2014-06-29 05:49:49 +08:00


- If a new user has a problem, it's a bug in the code or the documentation. End of story.

- 注释的目的是为了弥补代码自身在表达上的不足。

- 挑项目绝对是程序员职业发展第一准则

- 信息量等于不确定性的多少

- 调试前先思考是最好的调试方法

- Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.

- 90% of the code is written by 10% of the programmers

- It doesn't matter if you use Ruby, Erlang, Haskel, Lisp or C. if you poorly implement a system, no programming language will make up for it.

- Avoid general TOI-style questions

- 缓存的本质是: 在能够预测未来使用的前提下, 预先存储一些处理结果提供快速访问, 从而做到用空间换时间或缓解瓶颈

- Emacs made me realize anything can be changed by a programmer

- TDD force us to think how the code is going to be used.

- Talk is cheap, show me the code: Win arguments with code.

- Let it crash, only fix the errors you know how to fix

- 工具比框架更容易被接受

- 相比成本控制, 业务创新更重要

- Done is better than perfect.

- Ugly, I know. But it works

- Architecture represents the significant design decisions that shape a system

- 世界上最真情的相依, 是你在try我在catch。无论你发神马脾气, 我都默默承受, 静静处理。到那时, 再来期待我们的finally -- 我是程序员

- 世界上最痴心的等待, 是我当case你是switch, 或许永远都选不上自己 -- 我是程序员

- 世界上最遥远的距离, 是我在if里你在else里, 似乎一直相伴又永远分离 -- 我是程序员

- 需要对核心细节进行深入了解

- 知识技能的提升还是得靠不断地尝试折腾, 在烦和累中发现有趣和酷, 成就感

- Don't make wrong decision and do it in a wrong way, due to schedule pressure

- Don't attend meeting without preparation!

- 如果一个系统或者一个模块设计时没有想好怎么测试, 说明设计做得还不够

- 一个只有学计算机的孩纸才明白的冷笑话:烫烫烫烫烫烫烫烫烫烫烫, 屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯屯

- 《程序员的雨巷》开着emacs, 独自编写着悠长、悠长又无聊的ErLang, 我希望编译出来的结果是一个美丽的姑娘。她是有lua一样的风骚, c一样的贤惠, lisp一样的慈祥, 与我在ubuntu里牵手, 拥抱又疯狂;梦醒, 她仅仅是这无聊的ErLang

- 如何实现可维护的软件是高级工程师的价值所在

- Culture is an important reason as to why people gravitate to one tool or another

- 领导总让人一声叹息. 总裁:“我们不需要两台服务器”. 我:“可是我们需要双机备份” 总裁:“两台服务器是为失败者准备的,优秀的团队绝对不允许任何一台服务器出问题” 我:“唉…”