Svelte just announced their full official support for Typescript, here is a complete guide to set it up in a new project with TailwindCSS and SCSS.


(Setting up Svelte with Typescript)

I’ll be using yarn as package manager but you’re free to use npm if you like.


We start with the default Svelte template


npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-ts
cd svelte-ts

And then add Typescript with the provided setup script


node scripts/setupTypeScript.js

Typescript support relies on a few packages, so run your package manager again after the script has run.


Svelte now has an official VSCode extension for .svelte files. You should install it if you haven’t yet.

Svelte现在具有.svelte文件的官方VSCode扩展名 。 如果尚未安装,则应该安装它。

If you had the previous extension by James Birtles installed, you need to remove it first, you can do so by going to extensions and searching for @installed

如果您已经安装了James Birtles的先前扩展名,则需要先将其删除,方法是转到扩展名并搜索@installed

Or just run that command line to remove it


code --uninstall-extension JamesBirtles.svelte-vscode

You can learn more about Svelte’s Typescript support here, it also describes how to manually do the setup for an existing project.


With that, we’re all set for using Typescript with Svelte.


(Adding TailwindCSS)

Add the tailwindcss package and generate the tailwind.config.js configuration file.


yarn add tailwindcss
npx tailwindcss init

Now we need to import Tailwind’s CSS classes into our app, let’s create a Tailwind.svelte component that will do that via a global style tag.


We use global because we need these classes to apply to every element in our page, otherwise our styles would be scoped only to that component.


Now we’ll import this component directly into our main App.svelte component to ensure it’s always included. We’ll also clean up the default code.

现在,我们将该组件直接导入到我们的主要App.svelte组件中,以确保始终将其包括在内。 我们还将清理默认代码。

First, remove all the CSS code in public/global.css and then replace App.svelte


If you run the app now, you’ll notice the text is not red and Tailwind’s styles are not applied yet.


The reason for this is that the @tailwind directives don’t mean anything yet. For our build tool to replace them with the correct CSS styles, we’ll have to tell Rollup how to preprocess them via svelte-preprocess .

原因是@tailwind指令还没有任何意义。 为了使用正确CSS样式替换构建工具,我们必须告诉Rollup如何通过svelte-preprocess对其进行svelte-preprocess

Most of that setup is already done for us since the Typescript setup already comes with svelte-preprocess but we still need to tell it to use postcss and a few other packages.


Let’s start by adding those packages


yarn add -D postcss postcss-load-config @fullhuman/postcss-purgecss

Create a postcss.config.js file, note that the name here is important as postcss-load-config will be looking for this file.


Since Tailwind has a ton of CSS classes to allow for flexible styling, the CSS file it generates by default is quite big (around 1.6 Mb uncompressed).

由于Tailwind具有大量CSS类以允许灵活的样式,因此它默认生成CSS文件很大(未压缩约为1.6 Mb)。

You don’t want to ship that much CSS when you’re only using a small part of it.


This is why it’s important to configure purgecss , it will take care of removing any classes we don’t use and make our production CSS bundle much smaller.

这就是配置purgecss至关重要的purgecss ,它将清除所有我们不使用的类,并使我们的生产CSS包更小。

The configuration file tells purgecss to look at all of our .html and .svelte files within oursrc folder.


The whitelistPatterns option tells purgecss not to remove classes starting with svelte- . Svelte generates those classes to keep styles scoped to each component. Since these are generated, they don’t appear in our component’s code and would be removed by purgecss , to avoid that we whitelist them.

whitelistPatterns选项告诉purgecss不要删除以svelte-开头的类。 Svelte生成这些类,以将样式限制在每个组件的范围内。 由于这些都是生成的,因此它们不会出现在我们组件的代码中,并且会被purgecss删除,以避免我们将它们列入白名单。

You need to use this if you’re using other tools that generate classes, svelte-awesome , which provides font-awesome support, is a good example as it adds fa-icon classes and you’d need to add /fa-icon/ to the whitelist as well.

如果您正在使用其他生成类的工具,则需要使用svelte-awesome ,它提供了font-awesome支持,是一个很好的例子,因为它添加了fa-icon类,并且您需要添加/fa-icon/进入白名单。

In a general way, if any of your styles disappear in the production build, it’s probably a whitelist problem.


Now we need to tell Rollup to use postcss via svelte-preprocess


In rollup.config.js , in theplugins array where the svelte function is called, you’ll see the preprocess option calls sveltePreprocess without any arguments.

rollup.config.js ,在调用svelte函数的plugins数组中,您将看到preprocess选项调用sveltePreprocess而没有任何参数。

We need to tell sveltePreprocess that we want to use postcss , to do so we’ll pass it a configuration object

我们需要告诉sveltePreprocess我们要使用postcss ,我们将为它传递一个配置对象

Now you can run yarn dev and you should see that our h1 is now red as expected. Tailwind is now setup.

现在您可以运行yarn dev ,您应该看到我们的h1现在变成了预期的红色。 现在已设置Tailwind。

(Adding SCSS support)

With TailwindCSS, you rarely need to write CSS, but there are still cases where you need custom CSS.


It would be nice to also support SCSS, mainly to be able to write nested CSS.


We’ll add a few more packages


yarn add -D node-sass autoprefixer

And a bit more Rollup config


That’s all! Now you can use SCSS in your Svelte components by adding lang="scss" to your style tags.

就这样! 现在,可以通过在样式标签中添加lang="scss"在Svelte组件中使用SCSS。

yarn dev

Yay, our text is red and gigantic!


(Ready to go project template)

I’ve also made a template of this setup so you can start a project quickly, simply run


npx degit my-app

Then cd into your app and run yarn or npm install

然后进入您的应用程序并运行yarnnpm install


This seems to me like a solid setup to build a lightweight app, enjoy type safety with Typescript, quickly build a nice UI with responsiveness in mind thanks to Tailwind and be able to write more advanced CSS if needed with the comfort of SCSS.


Let me know if you build something with it.

