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CNN目标检测(一):Faster RCNN详解
基於Resnet的Faster R-CNN網絡模型


coco: 使用的数据集
(P, Q):没有resize之前的原始图像大小.
(M, N): 输入到网络的图像, 是resize之后的图像大小.


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im_data:图像数据, size = ([batch, 3, M, N]), 由原始图像(P, Q)统一resize到(M, N).

im_info:图像信息,size = ([batch, 3]),保存的是 resize后的图像的H, W, 也就是上面图中的M, N以及resize的scale,scale = P/M = Q/N.

gt_boxes:gt box信息,size = ([batch, 50, 5]), 每张图片最多50个box, 每个box信息包含box的4个坐标和box的类别.

num_boxes:size= ([batch]), 记录每张图片有多少个box,因为在gt_boxes中每张图片都存储了50个box, 但实际上box数只有num_boxes[i]个,gt_boxes中box不够50的box信息全部填0.


  1. 整体网络结构

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这里最重要的就是_fasterRCNN的forward过程:i: RCNN_base, 卷积网络提取的图片特征, 输出为base_feat, shape=(batch, 512, M/16, N/16)ii: RCNN_rpn, rpn网络, 计算rios、前景背景2分类loss和粗边框回归loss, 其中rois的shape=(batch, post_top_n, 5), 是排序后并经过nms后的post_top_n个anchor(经过网络预测的delta修正原始anchor之后的anchor),这些anchor都是映射回MxN的图像的, 并且经过剪切, 不会超出图像的大小, 每个anchor由1个占位和x1, y1, x2, y2这4个坐标组成。iii: RCNN_proposal_target, 本过程只有训练阶段有, 目的是得到128个与anchor有最大IOU的gt_box的label, 以及gt_box与anchor之间的偏移, 用作求类别loss和精边框回归loss. iv: RCNN_roi_align, 使用roi_align方法将128个anchor每个都切成7x7的块, 输出为pooled_feat, shape=(batch*128, 512, 7, 7).v: _head_to_tail, 全连接层: (batch*128, 512*7*7) --> (batch*128, 4096).vi: RCNN_cls_score, 全连接层用做分类, 预测score, (batch*128, 4096) --> (batch*128, n_class), 并使用交叉熵求得预测的分类与第iii步得到的gt_box的label的loss.vii: RCNN_bbox_pred,


4.测试阶段的后处理i: bbox_transform_inv, 根据2.vii得到的RCNN_bbox_pred 修正2.ii得到的rios.ii: clip_boxes, 将 pred_boxes剪切在图像范围内, 超出边界的都剪切回图像内, pred_boxes个数没有变。iii:


  1. rpn网络
    i: rpn整体结构

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ii: rpn前置网络

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iii: RPN_proposal

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代码注释 / class _ProposalLayer

def forward(self, input):

        # the first set of _num_anchors channels are bg probs
        # the second set are the fg probs
        scores = input[0][:, self._num_anchors:, :, :]  # (batch, 12, M/16, N/16)
        bbox_deltas = input[1] # (batch, 48,  M/16, N/16)
        im_info = input[2] # (batch, 3)
        cfg_key = input[3]

        pre_nms_topN  = cfg[cfg_key].RPN_PRE_NMS_TOP_N
        post_nms_topN = cfg[cfg_key].RPN_POST_NMS_TOP_N
        nms_thresh    = cfg[cfg_key].RPN_NMS_THRESH
        min_size      = cfg[cfg_key].RPN_MIN_SIZE

        batch_size = bbox_deltas.size(0)

        feat_height, feat_width = scores.size(2), scores.size(3) 
        shift_x = np.arange(0, feat_width) * self._feat_stride # =[0, 16, 32, ..., (feat_width-1)*16]
        shift_y = np.arange(0, feat_height) * self._feat_stride # =[0, 16, 32, ..., (feat_height-1)*16]

        ''' shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y)
               shift_x = [[0, 16, 32, ..., (feat_width-1)*16],
                          [0, 16, 32, ..., (feat_width-1)*16],
                          [0, 16, 32, ..., (feat_width-1)*16]]
               shift_x shape=(feat_height,feat_width)
               shift_y = [[0, 0, ..., 0],
               shift_y shape=(feat_height,feat_width)
        shift_x, shift_y = np.meshgrid(shift_x, shift_y)

        shifts = 
                [[0,  0,  0,  0],
                 [16, 0,  16, 0],
                 [(feat_width-1)*16, 0, (feat_width-1)*16, 0],
                 [0,  16, 0, 16],
                 [16, 16, 16, 16],
                 [(feat_width-1)*16, 16, (feat_width-1)*16, 16],
                 [0, (feat_height-1)*16, 0, (feat_height-1)*16], 
                 [16, (feat_height-1)*16, 16, (feat_height-1)*16],
                 [(feat_width-1)*16, (feat_height-1)*16, (feat_width-1)*16, (feat_height-1)*16]]
        shifts shape=(feat_width*feat_height, 4)
        shifts 表示将原始(0,0)点的anchor需要经过怎样的平移可以得到M/16*N/16特征图上的每个点在M*N图像上的anchor,
                [[0,  0,  0,  0],
                 [16, 0,  16, 0],
                 [(feat_width-1)*16, 0, (feat_width-1)*16, 0]]
                 表示将(0,0)点的anchor左上角和右下角的x坐标向右移动, 而y坐标移动0, 则会得到第一行的点的anchor,

        shifts = torch.from_numpy(np.vstack((shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel(),
                                  shift_x.ravel(), shift_y.ravel())).transpose())
        shifts = shifts.contiguous().type_as(scores).float()

        A = self._num_anchors  # 12
        K = shifts.size(0)  # feat_width*feat_height

        self._anchors = self._anchors.type_as(scores)
        # anchors = self._anchors.view(1, A, 4) + shifts.view(1, K, 4).permute(1, 0, 2).contiguous()
        anchors = self._anchors.view(1, A, 4) + shifts.view(K, 1, 4)  # (K, A, 4)
        anchors = anchors.view(1, K * A, 4).expand(batch_size, K * A, 4)

iv: RPN_anchor_target

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代码注释 / class _AnchorTargetLayer

def forward(self, input):

        total_anchors = int(K * A)  

        keep = ((all_anchors[:, 0] >= -self._allowed_border) &
                (all_anchors[:, 1] >= -self._allowed_border) &
                (all_anchors[:, 2] < long(im_info[0][1]) + self._allowed_border) &
                (all_anchors[:, 3] < long(im_info[0][0]) + self._allowed_border))

        # torch.nonzero输出非0元素的索引, shape=(N)
        inds_inside = torch.nonzero(keep).view(-1)

        # keep only inside anchors 
        # anchors: (N, 4), 在图片内的所有原始anchors(映射到 网络输入图像上的)
        anchors = all_anchors[inds_inside, :]

        # label: 1 is positive, 0 is negative, -1 is dont care
        # labels shape=(batch_size, N)
        labels =, inds_inside.size(0)).fill_(-1)
        bbox_inside_weights =, inds_inside.size(0)).zero_()
        bbox_outside_weights =, inds_inside.size(0)).zero_()
        anchors: (N, 4), 在图片内的所有原始anchors(映射到 网络输入图像上的)
        gt_boxes: (b, 50, 5) 每张图本身最多50个box
        overlaps: (b, N, 50), 表示每个anchor和每个gt_box的重叠面积的交并比IOU, 但这里并不是严格的交并比, 而是A^B/(AuB-A^B)
        如果不算batch的话, overlaps = 
        [[v11, v12, v13, ..., v150],
         [v21, v22, v23, ..., v250],
         [vN1, vN2, vN3, ..., vN50]]
        每一行表示一个anchor分别与50个gt box的IOU
        overlaps = bbox_overlaps_batch(anchors, gt_boxes)

        # 找到每个anchor最大IOU的gt box的IOU
        # max_overlaps shape=(batch, N)
        # argmax_overlaps shape=(batch, N)
        max_overlaps, argmax_overlaps = torch.max(overlaps, 2)
        # 找到每个gt box最大IOU的anchor的IOU, 也就是overlaps每一列的最大值
        # gt_max_overlaps shape=(batch, 50)
        gt_max_overlaps, _ = torch.max(overlaps, 1)

            # IOU小于0.3的为negative
            labels[max_overlaps < cfg.TRAIN.RPN_NEGATIVE_OVERLAP] = 0

        gt_max_overlaps[gt_max_overlaps==0] = 1e-5

        overlaps: shape=(batch, N, 50)
        如果不算batch的话, overlaps = 
        [[v11, v12, v13, ..., v150],
         [v21, v22, v23, ..., v250],
         [vN1, vN2, vN3, ..., vN50]]
         每一行表示一个anchor分别与50个gt box的IOU
         gt_max_overlaps.view(batch_size,1,-1).expand_as(overlaps) = 
        [[vmax1, vmax2, vmax3, ..., vmax50],
         [vmax1, vmax2, vmax3, ..., vmax50],
         [vmax1, vmax2, vmax3, ..., vmax50]]    
         其中vmax1是v11到vN1中的最大一个, 其他同理。
        A.ep(B): A和B相同的元素的位置置1, 不相同的置0   
        表示overlaps中gt box和哪个anchor的IOU最大, 那么其值就置为1, 其他的都置为0。
        那么这时候就会出现某些行全是0的情况, 也就是50个gt box的最大IOU对应的anchor最多只能是50个, 
        torch.sum(..., 2): 表示按行求和, 非全0的行sum的值就会大于0, 表示这个anchor是与gt boxes具有最大IOU的anchor中的一个
        keep = torch.sum(overlaps.eq(gt_max_overlaps.view(batch_size,1,-1).expand_as(overlaps)), 2)

        if torch.sum(keep) > 0:
            labels[keep>0] = 1  #將与50个gt boxes具有最大IOU的anchor設置爲正樣本

        # fg label: above threshold IOU
        # 如果一个anchor与50个gt box最大IOU大于等于0.7的话, 将这个anchor设置为正样本
        labels[max_overlaps >= cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_OVERLAP] = 1 
        for i in range(batch_size):
            # subsample positive labels if we have too many
            if sum_fg[i] > num_fg:
                fg_inds = torch.nonzero(labels[i] == 1).view(-1)
                # torch.randperm seems has a bug on multi-gpu setting that cause the segfault.
                # See for more details.
                # use numpy instead.
                #rand_num = torch.randperm(fg_inds.size(0)).type_as(gt_boxes).long()
                #随机选择一部分前景(sum_fg-num_fg个),置为-1(-1为无效框, 不是背景框),只保留num_fg个前景
                rand_num = torch.from_numpy(np.random.permutation(fg_inds.size(0))).type_as(gt_boxes).long()
                disable_inds = fg_inds[rand_num[:fg_inds.size(0)-num_fg]]
                labels[i][disable_inds] = -1

            # num_bg = cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BATCHSIZE - sum_fg[i]
            num_bg = cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BATCHSIZE - torch.sum((labels == 1).int(), 1)[i]

            # subsample negative labels if we have too many
            if sum_bg[i] > num_bg:
                #随机选择一部分背景景(sum_bg-num_bg个),置为-1(-1为无效框, 不是背景框),只保留num_bg个背景
                bg_inds = torch.nonzero(labels[i] == 0).view(-1)
                #rand_num = torch.randperm(bg_inds.size(0)).type_as(gt_boxes).long()

                rand_num = torch.from_numpy(np.random.permutation(bg_inds.size(0))).type_as(gt_boxes).long()
                disable_inds = bg_inds[rand_num[:bg_inds.size(0)-num_bg]]
                labels[i][disable_inds] = -1

        offset = torch.arange(0, batch_size)*gt_boxes.size(1)  # [0, 50, 100, ..., (batch-1)*50]

        # argmax_overlaps, shape=(batch, N), 是每个anchor最大IOU的gt box的index
        # argmax_overlaps + offset.view(batch_size, 1).type_as(argmax_overlaps):
        # 将每个anchor最大IOU的gt box的index分别加上0,50,100,...,(batch-1)*50
        # 结果argmax_overlaps shape还是(batch, N)
        argmax_overlaps = argmax_overlaps + offset.view(batch_size, 1).type_as(argmax_overlaps)

        # gt_boxes.view(-1,5) shape = (batch*50, 5)
        # argmax_overlaps.view(-1) shape=(batch*N)
        # 所以gt_boxes.view(-1,5)[argmax_overlaps.view(-1), :] 则表示选择出与每个anchor最大IOU的gt box
        # gt_boxes.view(-1,5)[argmax_overlaps.view(-1), :].view(batch_size, -1, 5)  shape=(batch, N, 5)
        # anchors: (N, 4), 在图片内的所有原始anchors(映射到 网络输入图像上的)
        # bbox_targets: (b, N, 4), 每个anchor与其最大IOU的gt box的平移and缩放比例
        bbox_targets = _compute_targets_batch(anchors, gt_boxes.view(-1,5)[argmax_overlaps.view(-1), :].view(batch_size, -1, 5))

        # use a single value instead of 4 values for easy index.
        # #
        bbox_inside_weights[labels==1] = cfg.TRAIN.RPN_BBOX_INSIDE_WEIGHTS[0]
        if cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT < 0:
            num_examples = torch.sum(labels[i] >= 0) #前景背景样本总数
            positive_weights = 1.0 / num_examples.item()
            negative_weights = 1.0 / num_examples.item()
            assert ((cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT > 0) &
                    (cfg.TRAIN.RPN_POSITIVE_WEIGHT < 1))

        bbox_outside_weights[labels == 1] = positive_weights
        bbox_outside_weights[labels == 0] = negative_weights

        # inds_inside: (batch, N), 所有在图像范围内的anchor的index
        # total_anchors: weight*height*12, 所有的anchor数
        # labels: (batch, N), 所有在图像范围内的anchor的label
        # return labels: shape=(batch, weight*height*12), 所有的anchor的label, 不在图像范围的置为-1
        labels = _unmap(labels, total_anchors, inds_inside, batch_size, fill=-1)

v: rpn loss

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2. RCNN_proposal_target网络

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3. RCNN_roi_align

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4. 后置处理

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