select * from world.city;  
select now();       #显示当前时间
select user();      #显示当前登陆的用户名和ip
select version();   #显示mysql版本
select database();  #显示当前所选择的数据库

select city.name as '城市' from city;
select city.name '城市' from city;
select name 城市,population as '人口' from city;

-- select CountryCode from city;
select distinct CountryCode from city;


#语法:select 查询列表 from 表名 where 筛选条件;
#执行顺序:1)from子句 2)where子句 3)select子句

select CountryCode,Language from world.countrylanguage where countrycode = 'CHN'; 
select CountryCode,Language from world.countrylanguage where countrycode != 'CHN';  
select CountryCode,Language from world.countrylanguage where countrycode <> 'CHN';  
select name,population from world.country where population > 1000000000;
select Name,gnp,gnpold,gnp/gnpold from world.country where gnp/gnpold >=1.1;

-- 写法1:
select name,LifeExpectancy from world.country where LifeExpectancy < 40 or LifeExpectancy > 80;
-- 写法2:
select name,LifeExpectancy from world.country where not(LifeExpectancy >= 40 and LifeExpectancy <= 80);
select CountryCode,name,Population from world.city where Population > 5000000 and CountryCode = 'CHN';
select name,lifeexpectancy,surfacearea,population from world.country where LifeExpectancy >80 or (SurfaceArea > 1000000 and population >100000000);

#(3)模糊查询 (like/not like)
#常见的通配符:_ 任意单个字符 % 任意多个字符,支持0-多个
select name from world.country where name like '%INA%';
select name from world.country where name like '%IA';
select name from world.country where name like 'CH%';
select name from world.country where name like '__IN%';
select name from world.country where name like '__\_%';
-- 指定用'/'符号来说明跟在其后面的通配符。其他符号也可以,# $ escape
select name from world.country where name like '__#_%' escape '#';

#(4)关键字 between… and…
-- 写法1:
select name,LifeExpectancy from world.country where LifeExpectancy >= 80 and LifeExpectancy <= 85;
-- 写法2:
select name,LifeExpectancy from world.country where LifeExpectancy between 80 and 85;
select name,LifeExpectancy from world.country where LifeExpectancy not between 80 and 85;

-- 写法1:
select name,IndepYear from world.country where IndepYear=1971 or IndepYear=1981 or IndepYear=1991;
-- 写法2:
select name,IndepYear from world.country where IndepYear in (1971,1981,1991);
select name,IndepYear from world.country where IndepYear not in (1971,1981,1991);

#(6)关键字is null(判断某个字段是否为null 不能用等号 用is)
select name,IndepYear from world.country where IndepYear is null;
select name,HeadOfState from world.country where HeadOfState = '';     -- 等号只能用比较普通数值
select name,HeadOfState from world.country where HeadOfState is null;  -- is只能比较null值
-- 设置字符串的" "空和类型上的null不一样,null更像是一个占位,什么数据也没有;
select name,HeadOfState from world.country where HeadOfState <=> '';   -- 安全等号,既能判断数值空也能判断null
select name,HeadOfState from world.country where HeadOfState <=> null;