
5,如果系统中没有执行的线程,那么设置恢复线程为执行线程,并且设置系统中最高优先级_tx_thread_highest_priority 为恢复线程优先级
6,系统中已经存在执行线程,那么比较优先级,如果恢复线程优先级大于_tx_thread_highest_priority ,设置恢复线程为执行线程,并且设置系统中最高优先级_tx_thread_highest_priority 为恢复线程优先级

_tx_thread_resume(TX_THREAD *thread_ptr)





UINT    _tx_thread_resume(TX_THREAD *thread_ptr)

UINT                preemption;         /* Preempt condition flag       */
REG_1 UINT          priority;           /* Thread priority              */
REG_2 TX_THREAD     *head_ptr;          /* Thread priority head pointer */
REG_2 TX_THREAD     *tail_ptr;          /* Thread priority tail pointer */

    /* Initialize the preemption flag to false.  */
    preemption =  TX_FALSE;

    /* Lockout interrupts while the thread is being resumed.  */
    #def 禁止中断,防止被抢占

    /* Decrease the preempt disabled count.  */

    /* Determine if the thread is in the process of suspending.  If so, the thread
       control block is already on the linked list so nothing needs to be done.  */
    #def 线程正在挂起过程中,那么线程已经在调度列表了,不是新创建线程。只需要改变线程状态为TX_READY
    if (thread_ptr -> tx_suspending)

        /* Make sure the type of suspension under way is not a terminate or
           thread completion.  In either of these cases, do not void the 
           interrupted suspension processing.  */
        if ((thread_ptr -> tx_state != TX_COMPLETED) &&
            (thread_ptr -> tx_state != TX_TERMINATED))

            /* Clear the suspending flag.  */
            thread_ptr -> tx_suspending =   TX_FALSE;

            /* Restore the state to ready.  */
            #def 转为就绪态
            thread_ptr -> tx_state =        TX_READY;

    /* Check to make sure the thread has not already been resumed.  */
    else if (thread_ptr -> tx_state != TX_READY)

        /* Check for a delayed suspend flag.  */
        if (thread_ptr -> tx_delayed_suspend)

            /* Clear the delayed suspend flag and change the state.  */
            thread_ptr -> tx_delayed_suspend =  TX_FALSE;
            thread_ptr -> tx_state =            TX_SUSPENDED;

            /* Log the thread status change.  */

            /* Make this thread ready.  */

            /* Change the state to ready.  */
            #def 转为就绪态
            thread_ptr -> tx_state =  TX_READY;

            /* Pickup priority of thread.  */
            priority =  thread_ptr -> tx_priority;

            /* Determine if there are other threads at this priority that are
               ready.  */
            #def 获取对应优先级列表头指针,把线程插入优先级list尾
            head_ptr =  _tx_thread_priority_list[priority];
            #def 优先级list中已经有线程
            if (head_ptr)

                /* Yes, there are other threads at this priority already ready.  */

                /* Just add this thread to the priority list.  */
                tail_ptr =                          head_ptr -> tx_ready_previous;
                tail_ptr -> tx_ready_next =         thread_ptr;
                head_ptr -> tx_ready_previous =     thread_ptr;
                thread_ptr -> tx_ready_previous =   tail_ptr;
                thread_ptr -> tx_ready_next =       head_ptr;
			#def 优先级list为空,恢复线程为第一个线程
                /* First thread at this priority ready.  Add to the front of the
                   list.  */
                _tx_thread_priority_list[priority] =    thread_ptr;
                thread_ptr -> tx_ready_next =           thread_ptr;
                thread_ptr -> tx_ready_previous =       thread_ptr;

                /* Or in the thread's priority bit.  */
                #def 设置优先级位图对应bit位为1
                _tx_thread_priority_map =  _tx_thread_priority_map | thread_ptr -> tx_priority_bit;

                /* Check to see if this is a higher priority thread.  */
                #def _tx_thread_execute_ptr为当前执行线程或将要执行线程(也就是就绪队列中优先级最高线程) ,如果为空,说明没有任何线程执行,把恢复线程直接设置为将要执行线程,且为最高优先级
                if (_tx_thread_execute_ptr == TX_NULL)

                    /* No other thread is ready.  Setup the highest priority and 
                       the execute thread pointer.  */
                    _tx_thread_execute_ptr =       thread_ptr;
                    _tx_thread_highest_priority =  priority;
                else if (priority < _tx_thread_highest_priority)
     #def 恢复线程优先级大于于就绪队列中最高优先级,设置最高优先级为恢复线程优先级
                    /* A new highest priority thread is present. */

                    /* Update the highest priority variable.  */
                    _tx_thread_highest_priority =  priority;

                    /* Determine if preemption is allowed.  */
                    #def 优先级大于最高优先级的抢占阈值
                    if (priority < _tx_thread_execute_ptr -> tx_preempt_threshold)

                        /* Determine if this thread had preemption threshold set.  */
                        if (_tx_thread_execute_ptr -> tx_preempt_threshold !=
                                _tx_thread_execute_ptr -> tx_priority)

                            /* Remember that this thread was preempted by a thread
                               above the thread's threshold.  */
                            _tx_thread_preempted_map =  _tx_thread_preempted_map |
                                                _tx_thread_execute_ptr -> tx_priority_bit;

                        /* Yes, modify the execute thread pointer.  */
                        #def 设置恢复线程为执行线程
                        _tx_thread_execute_ptr =  thread_ptr;

    /* Restore interrupts.  */

    /* Determine if preemption should take place.  */
    #def 如果上面选择出了新的线程_tx_thread_execute_ptr,并且系统初始化完成,那么返回可以抢占。
    if ((_tx_thread_current_ptr != _tx_thread_execute_ptr) && (_tx_thread_system_state == 0))

        /* Yes, set the preemption flag.  */
        preemption =  TX_TRUE;

    /* Return preemption flag. */