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(To enter time is difficult)

Entering time in a form in Microsoft Access can be difficult. There is no time picker like the date picker, and if there was, it would be too slow to operate for many users. Even worse, validation is only rudimentary, meaning that errors are often first caught in an unfriendly manner when the user tries to save the field or record.

在Microsoft Access中以表格形式输入时间可能很困难。 没有像日期选择器这样的时间选择器,如果有的话,它对于许多用户来说太慢了。 更糟糕的是,验证仅是基本的,这意味着在用户尝试保存字段或记录时,错误通常首先以一种不友好的方式被捕获。

One way to help the user is to set an input mask, but that adds other problems for the user if he/she clicks inside the textbox or deletes one or more digits, so many users hate input masks. Also, validation is difficult. For example, if the first hour digit is zero or one, the second hour digit can be any digit, but if the first is two, the second can not be higher than four.

帮助用户的一种方法是设置输入掩码,但是如果用户在文本框内单击或删除一个或多个数字,则会给用户带来其他问题,因此许多用户讨厌输入掩码。 而且,验证是困难的。 例如,如果第一个小时数字为零或一个,则第二个小时数字可以为任何数字,但是如果第一个小时为2,则第二个数字不能大于4。

(How it should work)

To have a textbox that just works for entering time takes several steps:


  • Define an input mask that makes sense to the user
  • Handle positioning of the cursor no matter how the user enters the textbox
  • Enable entering of digits no matter how the user navigates in the textbox
  • Catch all invalid inputs
  • Provide reasonable default values to correct invalid inputs
  • Set a format for the textbox

That may seem like a lot, but the outcome is a highly optimised control demonstrating the true power of an input mask.


(It takes a lot to get it right)

The first and the last item are quite simple.


The input mask is, as the first digit is optional:


"90:00;1;0" “ 90:00; 1; 0”

and the format is:


"hh:nn" “ hh:nn”

This makes the textbox contain as default:


00:00 00:00

These can be set when the form loads:


Option Explicit

Dim DefaultTime     As Date

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Const InitialTime   As Date = #6:00:00 AM#
    Me!Logon.ShowDatePicker = False
    Me!Logon.InputMask = "90:00;1;0"
    Me!Logon.Format = "hh:nn"
    SetDefaultTime InitialTime

End Sub

That's surprisingly little, but then comes the code behind for the control.


First, set a default time. This may be dynamic (controlled by other code), but here it is static for simplicity:

首先,设置默认时间。 这可能是动态的(由其他代码控制),但为简单起见,这里是静态的:

Private Sub Logon_Enter()
    With Me!Logon
        If IsNull(.Value) Then
            .Value = DefaultTime
        End If
    End With

End Sub

Second, when clicking in the control, avoid ever having to select the separator (colon):


Private Sub Logon_Click()

    With Me!Logon
        If .SelStart = 2 Then
            ' Move the cursor off the separator (colon)
            ' to the first digit of minutes.
            .SelStart = 3
            .SelLength = 1
        End If
    End With

End Sub

Now comes the fun part -- to try to be smart, helping the user by correcting invalid values while still allowing the normal key entries for navigating inside the control as well as away from the control:


Private Sub Logon_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    Dim Text        As String
    Dim Char        As String
    Dim Length      As Integer
    Dim SelStart    As Integer
    With Me!Logon
        Select Case KeyAscii
            Case vbKeyBack, vbKeyTab, Asc(vbLf), vbKeyReturn, vbKeyEscape, vbKeyF16
                ' Allow navigation etc. with
                ' BackSpace, Tab, Ctrl+Enter, Enter, Escape, Ctrl+BackSpace
            Case Is > 0
                Text = .Text
                Length = Len(Text)
                SelStart = .SelStart
                If KeyAscii < vbKey0 Or KeyAscii > vbKey9 Then
                    ' Replace any invalid entry with a zero.
                    KeyAscii = vbKey0
                End If
                Char = Mid(Text, 1 + SelStart, 1)
                If SelStart < Length Then
                    If KeyAscii <= vbKey0 + 2 Then
                        ' Always accept 0, 1, 2.
                        ' Check if the text will represent a valid time.
                        ' If not, restore the overwritten digit.
                        Mid(Text, 1 + SelStart, 1) = Chr(KeyAscii)
                        If Not IsDate(Text) Then
                            KeyAscii = Asc(Char)
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
        End Select
    End With

End Sub

The in-line comments explain the function of the crucial parts of the code.


Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer)
    Const TimeHourMaximum   As Integer = 24
    Const TimeHourDefault   As Integer = 20
    Const TimeMinuteTenMax  As Integer = 5
    Dim ctl                 As Control
    Dim Text                As String
    Dim SelStart            As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    Set ctl = Screen.ActiveControl
    Select Case ctl.Name
        Case "Logon"
            Text = ctl.Text
            SelStart = ctl.SelStart
            If Not IsDate(Text) Then
                If Val(Left(Text, 2)) > TimeHourMaximum Then
                    Mid(Text, 1) = CStr(TimeHourDefault)
                ElseIf Len(Text) > 3 Then
                    ' Length of Text is larger than two hour digits and the kolon.
                    Mid(Text, 1 + 3) = CStr(TimeMinuteTenMax)
                End If
            End If
            ctl.Text = Text
            ctl.SelStart = SelStart
            ctl.SelLength = 1
            Response = acDataErrContinue
    End Select

    Set ctl = Nothing

End Sub

Note, that it will always leave some time value in the control.


When done, you may set a new default value:


Private Sub Logon_AfterUpdate()

    With Me!Logon
        If IsNull(.Value) Then
            ' Rem this line out to allow the textbox to be cleared.
            .Value = #12:00:00 AM#
            SetDefaultTime DateAdd("n", 1, .Value)
        End If
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub SetDefaultTime(ThisTime As Date)

    DefaultTime = ThisTime
    Me!Logon.DefaultValue = Format(ThisTime, "\#hh:nn:00 AM/PM\#")

End Sub

Note the conversion of the time value as a formatted string expression, as DefaultValue is a string.


(Check it out)

To test it for yourself, download and run the demo application. It is a simple form created in Access 2013  that should work as is for all versions of Access from 2007 to 2016. However, the code origins from Access 2.0, so it should be adoptable with minor changes for any version of Access.

要自己测试,请下载并运行演示应用程序。 这是在Access 2013中创建的简单表单,该表单应适用于2007年至2016年的所有版本的Access。但是,代码起源于Access 2.0,因此可以对任何版本的Access进行少量更改即可采用。

  • Code-behind module: TimeEntry_Form_Logon.cls 代码隐藏模块: TimeEntry_Form_Logon.cls
  • Demo application: TimeEntry.accdb 演示应用程序: TimeEntry.accdb
  • All files: 所有文件:

You can also obtain the code from Github: VBA.TimeEntry

您也可以从Github获取代码: VBA.TimeEntry

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html 输入掩码密码