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linux iostat

Linux iostat is part of the sysstat utilities. iostat command is mainly used to track input output related events and issues. iostat command can provide metrics, information and statistics about input and output.

Linux iostat是sysstat实用程序的一部分。 iostat命令主要用于跟踪与输入输出有关的事件和问题。 iostat命令可以提供有关输入和输出的度量,信息和统计信息。


Iostat is installed with sysstat tools which is explained in the following page.



Help about iosstat can be get with --help options like below.Simple help provides information about the syntax too.


$ iostat --help

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Help 帮帮我


iostat have different usage types. Using without parameters like below will print information about cpu usage and disk statistics.

iostat具有不同的用法类型。 如下所示,不带参数使用将打印有关CPU使用率和磁盘统计信息的信息。

$ iostat

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iostat iostat

(Display Only CPU Statistics)

Only CPU information can be listed with -c option like below. This will print information like average CPU usage with related user, system, idle values. Also systems kernel version host name CPU count and CPU architecture is printed too.

只能使用-c选项列出CPU信息,如下所示。 这将打印有关相关用户,系统,空闲值的信息,例如平均CPU使用率。 还打印系统内核版本的主机名,CPU计数和CPU体系结构。

$ iostat -c

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Display CPU Statistics 显示CPU统计信息

仅显示磁盘统计信息(Display Only Disk Statistics)

Only disk information about the system can be listed with -d option. This options will provide information like tps,read, write KB.

-d选项只能列出有关系统的磁盘信息。 此选项将提供tps,读取,写入KB等信息。

$ iostat -d

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Display Only Disk Statistics 仅显示磁盘统计信息

显示单磁盘统计信息(Display Single Disk Statistics)

In previous example we have printed information about all connected disks. there is also option for only list single disk information. We will just provide the disk path after the option -d like below.

在前面的示例中,我们打印了有关所有已连接磁盘的信息。 还有一个选项仅列出单个磁盘信息。 我们将在选项-d之后提供磁盘路径,如下所示。

$ iostat -d /dev/vda

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Display Single Disk Statistics 显示单磁盘统计信息

显示为MB(兆字节)(Display As MB(Megabyte))

Up to now we have used default option about size. This can be changed to make it more human readable. iostat output can be provided with mega byte with -m . In the following example read, write values are presented as MB

到目前为止,我们已使用有关大小的默认选项。 可以对其进行更改,以使其更易于阅读。 可以使用-m兆字节提供iostat输出。 在下面的示例读取,写入值中以MB表示

$ iostat -m -d

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Display As MB(Megabyte) 显示为MB(兆字节)

(Display Time stamps)

While using iostat in a interval refresh state we will need time stamp for each print. This can be printed with -t parameter like below.

在间隔刷新状态下使用iostat时,我们将需要为每个打印添加时间戳。 可以使用-t参数打印,如下所示。

$ iostat -t -d

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Display Time stamps 显示时间戳

显示扩展状态(Display Extended Status)

In previous example we used options to print major metrics but there is a lot of metrics and statistics about this subsystems. This extended information provides more detailed metric about the subsystem.

在前面的示例中,我们使用选项来打印主要指标,但是有关该子系统的指标和统计信息很多。 此扩展信息提供了有关子系统的更详细指标。

$ iostat -x

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Display Extended Status 显示扩展状态

设置刷新间隔(Set Refresh Interval)

One of the best feature is refreshing iostat command at specified intervals. This interval can be specified with just providing seconds like below. In this example we use 2 seconds for interval value.

最好的功能之一是按指定的时间间隔刷新iostat命令。 只需提供如下所示的秒数即可指定此间隔。 在此示例中,我们使用2秒作为间隔值。

$ iostat 2 -d

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Set Refresh Interval 设置刷新间隔

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linux iostat