



import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
import random
os.environ["KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK"] = "TRUE"
if int(cv2.__version__[0]) < 3:  # pragma: no cover
    print('Warning: OpenCV 3 is not installed')

def compute_fundamental(x1, x2):
    n = x1.shape[1]
    if x2.shape[1] != n:
        raise ValueError("Number of points don't match.")

    # build matrix for equations
    A = np.zeros((n, 9))
    for i in range(n):
        A[i] = [x1[0, i] * x2[0, i], x1[0, i] * x2[1, i], x1[0, i] * x2[2, i],
                x1[1, i] * x2[0, i], x1[1, i] * x2[1, i], x1[1, i] * x2[2, i],
                x1[2, i] * x2[0, i], x1[2, i] * x2[1, i], x1[2, i] * x2[2, i]]

    # compute linear least square solution
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(A)
    F = V[-1].reshape(3, 3)

    # constrain F
    # make rank 2 by zeroing out last singular value
    U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(F)
    S[2] = 0
    F = np.dot(U, np.dot(np.diag(S), V))

    return F / F[2, 2]

def compute_fundamental_normalized(x1, x2):
    """    Computes the fundamental matrix from corresponding points
        (x1,x2 3*n arrays) using the normalized 8 point algorithm.
         (x1,x2 3*n数组)使用标准化的8点算法


    n = x1.shape[1]
    if x2.shape[1] != n:
        raise ValueError("Number of points don't match.")

    # normalize image coordinates
    x1 = x1 / x1[2]
    mean_1 = np.mean(x1[:2], axis=1)
    S1 = np.sqrt(2) / np.std(x1[:2])
    T1 = np.array([[S1, 0, -S1 * mean_1[0]], [0, S1, -S1 * mean_1[1]], [0, 0, 1]])
    x1 = np.dot(T1, x1)

    x2 = x2 / x2[2]
    mean_2 = np.mean(x2[:2], axis=1)
    S2 = np.sqrt(2) / np.std(x2[:2])
    T2 = np.array([[S2, 0, -S2 * mean_2[0]], [0, S2, -S2 * mean_2[1]], [0, 0, 1]])
    x2 = np.dot(T2, x2)

    # compute F with the normalized coordinates
    F = compute_fundamental(x1, x2)
    # print (F)
    # reverse normalization
    F = np.dot(T1.T, np.dot(F, T2))

    return F / F[2, 2]

def randSeed(good, num = 8):
    :param good: 初始的匹配点对
    :param num: 选择随机选取的点对数量
    :return: 8个点对list
    eight_point = random.sample(good, num)
    return eight_point

def PointCoordinates(eight_points, keypoints1, keypoints2):  #随机八点求  eight_points是匹配好的点
    :param eight_points: 随机八点
    :param keypoints1: 点坐标
    :param keypoints2: 点坐标
    x1 = []
    x2 = []
    tuple_dim = [1.,]             #这里改成了np类型类型
    #print(type(eight_points))   类型是list

    fin_list_1=[]           #初始化保存8点的坐标
    fin_list_2 = []
    for i in eight_points:
        #        pts[0, :] = ys
        #        pts[1, :] = xs
        #print(type(keypoints1))   #元组

        #tuple_x1 = keypoints1[i][:2] + tuple_dim
        #tuple_x2 = keypoints2[i][:2] + tuple_dim
        idex_0=i[0].queryIdx                  #查询的描述符索引
        idex_1 = i[0].trainIdx                #目标的描述符索引
        tuple_x1 = keypoints1[idex_0][:2]           #得到关键点1的坐标  关键点转置后是N*3的矩阵,取前2维度
        tuple_x2 = keypoints2[idex_1][:2]           #得到关键点2的坐标
        #print("坐标是",tuple_x1,tuple_x2)           目前输出[257. 418.] [220. 464.]

        # 转化为其次,最后+1个维度的那种
        new_tuple_x2 = np.append(tuple_x2, tuple_dim)
        #print("xxxxxxx",new_tuple_x1,new_tuple_x2)    #  [663. 445.   1.] [269. 246.   1.]

        fin_list_2 = np.append(fin_list_2, new_tuple_x2)
        #print(type(fin_list_1))   #fin_list_1 np类型的,24个数的集合
        #arr = np.arange(24).reshape(3, 8)

        #tuple_x1 = keypoints1[i[0].queryIdx].pt + tuple_dim
        #tuple_x2 = keypoints2[i[0].trainIdx].pt + tuple_dim
    x1 = fin_list_1.reshape(-1, 3)     #列是3 ,行数计算
    x2 = fin_list_2.reshape(-1, 3)     #列是3 ,行数计算
    return np.array(x1, dtype=float), np.array(x2, dtype=float)

def ransac(good, keypoints1, keypoints2, confidence,iter_num):
    Max_num = 0
    good_F = np.zeros([3,3])
    inlier_points = []
    for i in range(iter_num):
        eight_points = randSeed(good)
        x1,x2 = PointCoordinates(eight_points, keypoints1, keypoints2)
        F = compute_fundamental_normalized(x1.T, x2.T)
        num, ransac_good = inlier(F, good, keypoints1, keypoints2, confidence)
        if num > Max_num:
            Max_num = num
            good_F = F
            inlier_points = ransac_good
    print(Max_num, good_F)
    return Max_num, good_F, inlier_points

def computeReprojError(x1, x2, F):
    ww = 1.0/(F[2,0]*x1[0]+F[2,1]*x1[1]+F[2,2])
    dx = (F[0,0]*x1[0]+F[0,1]*x1[1]+F[0,2])*ww - x2[0]
    dy = (F[1,0]*x1[0]+F[1,1]*x1[1]+F[1,2])*ww - x2[1]
    return dx*dx + dy*dy

def inlier(F,good, keypoints1,keypoints2,confidence):   #找到内点
    num = 0
    ransac_good = []
    x1, x2 = PointCoordinates(good, keypoints1, keypoints2)
    for i in range(len(x2)):
        line = F.dot(x1[i].T)
        #在对极几何中极线表达式为[A B C],Ax+By+C=0,  方向向量可以表示为[-B,A]
        line_v = np.array([-line[1], line[0]])
        err = h = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(x2[i,:2], line_v)/np.linalg.norm(line_v))
        # err = computeReprojError(x1[i], x2[i], F)
        if abs(err) < confidence:
            num += 1
    return num, ransac_good

def nn_match_two_way(desc1, desc2, nn_thresh):
    assert desc1.shape[0] == desc2.shape[0]
    if desc1.shape[1] == 0 or desc2.shape[1] == 0:
        return np.zeros((3, 0))
    if nn_thresh < 0.0:
        raise ValueError('\'nn_thresh\' should be non-negative')
    # Compute L2 distance. Easy since vectors are unit normalized.
    dmat = np.dot(desc1.T, desc2)
    dmat = np.sqrt(2 - 2 * np.clip(dmat, -1, 1))

    # Get NN indices and scores.
    idx = np.argmin(dmat, axis=1)                 #最近邻索引   argmin返回这个数组中最小的索引
    scores = dmat[np.arange(dmat.shape[0]), idx]  #最近邻分数
    # Threshold the NN matches.
    keep = scores < nn_thresh
    # Check if nearest neighbor goes both directions and keep those.
    idx2 = np.argmin(dmat, axis=0)
    keep_bi = np.arange(len(idx)) == idx2[idx]
    keep = np.logical_and(keep, keep_bi)
    idx = idx[keep]
    scores = scores[keep]
    # Get the surviving point indices.
    m_idx1 = np.arange(desc1.shape[1])[keep]  #keep是布尔类型的 ture或者false  ,输出这样的[[0 1 2 3 4]]
    m_idx2 = idx
    # Populate the final 3xN match data structure.
    matches = np.zeros((3, int(keep.sum())))
    matches[0, :] = m_idx1
    #print(matches[0])  # 5.  22.  40.  68.  85.  94.  96. 109. 110. 126. 132. 135
    matches[1, :] = m_idx2
    #print(matches[1])  #56.  11. 369. 286.  94
    matches[2, :] = scores   #最近邻分数
    #print(matches[2])  #0.64095849 0.58723611 0.68436664 0.55057442
    return matches    #matches保存的就是点对的对应关系

def match_descriptors(kp1, desc1, kp2, desc2):
    # Match the keypoints with the warped_keypoints with nearest neighbor search
    bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L2, crossCheck=True)
    matches = bf.match(desc1, desc2)

    matches_idx = np.array([m.queryIdx for m in matches])
    m_kp1 = [kp1[idx] for idx in matches_idx]
    matches_idx = np.array([m.trainIdx for m in matches])
    m_kp2 = [kp2[idx] for idx in matches_idx]

    return m_kp1, m_kp2, matches

def showpoint(img, ptx):
    for i in range(ptx.shape[1]):
        x = int(round(ptx[0, i]))
        y = int(round(ptx[1, i]))
        # if x>20 and y>20 and x<640 and y <450:
        #   None
        cv2.circle(img, (x, y), 3, color=(255, 0, 0))
    return img
## test def drawMatches(img1, kp1, img2, kp2, matches)
def drawMatches(img1, kp1, img2, kp2, matches):
    My own implementation of cv2.drawMatches as OpenCV 2.4.9
    does not have this function available but it's supported in
    OpenCV 3.0.0
    This function takes in two images with their associated
    keypoints, as well as a list of DMatch data structure (matches)
    that contains which keypoints matched in which images.
    An image will be produced where a montage is shown with
    the first image followed by the second image beside it.
    Keypoints are delineated with circles, while lines are connected
    between matching keypoints.
    img1,img2 - Grayscale images #灰度图像
    kp1,kp2 - Detected list of keypoints through any of the OpenCV keypoint
              detection algorithms
    matches - A list of matches of corresponding keypoints through any
              OpenCV keypoint matching algorithm

    # Create a new output image that concatenates the two images together
    # (a.k.a) a montage #剪辑
    rows1 = img1.shape[0]
    cols1 = img1.shape[1]
    rows2 = img2.shape[0]
    cols2 = img2.shape[1]

    #i1 = np.dstack([img1, img1, img1])
    #i2 = np.dstack([img2, img2, img2])
    #i1 = cv2.imread("D:\essay\SuperPoint\SuperPointPretrainedNetwork-master/assets/test/1.png")
    #i2 = cv2.imread("D:\essay\SuperPoint\SuperPointPretrainedNetwork-master/assets/test/2.png")

    #cv2.imshow("image1", i1)
    #cv2.imshow("image2", i1)
    out = np.hstack([img1, img2])
    #cv2.imshow("image2", out)
    print("输出尺寸", out.shape)
    # Place the next image to the right of it
    # out[0:480,640:1280] = np.dstack([img2, img2, img2])

    # For each pair of points we have between both images
    # draw circles, then connect a line between them
    for i in range(matches.shape[1]):   #[1]点的个数
        # Get the matching keypoints for each of the images

        img1_idx = matches[0, i]
        img2_idx = matches[1, i]
        x11 = int(img1_idx)
        y11 = int(img1_idx)
        x22 = int(img2_idx)
        y22 = int(img2_idx)

        # x - columns    x列
        # y - rows       y行
        x1 = kp1[0, x11]
        y1 = kp1[1, y11]
        x2 = kp2[0, x22]
        y2 = kp2[1, y22]

        # Draw a small circle at both co-ordinates
        # radius 4
        # colour blue
        # thickness = 1
        # a = np.random.randint(0, 256)  #返回一个随机整数值
        # b = np.random.randint(0, 256)
        # c = np.random.randint(0, 256)

        a = np.random.randint(5, 7)     #B 蓝色返回一个随机整数值
        b = np.random.randint(5, 7)     #G 绿色
        c = np.random.randint(244, 246) #R 红色

        cv2.circle(out, (int(np.round(x1)), int(np.round(y1))), 2, (a, b, c), 1)  # 画圆,cv2.circle()参考官方文档
        cv2.circle(out, (int(np.round(x2) + cols1), int(np.round(y2))), 2, (a, b, c), 1)

        # Draw a line in between the two points
        # thickness = 1
        # colour blue
        cv2.line(out, (int(np.round(x1)), int(np.round(y1))), (int(np.round(x2) + cols1), int(np.round(y2))),
                 (a, b, c),2, shift=0)  # 画线,cv2.line()参考官方文档

    # Also return the image if you'd like a copy
    return out

if __name__ == '__main__':
    font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX  # 设置可视化字体
    font_clr = (255, 255, 255)
    font_pt = (4, 12)
    font_sc = 0.4

    data_1 = np.load("D:\essay\SuperPoint\superpoint\pictuer\style_image\match/11.jpg.d2-net")
    data_2 = np.load("D:\essay\SuperPoint\superpoint\pictuer\style_image\match/12.jpg.d2-net")

    imgx_1 = cv2.imread('D:\essay\SuperPoint\superpoint\pictuer\style_image\match/11.jpg', 1)
    imgx_2 = cv2.imread('D:\essay\SuperPoint\superpoint\pictuer\style_image\match/12.jpg', 1)

    # print(data.files)

    #我这里是(3473, 3)维,N是3473,不同的网络提取的特征点不一样。如果你的不是这样,你可以转置下  例如pts=pts.T
    #如果你的是(3473, 2)也是没问题的
    pts = data_1['keypoints']  # np类型  (3473, 3)  3473是N    pts[0]是[231.68674 271.08926   1.     ]  齐次坐标都有了
    # print(pts[0])
    desc = data_1['descriptors']  # np类型  (3473, 512)
    print("图1提取特征点数目", pts.shape[0])

    #imgx = img1.copy()  #不要copy就不是灰色的
    pts=pts.T                               # 因为其他函数写的时候都是对应3*N的来写的,转置以后成为3*N
    desc=desc.T                     #转职后成为512*N,本身是(3473, 512)
    img11 = showpoint(imgx_1, pts)
    cv2.namedWindow('imgone', 0)
    cv2.imshow("imgone", img11)  #第一张图显示特征点
    #cv2.waitKey(0)   有这个才能显示窗口

    pts1 = data_2['keypoints']  # np类型  (3473, 3)  3473是N    pts[0]是[231.68674 271.08926   1.     ]  齐次坐标都有了
    desc1 = data_2['descriptors']  # np类型  (3473, 512)
    print("图1提取特征点数目", pts1.shape[0])
    img22 = showpoint(imgx_2, pts1)
    cv2.namedWindow('imgtwo', 0)
    cv2.imshow("imgtwo", img22)  #第一张图显示特征点
    #cv2.waitKey(0)   #有这个才能显示窗口

    # 尝试暴力匹配+KNN算法实现
    desc_test_0=desc.T    #矩阵转置后 #可以顺利输出 这里必须(1099, 128)N在前
    desc_test_1 = desc1.T
    pts_test_0 =pts.T       #特征点也转置
    pts_test_1 =pts1.T
    pts_test_0 = tuple(pts_test_0)
    pts_test_1 = tuple(pts_test_1)

    match_test = cv2.BFMatcher()
    matches = match_test.knnMatch(desc_test_0, desc_test_1, k=2)
    #print("这里的长度是",len(matches))  #tuple  长度893

    good = []
    for m, n in matches:
        if m.distance < 0.8 * n.distance:   #可以自己改
    print("number of feature points:",pts.shape[1], pts1.shape[1])  #特征点个数,调试正确
    print("good match num:{} good match points:".format(len(good))) #正确  knn匹配到25个

    #这里只能将pts, pts1抓换后才能用
    Max_num, good_F, inlier_points = ransac(good, pts_test_0, pts_test_1, confidence=30, iter_num=500)
    print(pts.shape[1], "/", pts1.shape[1], "/", len(good), "/", Max_num, "/", '%.2f' % (Max_num / len(good)))
    #print(inlier_points)   #这个就是得出的ransac后的匹配数

    #inlier_points 转化为match的坐标  #match是一个3*67的数组,这里转换后还要转置下T
    tuple_x = []
    tuple_y = []
    #matche = np.zeros((2,len(inlier_points)))   #初始化matche, 0填充 M行 2列,M为匹配到的点数量  最后转置下T
    #print(type(matche))  #np类型的
    for i in inlier_points:
        idex_x=i[0].queryIdx                  #查询的描述符索引 845个
        idex_y = i[0].trainIdx                #目标的描述符索引 对应555个
        tuple_x=np.append(tuple_x,idex_x)       #  查询的描述符的索引弄到一起
        tuple_y = np.append(tuple_y, idex_y )   #  目标的描述符的索引弄到一起


    #画图  test
    out =drawMatches(imgx_1, pts, imgx_2,pts1, match)   #传入了彩色图
    cv2.namedWindow("matcher", 0)
    cv2.imshow("matcher", out)
    cv2.waitKey(0) # 函数的功能是不断刷新图像 , 频率时间为delay , 单位为ms ,处理视频的时候用的
    print('==> Finshed ')


最终显示图片    D2-net实现

python图像特征匹配算法 python特征点匹配_python


python图像特征匹配算法 python特征点匹配_python图像特征匹配算法_02

这里显示的是 :特征点数量 A,B/匹配对数/正确对数/准确率

python图像特征匹配算法 python特征点匹配_深度学习_03