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When Server Core originally shipped, a lot of Windows admins avoided it because you could only use the command line, but this changes with Windows Server 2012 which enabled the use of a hybrid mode.

最初提供Server Core时,许多Windows管理员避免使用它,因为您只能使用命令行,但是Windows Server 2012的情况发生了变化,启用了混合模式。

(Turning the GUI Off)

In Windows Server 8 the GUI has kept with the modular nature of recent Windows Server Operating Systems and in turn has become a “Feature”. This makes removing the GUI very easy. To get started launch Server Manager.

在Windows Server 8中,GUI保持了最新Windows Server操作系统的模块化特性,从而成为“功能”。 这使得删除GUI非常容易。 首先,启动服务器管理器。

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Click on Manage, and then select Remove Roles or Features from the menu.


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Click next to skip past the before you begin page, then select your server from the server pool and click next.


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Since the GUI is not a Role, we can just click next again to skip past the Roles section.


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When you reach the Features page, you need to uncheck the box next to the “User Interfaces and Infrastructure” option, and then click next.


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Now tick the “Restart Destination Server” box, then click remove.


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The GUI will now be removed.


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After the binaries are removed your server will automatically reboot.


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Once it comes back up, and you log in, you will only be able to use the command line.


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(Turning the GUI On)

Once the GUI has been turned off, you will want to know how to get it back. To do this we use SConfig, so go ahead and type SConfig into the command line and hit enter.

GUI关闭后,您将想知道如何找回它。 为此,我们使用SConfig,因此,在命令行中键入SConfig并按Enter。

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You can see near the bottom of the screen that we can use “12” to Restore the GUI, so type 12 and hit enter.

您可以在屏幕底部附近看到我们可以使用“ 12”来还原GUI,因此键入12并按Enter。

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You will be warned that enabling the GUI requires a reboot, click the yes button.


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That will kick off DISM which will start to add the binaries for the GUI Shell.

这将启动DISM,它将开始为GUI Shell添加二进制文件。

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When its finished you will be asked if you would like to restart the computer now, type “y” and hit enter to reboot.

完成后,将询问您是否要立即重新启动计算机,请键入“ y”,然后按Enter键重新启动。

(GUI Off with PowerShell)

You can do the same thing as we did in the GUI much quicker with a PowerShell cmdlet. To do so, open Server Manager, click on Tools and launch PowerShell.

使用PowerShell cmdlet,可以更快地完成与GUI中相同的操作。 为此,请打开服务器管理器,单击“工具”,然后启动PowerShell。

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We can use the Remove-WindowsFeature cmdlet to remove the feature:

我们可以使用Remove-WindowsFeature cmdlet删除功能:

Remove-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell, Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra


Since Remove-WindowsFeature is just an alias, you could also use:


Uninstall-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell, Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra

卸载WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell,Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra

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Not long after you have  hit the enter key, the removal will begin.


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When it’s done, you will be notified that you need to restart your server to complete the process, which can be easily done from the current PowerShell window by running:


Shutdown –r -t 0

Shutdown –r -t 0

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When your machine restarts you will only have the command line to work with .


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(GUI On with PowerShell)

The first thing we need to do is get into PowerShell, so type PowerShell and hit enter.


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Now we need to use the Add-WindowsFeature to add the components  back:


Add-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell, Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra


Again this is just an alias for:


Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Shell, Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra


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When its done, we will need to restart our server by using the Shutdown command:


Shutdown –r -t 0

Shutdown –r -t 0

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When your server reboots you will have the GUI back.

