
What framework is used by Xamarin? Xamarin使用的架构?

Solution 1解决方法1

Xamarin has "ported" a subset of the .NET framework to work with Android, iOS and OSX. Recently, Microsoft has made available a new profile (Portable Class Library project) that ensures cross-platform compatibility across Xamarin (Android and iOS) and Windows Phone.

Xamarin已经“移植”了.NET Framework子集来和Android,iOS和OSX配合工作。最近,微软已经提供新的简要约束(移植类库),确保Xamarin的兼容性(Android和iOS)和Windows Phone。

By "porting", I mean Xamarin exposes the Android and iOS APIs via C# bindings, allowing you to build apps using C#, and more easily share non-UI code across the different mobile platforms. Xamarin Forms is an extension that makes it easier to share UI code across these platforms. However, Xamarin Forms is best suited for simple apps.

通过“移植”,我的意思是Xamarin暴露通过C#绑定Android和iOS的API,可以让你建立使用C#应用程序,也更容易在不同的移动平台分享非UI代码。 Xamarin形式是,可以更容易地在这些平台上共享UI代码的扩展。然而,Xamarin形式最适合于简单的应用程序。

1. Portable Class Library has no GUI.


2. Everything written in Xamarin should be Cross Platform and run on Windows desktop, IOS, Android and Mac.


But i see Xamarin.IOS and Xamarin.Android - they are separate.

但我看到Xamarin.IOS和Xamarin.Android - 它们是独立的。

I see Xamarin APIs and they are separate for IOS, Android, Mac.

我看到Xamarin API和它们是独立的IOS,Android的,Mac电脑。

What does it mean? 这是什么意思?

Can i write once in Xamarin GUI and run on all 4 platforms including Windows desktop?

我可以在Xamarin GUI写一次,并在所有4平台,包括Windows桌面上运行?

1) Correct. PCLs are used to build shared business logic.

1)正确。 PCLS用于构建共享业务逻辑。

2) No, everything written in Xamarin is NOT cross platform! Xamarin.IOS is the C# binding to iOS. Xamarin.Android is the C# binding to Android. This allows you to access the standard iOS and Android APIs from C#.

2)没有,一切都写在Xamarin是不是跨平台! Xamarin.IOS是C#绑定到iOS。 Xamarin.Android是C#绑定到Android。这使您可以从C#访问标准的iOS和Android的API。

Can i write once in Xamarin GUI and run on all 4 platforms including Windows desktop?

我可以在Xamarin GUI写一次,并在所有4平台,包括Windows桌面上运行?

No. Windows desktop (WinForms/WPF) is not supported.

第Windows桌面上(的WinForms / WPF)不支持。

Essentially, only UI code written using Xamarin Forms is portable across iOS, Android and Windows Mobile.

从本质上讲,只有使用Xamarin形式的书面UI代码是在iOS,Android和Windows Mobile的便携性。

Is it native or my app created in Xamarin needs some Virtual Machine?


Xamarin generates IL which is packaged in the .apk (in the case of Android) and runs on top off Mono. The process of converting IL to a form consumable by Dalvik (and the newer Android VM) is transparent. For all practical purposes, the .apk generated by Xamarin is no different than one generated when building a native app.

Xamarin产生IL被包装在apk文件(Android中的情况下),并运行在顶过单。由的Dalvik(和较新的Android VM)转换的IL到表单消耗品的过程是透明的。对于所有的实际目的,由Xamarin产生的apk文件是不超过一个构建本机应用程序时产生不同的。

IMHO, the nice thing about Xamarin is that it allows me to leverage my C# skills and the .NET framework. Caveat: I still need to know the Android API (which is not hard to pick up) in order to build Android apps. The same applies for iOS.


Edit: Xamarin Forms controls translate to native controls.


Xamarin is yet another CLR implementation. So essentially, Xamarin is the framework the inquirer is asking about, a different implementation. I would call the phrase about "C# binding" inaccurate. C# is just compiled in CIL code, which is the same as in .NET, will work without recompilation on Xamarin, if the API used is compatible with the Xamarin subset.

Xamarin是另一个CLR实现。所以基本上,Xamarin是询问者的询问,一个不同的实施框架。我所说的关于“C#约束力的”不准确的短语。 C#只是在CIL代码,这是相同的.NET编译,将工作而对Xamarin重新编译,如果所使用的API是与Xamarin子集兼容。

By "C# binding" I meant Xamarin offers C# bindings to the Android SDK and allows C# code (e.g. developer defined callbacks) to be invoked by Android callable wrappers. Is this not true?

由“C#绑定”我的意思是Xamarin提供C#绑定到Android SDK,并允许C#代码(例如开发人员定义的回调)由Android的调用包装调用。这是不是真的?

This was somewhat uncertain expression. You could better explain what do you really mean by "binding". This "binding" is no different from what happens when you reference an assembly placed in GAC.
