








情况4:服务器分二次读取到了二个数据包,第一次读取到了D1包的部分内容 ,第二次读取到了D1包剩余部分和完整的D2包,这被成为TCP拆包。如下图:






3.将消息分为消息头和消息体,消息头中包含表示消息总长度的字段,通常设计思路为消息头的第一个字段使用int32来表示消息的总长度。 4.更复杂的应用层协议。




public class TimeServerHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Object> {
private int counter;
    protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg)
            throws Exception {
            ByteBuf buf = (ByteBuf) msg;
            byte[] req = new byte[buf.readableBytes()];
            String body = new String(req,"UTF-8").substring(0,req.length-System.getProperty("line.separator").length());
         * 收到消息后,++counter记录消息数,然后发应答消息给客户端,
         * 按照我们的设计我们期望能收到100条数据(因为客户端发了100条),但是只收到以2条消息(第1条包含57条消息,第2条包含43条消息,加起来正好100条)这说明发生的粘包
         * 当发生的粘包,我们的应用就不能正常工作了
            System.out.println("The Time Server receive order:"+body+"; the counter is:"+ (++counter));

            String currentTime = "Query Time Order".equalsIgnoreCase(body)?new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString():"Bad Order";
            currentTime = currentTime+System.getProperty("line.separator");
            ByteBuf resp  = Unpooled.copiedBuffer(currentTime.getBytes());
    public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
    public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause)
            throws Exception {


服务器端代码讲解:每收到一条消息后,counter++记录消息数,发应答消息给客户端。按照设计,服务器端接受到的消息总数应该跟客户端发送的消息总数相同,而且请求消息删除回车换行符后应该为”Query Time Order”。下面看看客户端代码

public class TimeClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TimeClientHandler.class.getName());
    private int counter;
    private byte[] req;

    public TimeClientHandler(){
        //这里介绍一下System.getProperty("line.separator") // 直线分隔符  
         req  =  ("Query Time Order"+System.getProperty("line.separator")).getBytes();

    public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause)
            throws Exception {
        logger.warning("Unexpected exception from downstream:"+cause.getMessage());

    public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
        ByteBuf message = null;
        for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
            message = Unpooled.buffer(req.length);

    protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg)
            throws Exception {
         *  客户端会记录服务器发过来的消息数量,我们预期应改收到100条数据。
         *  但是实际上客户端只收到1条数据,这很正常,因为我们的服务器端只返回了2条数据,
         *  只所以客户端只收到1条数据,是因为服务器发过来的2条数据被粘包了。

        ByteBuf buf = (ByteBuf) msg;
        byte[] req = new byte[buf.readableBytes()];
        String body = new String(req,"UTF-8");
        System.out.println("Now is:"+body+"; the counter is:"+(++counter));







The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
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Query Time Order
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Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Ord; the counter is:1
The Time Server receive order:
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
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Query Time Order
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Query Time Order
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Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order
Query Time Order; the counter is:2

看到没,虽然打印了这么多数据,但是你仔细看 Query Time Ord; the counter is:1这条数据,在这条数据上counter变成了1,说明了服务器端接受到了第一条数据,这说明了发生了TCP粘包,第一条数据包含57条数据。同样Query Time Ord; the counter is:2说明了服务器接受了第二条数据,第二条数据包含43条数据总共100条数据。


Now is:Bad Order
Bad Order
; the counter is:1




public class ChildChannelHandler extends
        ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel> {

    public void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
        ch.pipeline().addLast(new LineBasedFrameDecoder(1024));
        ch.pipeline().addLast(new StringDecoder());
        ch.pipeline().addLast(new TimeServerHandler());

与之前的ChildChannelHandler相比,增加了二个解码器,LineBasedFrameDecoder和StringDecoder。 大家别着急后面会介绍。 public class TimeServerHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler { private int counter; @Override protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception { String body = (String) msg; System.out.println(“The Time Server receive order:”+body+”; the counter is:”+ (++counter));

String currentTime = "Query Time Order".equalsIgnoreCase(body)?new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString():"Bad Order";
            currentTime = currentTime+System.getProperty("line.separator");
            ByteBuf resp  = Unpooled.copiedBuffer(currentTime.getBytes());
    public void channelReadComplete(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
    public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause)
            throws Exception {




public class TimeClient {
    public void connect(int port,String host) throws Exception{
        EventLoopGroup group = new NioEventLoopGroup();
        try {
            Bootstrap b = new Bootstrap();
            .handler(new ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>() {
                protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
                    ch.pipeline().addLast(new LineBasedFrameDecoder(1024));
                    ch.pipeline().addLast(new StringDecoder());
                    ch.pipeline().addLast(new TimeClientHandler());
            ChannelFuture f = b.connect(host,port).sync();
        } catch (Exception e) {

     * 入口
     * @param args
     * @throws Exception
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
        int port = 9090; //监听端口号
        new TimeClient().connect(port, "localhost");

与上面类似在initChannel方法中增加了二个解码器,LineBasedFrameDecoder和StringDecoder。 下面我们再看一下TimeClientHandler类,代码如下:

public class TimeClientHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler {
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TimeClientHandler.class.getName());
    private int counter;
    private byte[] req;

    public TimeClientHandler(){
        //这里介绍一下System.getProperty("line.separator") // 直线分隔符  
         req  =  ("Query Time Order"+System.getProperty("line.separator")).getBytes();

    public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause)
            throws Exception {
        logger.warning("Unexpected exception from downstream:"+cause.getMessage());

    public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception {
        ByteBuf message = null;
        for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
            message = Unpooled.buffer(req.length);

    protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg)
            throws Exception {

        String body = (String)msg;
        System.out.println("Now is:"+body+"; the counter is:"+(++counter));




The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order; the counter is:1
The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order; the counter is:2
The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order; the counter is:3
The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order; the counter is:4
The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order; the counter is:5
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The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order; the counter is:7
The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order; the counter is:8
The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order; the counter is:9
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The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order; the counter is:98
The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order; the counter is:99
The Time Server receive order:Query Time Order; the counter is:100


Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:1
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:2
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:3
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:4
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:5
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:6
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:7
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:8
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:9
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:10
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:11
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:12
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:13
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:14
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:15
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:16
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:17
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:18
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:19
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:20
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:21
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:22
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:23
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:24
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:25
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:26
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:27
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:28
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:29
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:30
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:31
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:32
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:33
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:34
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:35
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:36
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:37
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:38
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:39
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:40
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:41
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:42
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:43
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:44
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:45
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:46
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:47
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:48
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:49
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:50
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:51
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:52
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:53
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:54
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:55
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:56
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:57
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:58
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:59
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:60
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:61
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:62
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:63
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:64
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:65
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:66
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:67
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:68
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:69
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:70
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:71
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:72
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:73
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:74
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:75
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:76
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:77
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:78
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:79
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:80
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:81
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:82
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:83
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:84
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:85
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:86
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:87
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:88
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:89
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:90
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:91
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:92
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:93
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:94
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:95
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:96
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:97
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:98
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:99
Now is:Sat Jul 16 11:44:22 CST 2016; the counter is:100


ch.pipeline().addLast(new LineBasedFrameDecoder(1024));
ch.pipeline().addLast(new StringDecoder());






在文章结尾再给大家代码,怕大家看不到。 好了到此结束吧,Netty提供很多种Tcp粘包/拆包解码器,后面我会讲到,如果本章对大家有所帮助,我不胜荣幸!