
Voice search is taking over how we use the internet. With applications like Google Assistant, Siri and Cortana and devices such as Alexa and Google Home, voice search has become easier, more accessible and more accurate.  According to Branded 3, 40% of adults currently use voice search at least once a day and it is predicted that by 2020, 50% of all searches will be conducted in this way. This shift in how we use the internet will affect how your website appears in search results and will change the way you optimise your site for search engines.

语音搜索正在取代我们使用互联网的方式。 借助Google Assistant,Siri和Cortana之类的应用程序以及Alexa和Google Home之类的设备,语音搜索变得更加轻松,便捷和准确。 根据Branded 3的调查 ,目前40%的成年人每天至少使用一次语音搜索,预计到2020年,所有搜索中的50%将以这种方式进行。 我们使用互联网的方式的这种变化将影响您的网站在搜索结果中的显示方式,并会改变您为搜索引擎优化网站的方式。

How does voice search differ from typed search?


One of the ways to understand how your website may be affected by voice search is to understand how it differs from traditional typed searching. When we use traditional searching, we tend to use unnatural language, sometimes stripping things down to a couple of keywords, e.g. ‘supermarket Cambridge’. When we use voice search, we are more likely to use natural speech, e.g. ‘Find me a supermarket in Cambridge.’

了解您的网站可能会受到语音搜索影响的方法之一是了解它与传统类型搜索的区别。 当我们使用传统搜索时,我们倾向于使用不自然的语言,有时将内容简化为几个关键词,例如“超市剑桥”。 当我们使用语音搜索时,我们更有可能使用自然语音,例如“在剑桥找我一家超市”。

With the typed query, a search engine will provide you with a list of supermarkets in Cambridge; a voice query, on the other hand, will use artificial intelligence to provide you with an answer to your specific question, e.g. ‘Your nearest supermarket is Tesco, 2.5 miles away.’

通过键入的查询,搜索引擎将为您提供剑桥的超级市场列表; 另一方面,语音查询将使用人工智能为您提供特定问题的答案,例如“您最近的超市是2.5英里之外的Tesco。”

The answer provided is based on your query history, your current location and the context in which you provide the question.


The difference between the two types of search results is that the search engine will simply use your keywords to find relevant content, whereas the digital assistant tries to understand the meaning and intent of your query in order to provide the most appropriate results.


Are keywords still essential?


The answer here is that yes, keywords are still essential for helping your website rank on both traditional and voice searches, however, the way we use them needs to change.


The current thinking is that your site will rank better if it contains the exact phrase used during a typed search. This is one of the reasons why so many websites have badly written content that crams in as many exact search phrases as possible, e.g., ‘Welcome to your local builder Swansea. We provide Swansea builder services in your local area’. It sounds like gobbledegook but contains those essential keyword variants ‘builder Swansea’ and ‘Swansea builder’.

当前的想法是,如果您的网站包含在键入搜索过程中使用的确切短语,则其排名将会更高。 这就是为什么如此多的网站撰写的内容不好而又塞满尽可能多的精确搜索词组的原因之一,例如“欢迎使用您当地的建筑商Swansea”。 我们在您当地提供斯旺西建筑商服务。 听起来像gobbledegook,但其中包含必需的关键字变体“ builder Swansea”和“ Swansea builder”。

This SEO technique, however, is on the way out. Search engines and digital assistants are now using artificial intelligence based algorithms to better understand what we are actually searching for. When someone types in ‘builder Swansea’ they understand that you mean ‘Find me a builder in Swansea.’

但是,这种SEO技术正在淘汰中。 搜索引擎和数字助理现在正在使用基于人工智能的算法来更好地了解我们实际搜索的内容。 当有人输入“ Swansea建造者”时,他们明白您的意思是“在Swansea中找我一个建造者”。

The fact that search engines can better understand what users are searching for means you can use keywords in a much more natural way. It is more important to think of the specific information that searchers will be looking for and incorporate it into your content too. In other words, you should focus on long tail keywords.

搜索引擎可以更好地理解用户在搜索什么,这一事实意味着您可以更自然地使用关键字。 考虑搜索者将要寻找的特定信息并将其也整合到您的内容中,这一点更为重要。 换句话说,您应该专注于长尾关键词。

Other implications of voice search


Imagine you’re in London and fancy a pizza. If you do a voice search asking where you can get a great Neapolitan, the results you are provided with will be more than just a list of London pizza restaurants. The AI algorithm will assume you want a local restaurant and will use GPS to find ones nearby. At the same time, it will try to give you the best results by providing restaurants that have good reviews and lots of social media check-ins. It may even check the time so that you are only given places which are open when you make the search.

假设您在伦敦,喜欢吃披萨。 如果您进行语音搜索,询问在哪里可以买到那不勒斯的美味佳肴,那么获得的结果将不仅仅是伦敦披萨餐厅的列表。 AI算法将假定您想要一家本地餐厅,并将使用GPS在附近找到餐厅。 同时,它将通过提供具有良好评论和大量社交媒体签到的餐厅来尝试为您提供最佳结果。 它甚至可以检查时间,以便您在搜索时仅获得打开的位置。

How does this affect your website? It means that you have a better chance of being listed if all the relevant information can be found. You need to have reviews, enable social media check-ins, have your opening times and address on your website, and be listed on Google My Business so your business shows up on maps.

这对您的网站有何影响? 这意味着如果可以找到所有相关信息,您就有更大的机会被列出。 您需要进行评论,启用社交媒体签到,在您的网站上有您的营业时间和地址,并且需要在Google我的商家中列出,以便您的商家显示在地图上。

To make sure your site is fully optimised, you need to think of all the questions people may ask and provide all the answers in your content. For example, a person looking for a great pizza may ask the following:

为了确保完全优化您的网站,您需要考虑人们可能提出的所有问题,并在您的内容中提供所有答案。 例如,寻找优质披萨的人可能会问以下问题:

  • Where’s a great place to take kids for a pizza?
  • Find me a pizza place near Covent Garden.
  • Find me a cheap pizza restaurant.
  • Where can I get a gluten free pizza?

There are numerous questions that searchers can ask. If you want to feature in the search results, provide the answers on your website.

搜索者可以提出很多问题。 如果要在搜索结果中显示特色,请在您的网站上提供答案。

Voice search optimisation tips


To help you make voice friendly changes to your website, here are some optimisation tips which can help you improve your ranking in voice search results.


  1. Have a responsive website 有一个响应Swift的网站

Many voice searches are carried out by people using smartphones who are out and about. If your website doesn’t display properly on a smartphone, you won’t be able to take advantage of voice search technology.

许多语音搜索是由外出使用智能手机的人执行的。 如果您的网站无法在智能手机上正常显示,则您将无法利用语音搜索技术。

  1. Focus on long-tail keywords 专注于长尾关键词

As mentioned above, make sure the wording of your content is more natural and that your site contains long-tail search terms.


  1. Use schema mark-up 使用架构标记

Schema mark-up is an additional layer of HTML tags that enables search engines to better understand your content and this, in turn, can make sure your website is included in relevant search results. For more information, check out this post from Search Engine Land.

架构标记是HTML标记的另一层,使搜索引擎可以更好地理解您的内容,从而可以确保您的网站包含在相关的搜索结果中。 有关更多信息,请从Search Engine Land查看此帖子 。

  1. Add a FAQ section 添加常见问题解答部分

Whilst we use keywords for typed searches, voice searches are usually spoken as questions. Search engines looking for the answers to those questions find FAQ pages especially helpful as they can read out your answer to the user. Finding out the questions people might want to know and then putting them together into a FAQ section on your website can help you rank better.

虽然我们使用关键字进行类型搜索,但语音搜索通常被称为问题。 寻找这些问题答案的搜索引擎会发现“常见问题解答”页面特别有用,因为它们可以向用户读出您的答案。 找出人们可能想知道的问题,然后将它们放到网站上的“常见问题”部分中,可以帮助您提高排名。



Voice search is going to become increasingly more common. Indeed, with artificial intelligence developing at the rate it is, it may not be too long before the keyboard as we know it becomes a thing of the past and text based searches get consigned to history. Consequently, webmasters need to think of how this shift in internet use will affect their search engine results. Hopefully, some of the ideas mentioned here will help you develop your site in the right direction.

语音搜索将变得越来越普遍。 的确,随着人工智能的发展速度如此之快,我们所知道的键盘已成为历史,而基于文本的搜索也将很快成为历史,这可能不会太久。 因此,网站管理员需要考虑互联网使用的这种变化将如何影响他们的搜索引擎结果。 希望这里提到的一些想法可以帮助您朝正确的方向发展网站。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/is-your-website-ready-for-the-voice-search-revolution/
