
  在Redis 4.0 版本之前,Redis是单线程程序,主要是指Redis的网络I/O线程。Redis的持久化、集群同步等操作,则是由另外的线程来执行的。但在Redis 4.0 版本之后,Redis添加了多线程的支持,这时的多线程主要体现在大数据的异步删除功能上。在Redis 6.0 版本之后,又新增了多线程I/O的读写并发能力。
  Redis的运算是在内存中进行的,单个节点跑满一个CPU核心的QPS(每秒查询率,Queries-per-second,是对一个特定的查询服务器在规定时间内所处理流量多少的衡量标准)可以达到 10w/s。
  与 Redis 相关的安装部署博客如下:






  本文由 @大白有点菜 原创,请勿盗用,转载请说明出处!如果觉得文章还不错,请点点赞,加关注,谢谢!


  【RESP协议规范说明 - 官方文档】:

  Redis clients use a protocol called RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol) to communicate with the Redis server. While the protocol was designed specifically for Redis, it can be used for other client-server software projects.
  Redis 客户端使用称为 RESP(REdis 序列化协议)的协议与 Redis 服务器进行通信。虽然该协议是专门为 Redis 设计的,但它也可以用于其他客户端-服务器软件项目。  
  RESP is a compromise between the following things:
  RESP 是以下各项之间的折衷:

  • Simple to implement.
  • 易于实施。
  • Fast to parse.
  • 快速解析。
  • Human readable.
  • 人员可读。  

  RESP can serialize different data types like integers, strings, and arrays. There is also a specific type for errors. Requests are sent from the client to the Redis server as arrays of strings that represent the arguments of the command to execute. Redis replies with a command-specific data type.
  RESP 可以序列化不同的数据类型,如整数、字符串和数组。还有一种特定的错误类型。请求作为字符串数组从客户端发送到 Redis 服务器,这些字符串表示要执行的命令的参数。 Redis 使用特定于命令的数据类型进行回复。  
  RESP is binary-safe and does not require processing of bulk data transferred from one process to another because it uses prefixed-length to transfer bulk data.
  RESP 是二进制安全的,不需要处理从一个进程传输到另一个进程的批量数据,因为它使用前缀长度来传输批量数据。  
  Note: the protocol outlined here is only used for client-server communication. Redis Cluster uses a different binary protocol in order to exchange messages between nodes.
  注意:此处概述的协议仅用于客户端-服务器通信。 Redis 集群使用不同的二进制协议来在节点之间交换消息。  
  The RESP protocol was introduced in Redis 1.2, but it became the standard way for talking with the Redis server in Redis 2.0.
  RESP 协议在 Redis 1.2 中引入,但在 Redis 2.0 中成为与 Redis 服务器通信的标准方式。

  RESP协议支持以下数据类型:Simple Strings(简单字符串,即单行字符串)Errors(错误)Integers(整数)、Bulk Strings(批量字符串,即多行字符串)Arrays(数组)

1.简单字符串(单行字符串,Simple Strings)以“+”符号开头。
2.批量字符串(多行字符串,Bulk Strings)以“$”符号开头,后面跟字符串长度






1.1 单行字符串(简单字符串,Simple Strings)

  Simple Strings are encoded as follows: a plus character, followed by a string that cannot contain a CR or LF character (no newlines are allowed), and terminated by CRLF (that is “\r\n”).
  简单字符串编码如下:一个加号,后跟一个不能包含 CR 或 LF 字符的字符串(不允许换行),并以 CRLF(即“\r\n”)结尾。  
  Simple Strings are used to transmit non binary-safe strings with minimal overhead. For example, many Redis commands reply with just “OK” on success. The RESP Simple String is encoded with the following 5 bytes:
  简单字符串用于以最小开销传输非二进制安全字符串。例如,许多 Redis 命令在成功时只回复“OK”。 RESP 简单字符串使用以下 5 个字节进行编码:  
  In order to send binary-safe strings, use RESP Bulk Strings instead.
  为了发送二进制安全的字符串,请改用 RESP 批量字符串(Bulk Strings)。  
  When Redis replies with a Simple String, a client library should respond with a string composed of the first character after the ‘+’ up to the end of the string, excluding the final CRLF bytes.
  当 Redis 回复一个简单字符串时,客户端库应该回复一个字符串,该字符串由“+”之后的第一个字符组成,一直到字符串末尾,不包括最后的 CRLF 字节。

  简单字符串(单行字符串,Simple Strings)以“+”符号开头。样例:hello dbydc

传输格式:+hello dbydc\r\n


1.2 多行字符串(批量字符串,Bulk Strings)

  Bulk Strings are used in order to represent a single binary-safe string up to 512 MB in length.
  批量字符串用于表示长度最大为 512 MB 的单个二进制安全字符串。  
  Bulk Strings are encoded in the following way:

  • A “$” byte followed by the number of bytes composing the string (a prefixed length), terminated by CRLF.
  • “$”字节后跟组成字符串的字节数(前缀长度),以 CRLF 结尾。
  • The actual string data.
  • 实际的字符串数据。
  • A final CRLF.
  • 最终的 CRLF。

  So the string “hello” is encoded as follows:
  An empty string is encoded as:
  RESP Bulk Strings can also be used in order to signal non-existence of a value using a special format to represent a Null value. In this format, the length is -1, and there is no data. Null is represented as:
  RESP 批量字符串也可用于使用特殊格式表示值不存在来表示 Null 值。这种格式,长度为-1,没有数据。Null 表示为:  
  This is called a Null Bulk String.
  The client library API should not return an empty string, but a nil object, when the server replies with a Null Bulk String. For example, a Ruby library should return ‘nil’ while a C library should return NULL (or set a special flag in the reply object).
  当服务器回复 Null Bulk String 时,客户端库 API 不应返回空字符串,而应返回 nil 对象。例如,Ruby 库应返回“nil”,而 C 库应返回 NULL(或在回复对象中设置特殊标志)。

  批量字符串(多行字符串,Bulk Strings)以“$”符号开头,后面跟字符串长度。样例:hello dbydc

传输格式:$11\r\nhello dbydc\r\n

  多行字符串也可以表示单行字符串。多行字符串“hello dbydc”的长度为11(hello的长度占5,一个空格长度占1,dbydc长度占5,所以 5 + 1 + 5 = 11)。

1.3 整数(Integers)

  This type is just a CRLF-terminated string that represents an integer, prefixed by a “:” byte. For example, “:0\r\n” and “:1000\r\n” are integer replies.
  这种类型只是一个以 CRLF 结尾的字符串,表示一个整数,前缀为“:”字节。例如,“:0\r\n”和“:1000\r\n”是整数回复。  
  Many Redis commands return RESP Integers, like INCR, LLEN, and LASTSAVE.
  许多 Redis 命令返回 RESP 整数,例如 INCR、LLEN 和 LASTSAVE。  
  There is no special meaning for the returned integer. It is just an incremental number for INCR, a UNIX time for LASTSAVE, and so forth. However, the returned integer is guaranteed to be in the range of a signed 64-bit integer.
  返回的整数没有特殊含义。它只是 INCR 的递增数字,LASTSAVE 的 UNIX 时间等等。但是,返回的整数保证在带符号的 64 位整数范围内。  
  Integer replies are also used in order to return true or false. For instance, commands like EXISTS or SISMEMBER will return 1 for true and 0 for false.
  还使用整数回复来返回 true 或 false。例如,像 EXISTS 或 SISMEMBER 这样的命令将返回 1 表示真,0 表示假。  
  Other commands like SADD, SREM, and SETNX will return 1 if the operation was actually performed and 0 otherwise.
  如果实际执行了操作,其他命令如 SADD、SREM 和 SETNX 将返回 1,否则返回 0。  




1.4 错误(Errors)

  RESP has a specific data type for errors. They are similar to RESP Simple Strings, but the first character is a minus ‘-’ character instead of a plus. The real difference between Simple Strings and Errors in RESP is that clients treat errors as exceptions, and the string that composes the Error type is the error message itself.
  RESP 具有特定的错误数据类型。它们类似于 RESP 简单字符串,但第一个字符是减号“-”而不是加号。简单字符串和 RESP 中的错误之间的真正区别在于客户端将错误视为异常,而组成错误类型的字符串是错误消息本身。  
  The basic format is:
  “-Error message\r\n”
  Error replies are only sent when something goes wrong, for instance if you try to perform an operation against the wrong data type, or if the command does not exist. The client should raise an exception when it receives an Error reply.
  The following are examples of error replies:
  -ERR unknown command ‘helloworld’
  -WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value
  The first word after the “-”, up to the first space or newline, represents the kind of error returned. This is just a convention used by Redis and is not part of the RESP Error format.
  “-”之后的第一个单词,直到第一个空格或换行符,表示返回的错误类型。这只是 Redis 使用的约定,不是 RESP 错误格式的一部分。  
  For example, ERR is the generic error, while WRONGTYPE is a more specific error that implies that the client tried to perform an operation against the wrong data type. This is called an Error Prefix and is a way to allow the client to understand the kind of error returned by the server without checking the exact error message.
  例如,ERR 是一般错误,而 WRONGTYPE 是更具体的错误,表示客户端尝试对错误的数据类型执行操作。这称为错误前缀,是一种允许客户端了解服务器返回的错误类型而无需检查确切错误消息的方法。  
  A client implementation may return different types of exceptions for different errors or provide a generic way to trap errors by directly providing the error name to the caller as a string.
  However, such a feature should not be considered vital as it is rarely useful, and a limited client implementation may simply return a generic error condition, such as false.
  然而,这样的功能不应该被认为是重要的,因为它很少有用,而且有限的客户端实现可能只是返回一个一般的错误条件,比如 false。

  错误(Errors)以“-”符号开头。样例:(error) WRONGPASS invalid username-password pair or user is disabled.

传输格式:-WRONGPASS invalid username-password pair or user is disabled.\r\n


1.5 数组(Arrays)

  Clients send commands to the Redis server using RESP Arrays. Similarly, certain Redis commands, that return collections of elements to the client, use RESP Arrays as their replies. An example is the LRANGE command that returns elements of a list.
  客户端使用 RESP 数组向 Redis 服务器发送命令。类似地,某些将元素集合返回给客户端的 Redis 命令使用 RESP 数组作为它们的回复。一个示例是返回列表元素的 LRANGE 命令。  
  RESP Arrays are sent using the following format:
  RESP 数组使用以下格式发送:  

  • A * character as the first byte, followed by the number of elements in the array as a decimal number, followed by CRLF.
  • * 字符作为第一个字节,后跟数组中的元素数(十进制数),然后是 CRLF。
  • An additional RESP type for every element of the Array.
  • Array 的每个元素的附加 RESP 类型。

  So an empty Array is just the following:
  While an array of two RESP Bulk Strings “hello” and “world” is encoded as:
  两个 RESP 批量字符串“hello”和“world”的数组被编码为:  
  As you can see after the *<count>CRLF part prefixing the array, the other data types composing the array are just concatenated one after the other. For example, an Array of three integers is encoded as follows:
  如您所见,在数组前缀的 *<count>CRLF 部分之后,构成数组的其他数据类型只是一个接一个地连接在一起。例如,三个整数的数组编码如下:  
  Arrays can contain mixed types, so it’s not necessary for the elements to be of the same type. For instance, a list of four integers and a bulk string can be encoded as follows:
  (The reply was split into multiple lines for clarity).
  The first line the server sent is *5\r\n in order to specify that five replies will follow. Then every reply constituting the items of the Multi Bulk reply are transmitted.
  服务器发送的第一行是 *5\r\n 以指定随后将有五个回复。然后发送构成多批量回复项目的每个回复。  
  Null Arrays exist as well and are an alternative way to specify a Null value (usually the Null Bulk String is used, but for historical reasons we have two formats).
  Null 数组也存在,并且是指定 Null 值的另一种方法(通常使用 Null Bulk String,但由于历史原因,我们有两种格式)。  
  For instance, when the BLPOP command times out, it returns a Null Array that has a count of -1 as in the following example:
  例如,当 BLPOP 命令超时时,它返回一个计数为 -1 的空数组,如下例所示:  
  A client library API should return a null object and not an empty Array when Redis replies with a Null Array. This is necessary to distinguish between an empty list and a different condition (for instance the timeout condition of the BLPOP command).
  当 Redis 使用空数组回复时,客户端库 API 应该返回空对象而不是空数组。这是区分空列表和不同条件(例如 BLPOP 命令的超时条件)所必需的。  
  Nested arrays are possible in RESP. For example a nested array of two arrays is encoded as follows:
  嵌套数组在 RESP 中是可能的。例如,两个数组的嵌套数组编码如下:  
  (The format was split into multiple lines to make it easier to read).
  The above RESP data type encodes a two-element Array consisting of an Array that contains three Integers (1, 2, 3) and an array of a Simple String and an Error.
  上面的 RESP 数据类型编码一个双元素数组,该数组由一个包含三个整数 (1, 2, 3) 的数组和一个简单字符串数组和一个错误组成。  
  Single elements of an Array may be Null. This is used in Redis replies to signal that these elements are missing and not empty strings. This can happen with the SORT command when used with the GET pattern option if the specified key is missing. Example of an Array reply containing a Null element:
  数组的单个元素可能为 Null。这在 Redis 回复中用于表示缺少这些元素而不是空字符串。如果缺少指定的键,则在与 GET 模式选项一起使用时,SORT 命令可能会发生这种情况。包含 Null 元素的数组回复示例:  
  The second element is a Null. The client library should return something like this:
  第二个元素是 Null。客户端库应该返回如下内容:  
  Note that this is not an exception to what was said in the previous sections, but an example to further specify the protocol.




1.6 NULL

  RESP Bulk Strings can also be used in order to signal non-existence of a value using a special format to represent a Null value. In this format, the length is -1, and there is no data. Null is represented as:
  RESP 批量字符串也可用于使用特殊格式表示值不存在来表示 Null 值。这种格式,长度为-1,没有数据。Null 表示为:  
  This is called a Null Bulk String.
  The client library API should not return an empty string, but a nil object, when the server replies with a Null Bulk String. For example, a Ruby library should return ‘nil’ while a C library should return NULL (or set a special flag in the reply object).
  当服务器回复 Null Bulk String 时,客户端库 API 不应返回空字符串,而应返回 nil 对象。例如,Ruby 库应返回“nil”,而 C 库应返回 NULL(或在回复对象中设置特殊标志)。

  NULL值用批量字符串(多行字符串,Bulk Strings)表示,长度为“-1”。



1.7 空字符串(empty string)

  空字符串用批量字符串(多行字符串,Bulk Strings)表示,长度为“0”。




  客户端(Client)向服务器(Server)发送仅包含批量字符串(多行字符串,Bulk Strings)的 RESP 数组(Array)。比如 set 指令发送“set author dbydc”会被序列化为如下字符串。





3.1 单行字符串(简单字符串,Simple Strings)响应> set author dbydc




3.2 多行字符串(批量字符串,Bulk Strings)响应> get author




3.3 整数(Integers)响应> incr age
(integer) 1

  整数响应返回 1 。



3.4 错误(Errors)响应> incr author
(error) ERR value is not an integer or out of range


-ERR value is not an integer or out of range


3.5 数组(Arrays)响应> hset user name dbydc
(integer) 1> hset user age 18
(integer) 1> hset user sex male
(integer) 1> hgetall user
1) “name”
2) “dbydc”
3) “age”
4) “18”
5) “sex”
6) “male”

  hgetall 返回一个数组。第 0、2、4 位置的字符串是 hash 表的键(key),即“name”、“age”、“sex”。第 1、3、5 位置的字符串是 hash 表的值(value),即“dbydc”、“18”、“male”。



3.6 嵌套响应> scan 0
1) “0”
2)  1) “author”
   2) “user”
   3) “age”

  scan 命令以游标的方式去扫描服务器包含的所有 key 列表,每次只获取一部分。
  scan 命令返回一个嵌套数组,第一个值表示游标的值,如果为 0 ,说明已遍历完成。如果不为 0 ,scan 命令下一次遍历会使用这个值作为参数。数组第二个值又是一个数组,这个数组是 key 列表。



  1. 《Redis深度历险 核心原理与应用实践》,作者:钱文品