android 更换壁纸监听 如何换壁纸安卓_android

Your Android device came with a default image set as the wallpaper on the Home screen. However, if you want a different image as your wallpaper, this is easily changed. There are several images included in the Android system or you can use one of your own images.

您的Android设备在主屏幕上设置了默认图片作为墙纸。 但是,如果您想要其他图像作为墙纸,则可以轻松更改。 Android系统中包含一些图像,或者您可以使用自己的图像之一。

Touch and hold anywhere on the empty space on your Home screen.


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A popup menu displays. If part of the menu is hidden, click and hold on the menu and drag it up to view the rest of the menu.

显示一个弹出菜单。 如果菜单的一部分被隐藏,请单击并按住菜单并向上拖动以查看菜单的其余部分。

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If you want to use one of the images that came with your Android device, touch “Wallpapers” on the popup menu. For this example, we are going to select one of our own images to use as the wallpaper, so we click on “ES File Explorer” (a free file manager available in the Google Play Store) to access the file.

如果要使用Android设备随附的图像之一,请在弹出菜单上触摸“墙纸”。 对于此示例,我们将选择一个自己的图像用作墙纸,因此我们单击“ ES File Explorer ”(Google Play商店中提供的免费文件管理器)以访问文件。

NOTE: Any file managers you have installed display in this list allowing you to use any one of them to pick a wallpaper image file. You can also use one of your own “Photos”.

注意:您已安装的所有文件管理器都会显示在此列表中,使您可以使用其中任何一个来选择墙纸图像文件。 您也可以使用自己的“照片”之一。

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Navigate to where your image file is located and click on the filename.


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Your image displays with a box outline on top of it. Move the outline until the part of the image you want to use as your wallpaper is within the outline. Click “Save”.

您的图像显示在其顶部带有方框轮廓。 移动轮廓线,直到要用作墙纸的图像部分在轮廓线内。 点击“保存”。

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You can also change the wallpaper using the settings. To access the settings, drag down from the status bar at the top of the screen.

您也可以使用设置更改墙纸。 要访问设置,请从屏幕顶部的状态栏中向下拖动。

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When the notification bar displays, drag down again from the top of the bar to access the “Quick Settings” menu.


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Touch the gear button at the top of the “Quick Settings” menu.


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In the “Device” section, touch “Display”.


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On the “Display” screen, touch “Wallpaper”.


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Just like changing the wallpaper from the desktop, you can choose how you want to select your wallpaper image. Touch an option on the “Choose wallpaper from” screen. Again, we’re using “ES File Explorer”.

就像从桌面上更改墙纸一样,您可以选择要如何选择墙纸图像。 触摸“从中选择墙纸”屏幕上的选项。 同样,我们使用的是“ ES File Explorer”。

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Again, navigate to the folder containing the image you want to use as your wallpaper, and touch the image filename.


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Crop the image as discussed earlier in this article and click “Save”. The cropped image is selected as the wallpaper for your Home screen.

如本文前面讨论的那样裁剪图像,然后单击“保存”。 裁剪后的图像被选作主屏幕的墙纸。
