命令行启动dockers 命令行启动资源管理器_windows


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There are all kinds of ways to open a Command Prompt window from File Explorer—and you can even run commands right in the File Explorer address bar—but did you know it’s just as easy to open a File Explorer window from the Command Prompt?


Say you’re in the Command Prompt, working with files and folders, and you want to access them in Explorer. Instead of navigating to them manually, you can get there with one simple command. Go ahead and open up a Command Prompt window by hitting Windows+X and selecting “Command Prompt” from the Power Users menu.

假设您在命令提示符下,正在处理文件和文件夹,并且想在资源管理器中访问它们。 您可以使用一个简单的命令到达那里,而不必手动导航到它们。 继续并通过单击Windows + X并从“高级用户”菜单中选择“命令提示符”来打开命令提示符窗口。

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Note: If you see PowerShell instead of Command Prompt on the Power Users menu, that’s a switch that came about with the Creators Update for Windows 10. It’s very easy to switch back to showing the Command Prompt on the Power Users menu if you want, or you can give PowerShell a try. You can do pretty much everything in PowerShell that you can do in Command Prompt, plus a lot of other useful things.

注意 :如果您在Power Users菜单上看到PowerShell而不是Command Prompt,那是Windows 10Creators Update附带的开关。 如果需要,可以很容易地切换回在“高级用户”菜单上显示命令提示符 ,或者可以尝试使用PowerShell。 您可以在PowerShell中完成几乎可以在命令提示符中执行的所有操作,以及许多其他有用的操作。

We’re going to be working with the start command, so let’s begin with a simple command to open a File Explorer window for the current folder in Command Prompt. At the prompt, just type the following:

我们将使用start命令,因此让我们从一个简单的命令开始,为Command Prompt中的当前文件夹打开File Explorer窗口。 在提示符下,只需键入以下内容:

start .

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The period is used in the Command Prompt as a shorthand for the current folder, so this will open the current folder in File Explorer.


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You can also use a double period to open the parent of the current folder. For example, say that in Command Prompt you were currently looking at a folder named “Reports” that was inside a directory named “Project A.” You could type the following command to open the “Project A” folder in File Explorer without leaving the “Reports” folder in Command Prompt:

您还可以使用两次句号来打开当前文件夹的父文件夹。 例如,假设在命令提示符中当前正在查看名为“ Reports”的文件夹,该文件夹位于名为“ Project A”的目录内。 您可以键入以下命令以在文件资源管理器中打开“ Project A”文件夹,而无需在命令提示符中保留“ Reports”文件夹:

start ..

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And with one command, the “Project A” folder opens up in File Explorer.

使用一个命令,在文件资源管理器中打开“ Project A”文件夹。

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You can also build off that double period shorthand be adding a relative path to the end. Let’s continue our example by assuming there was also a folder named “Sales” inside that “Project A” folder. While still in the “Reports” folder, you could type the following command to open the “Sales” folder in File Explorer) without leaving the “Reports” folder in Command Prompt.

您还可以通过在末尾添加相对路径来构建双倍速记。 让我们继续这个示例,假设在“ Project A”文件夹中还有一个名为“ Sales”的文件夹。 仍在“ Reports”文件夹中时,您可以键入以下命令以在File Explorer中打开“ Sales”文件夹),而无需在命令提示符下保留“ Reports”文件夹。

start ..\Sales

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Of course, you can also type the full path to open any folder on your PC:


start c:\windows\system32

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You can also use the command along with any of the built-in Windows environmental variables or the newer shell: operator styles. So, for example, you could type the following command to open the current user’s AppData folder:

您还可以将命令与任何内置Windows环境变量或更新的shell:operator styles一起使用 。 因此,例如,您可以键入以下命令来打开当前用户的AppData文件夹:

start %APPDATA%

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Or a command like this to open the Windows startup folder:


start shell:startup

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So, if you’re typing along at the Command Prompt and want to switch to using File Explorer for some tasks, just remember the humble start command. It’s also great for impressing your less savvy friends. Of course, the start command is also used for running programs and there are a number of additional switches available for that function. If you’re curious about those, just type start /? at the Command Prompt to get a full list of switches and how they’re used.

因此,如果您在命令提示符处键入内容,并且想要切换为使用文件资源管理器来执行某些任务,请记住谦虚的start命令。 这对打动不那么精明的朋友也很有帮助。 当然, start命令也用于运行程序,并且该功能还有许多其他开关可用。 如果您对此感到好奇,只需键入start /? 在命令提示符下获得完整的开关列表以及如何使用它们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/stupid-geek-tricks-open-an-explorer-window-from-the-command-prompts-current-directory/
