如何将word文件存入mysql word文档存入数据库_python


如何将word文件存入mysql word文档存入数据库_java_02

When you install Word, you are asked to enter your name and initials. This user information is stored in Word and you can automatically insert this information into your documents, such as into the return address of an envelope.

安装Word时,要求您输入名称和缩写。 此用户信息存储在Word中,您可以自动将此信息插入文档中,例如信封的回信地址。

We showed you how to set the user information in Word (after installation), which includes your name, initials, and address. You can use fields to insert this information into a document and have it automatically update when you update the user information.

我们向您展示了如何在Word中设置用户信息 (安装后),其中包括您的姓名,姓名缩写和地址。 您可以使用字段将这些信息插入文档中,并在更新用户信息时使它自动更新。

NOTE: We used Word 2013 to illustrate this feature.

注意:我们使用Word 2013来说明此功能。

To add the user information to your document, place the cursor where you want the insert the information. For this example, we are inserting the user name and address into a table. Click the “Insert” tab.

要将用户信息添加到文档中,请将光标放在要插入信息的位置。 对于此示例,我们将用户名和地址插入表中。 点击“插入”标签。

如何将word文件存入mysql word文档存入数据库_python_03

In the “Text” section of the “Insert” tab, click the “Quick Parts” button and select “Field” from the popup menu.


NOTE: If you don’t see the “Quick Parts” button, the window might not be wide enough to show the text labels. The icon shown on the button below will be visible in the “Text” section and moving your mouse over the icon will display the ScreenTip indicating what the button does, if ScreenTips are enabled.

注意:如果看不到“快速零件”按钮,则窗口可能不够宽,无法显示文本标签。 如果启用了屏幕提示 ,则下面的按钮上显示的图标将在“文本”部分中可见,将鼠标移到该图标上将显示屏幕提示,指示该按钮的功能

如何将word文件存入mysql word文档存入数据库_数据库_04

The “Field” dialog box displays. In the “Field names” list under “Please choose a field,” select either “UserAddress,” “UserInitials,” or “UserName.” In our example, we are inserting the user name first, so we chose “UserName.” In the “Format” list under “Field properties,” you can specify the format of the field. In this case, we chose “Title case” so the name will be capitalized correctly even if it wasn’t entered that way. Click “OK” to accept your selections and close the dialog box.

显示“字段”对话框。 在“请选择一个字段”下的“字段名称”列表中,选择“ UserAddress”,“ UserInitials”或“ UserName”。 在我们的示例中,我们将首先插入用户名,因此我们选择“ UserName”。 在“字段属性”下的“格式”列表中,您可以指定字段的格式。 在这种情况下,我们选择“标题大小写”,这样即使没有这样输入,名称也可以正确大写。 单击“确定”接受您的选择并关闭对话框。

如何将word文件存入mysql word文档存入数据库_如何将word文件存入mysql_05

The user name is inserted as a field at the cursor. This means that if you change the user name in the user information, it will change where you inserted the field as well.

用户名将作为字段插入到光标处。 这意味着,如果您在用户信息中更改了用户名 ,它也会更改您插入该字段的位置。

如何将word文件存入mysql word文档存入数据库_python_06

To insert the address, put the cursor where you want to insert it, and follow the same procedure listed above, selecting “UserAddress” in the “Field names” list, rather than “UserName.” The result should look similar to the image at the beginning of this article.

要插入地址,请将光标放在要插入的地址上,并按照上面列出的相同步骤,在“字段名称”列表中选择“ UserAddress”,而不是“ UserName”。 结果应类似于本文开头的图像。