ubuntu 14.04 安装 MySQL 5.6 出错

          initctl:Unknown job:mysql

        则安装结束后,将无法启动 mysql。如下图所示:

    ubuntu 14.04 安装 mysql-server 及 可能出现的问题(Unknow job: mysql)和解决办法1

         出现这一问题,跟 mysql 没有直接关系, 而是由于初始守护进程控制工具(The init daemon control tool)没有使 mysql server daemon 从  /etc/init 启动。可以在终端键入如下命令手动恢复:

           (sudo) initctl reload-configuration  
root@xin-VirtualBox:/home/xin# apt-get install mysql-server-5.6
正在读取软件包列表... 完成
正在读取状态信息... 完成       
  libhtml-template-perl mysql-server-core-5.6
  libipc-sharedcache-perl mailx tinyca
  libhtml-template-perl mysql-server-5.6 mysql-server-core-5.6
升级了 0 个软件包,新安装了 3 个软件包,要卸载 0 个软件包,有 181 个软件包未被升级。
需要下载 10.8 MB 的软件包。
解压缩后会消耗掉 79.2 MB 的额外空间。
您希望继续执行吗? [Y/n] 
获取:1 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/universe mysql-server-core-5.6 amd64 5.6.31-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 [5,048 kB]
获取:2 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-updates/universe mysql-server-5.6 amd64 5.6.31-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 [5,720 kB]
获取:3 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main libhtml-template-perl all 2.95-1 [65.5 kB]
下载 10.8 MB,耗时 10秒 (1,054 kB/s)                                           
正在预设定软件包 ...
正在选中未选择的软件包 mysql-server-core-5.6。
(正在读取数据库 ... 系统当前共安装有 167784 个文件和目录。)
正准备解包 .../mysql-server-core-5.6_5.6.31-0ubuntu0.14.04.2_amd64.deb  ...
正在解包 mysql-server-core-5.6 (5.6.31-0ubuntu0.14.04.2) ...
正在选中未选择的软件包 mysql-server-5.6。
正准备解包 .../mysql-server-5.6_5.6.31-0ubuntu0.14.04.2_amd64.deb  ...
正在解包 mysql-server-5.6 (5.6.31-0ubuntu0.14.04.2) ...
正在选中未选择的软件包 libhtml-template-perl。
正准备解包 .../libhtml-template-perl_2.95-1_all.deb  ...
正在解包 libhtml-template-perl (2.95-1) ...
正在处理用于 man-db ( 的触发器 ...
正在处理用于 ureadahead (0.100.0-16) 的触发器 ...
正在设置 mysql-server-core-5.6 (5.6.31-0ubuntu0.14.04.2) ...
正在设置 mysql-server-5.6 (5.6.31-0ubuntu0.14.04.2) ...
initctl:未知任务: mysql
2016-08-07 15:37:08 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).
2016-08-07 15:37:08 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 5.6.31-0ubuntu0.14.04.2) starting as process 7193 ...
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Using atomics to ref count buffer pool pages
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Memory barrier is not used
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.8
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active.
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: 5.6.31 started; log sequence number 1625977
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] Binlog end
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: FTS optimize thread exiting.
2016-08-07 15:37:08 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
2016-08-07 15:37:10 7193 [Note] InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 1625987
initctl:未知任务: mysql
正在设置 libhtml-template-perl (2.95-1) ...
正在处理用于 ureadahead (0.100.0-16) 的触发器 ...
root@xin-VirtualBox:/home/xin# ps aux | grep mysql
root      7329  0.0  0.0  15964  2220 pts/0    S+   15:38   0:00 grep --color=auto mysql
root@xin-VirtualBox:/home/xin# netstat -tap | grep mysql
root@xin-VirtualBox:/home/xin# initctl reload-configuration
root@xin-VirtualBox:/home/xin# service mysql start
start:未知任务: mysql
root@xin-VirtualBox:/home/xin# /etc/init.d/mysql start
 * Starting MySQL database server mysqld                       没有目录,将以 HOME=/ 登录
                                                        [ OK ]
 * Checking for tables which need an upgrade, are corrupt or were 
not closed cleanly.
root@xin-VirtualBox:/home/xin# ps aux | grep mysql
mysql     7626  0.0  0.0   4448  1656 ?        S    15:49   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe
mysql     7695  1.0  3.0 769148 123436 ?       Sl   15:49   0:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib/mysql/plugin --pid-file=/var/lib/mysql/xin-VirtualBox.pid
mysql     7696  0.0  0.0  11392  1872 ?        S    15:49   0:00 logger -t mysqld -p daemon.error
root      7809  0.0  0.0  15968  2172 pts/0    S+   15:50   0:00 grep --color=auto mysql 
2016-08-04 17:18:45 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).
2016-08-04 17:18:45 0 [Note] /usr/sbin/mysqld (mysqld 5.6.31-0ubuntu0.14.04.2) starting as process 7828 ...
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Using atomics to ref count buffer pool pages
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use GCC atomic builtins
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Memory barrier is not used
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.8
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Using Linux native AIO
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Using CPU crc32 instructions
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Highest supported file format is Barracuda.
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: 128 rollback segment(s) are active.
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Waiting for purge to start
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: 5.6.31 started; log sequence number 1625977
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] Binlog end
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: FTS optimize thread exiting.
2016-08-04 17:18:45 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
2016-08-04 17:18:47 7828 [Note] InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 1625987
start: Job failed to start
invoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.
dpkg: 处理软件包 mysql-server-5.6 (--configure)时出错:
 子进程 已安装 post-installation 脚本 返回了错误号 1
正在设置 libhtml-template-perl (2.95-1) ...
dpkg: 依赖关系问题使得 mysql-server 的配置工作不能继续:
 mysql-server 依赖于 mysql-server-5.6;然而:
  软件包 mysql-server-5.6 尚未配置。

dpkg: 处理软件包 mysql-server (--configure)时出错:
 依赖关系问题 - 仍未被配置
正在处理用于 libc-bin (2.19-0ubuntu6) 的触发器 ...
因为错误消息指示这是由于上一个问题导致的错误,没有写入 apport 报告。
                                                                    正在处理用于 ureadahead (0.100.0-16) 的触发器 ...
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)