
数据传输对象,正如其名称所暗示的,是用于传输数据的简单类.因此,它们通常用于层之间的通信,特别是当您具有通过消息而不是对象进行通信的SOA架构时. DTO应该是不可变的,因为它们仅仅是为了传递信息而不是改变信息而存在的.




Assume the persistence layer would use a class myproject.persistence.domain.UserEntity (a JPA based entity) to store and load data to/from the database. To show data in the view I would provide another class myproject.service.domain.User. Where do I convert them? Would the service for the users be responsible to convert between the two classes? Would this really help to improve the coupling?


How should the User class look like? Should it contain only getters to be immutable? Wouldn’t it be cumbersome for the views to edit existing users (create a new User, use the getters of the existing User object etc.)?


Should I use the same DTO-classes (User) to send a request to the service to modify an existing user/create a new user or should I implement other classes?


Wouldn’t the presentation layer be very dependent on the service layer by using all the DTOs in myproject.service.domain?


How to handle my own exceptions? My current approach rethrows most “severe” exceptions until they are handled by the presentation layer (usually they are logged and the user is informed that something went wrong). On the one hand I have the problem that I hava again a shared package. On the other hand I am still not sure that this can be considered “best practice”. Any ideas?
