
  • 简单查询
  • 条件查询:where
  • 分组查询:group by
  • 排序查询:order by
  • 查询结果去重:distinct
  • 限制查询量:limit

0 准备


mysql> select * from employee;
| id | name     | gender | salary | age  | gmr  | dept_id |
|  1 | lisan    | f      | 100.00 |   20 |    4 |    1001 |
|  2 | Will     | f      | 130.00 |   28 |    3 |    1001 |
|  3 | lucy     | m      | 500.70 |   18 |    2 |    1002 |
|  4 | 李雷     | 男     | 670.00 |   20 |    4 |    1003 |
|  5 | WangYong | m      | 700.90 |   25 |    5 |    NULL |
|  6 | Sam      | m      | 600.90 |   25 |    5 |    1004 |

mysql> select * from department;
| id   | name      | description  |
| 1001 | 人事部    | 人事管理     |
| 1002 | 行政部    | 行政管理     |
| 1003 | 研发部    | 研发         |
| 1004 | 质量部    | 质量保障     |

1 简单查询

select * from employee;
select id,name,salary from employee;

2 条件查询

where 条件表达式

  1. 比较:=、<、>、>=,<=,!=,<>
  2. 指定范围:between [] and [],NOT between [] and []
  3. 指定集合:IN [],NOT IN []
  4. 匹配字符:like,NOT LIKE
  5. 是否为空:IS NULL, IS NOT NULL
  6. 多个查询条件: AND ,OR
select * from employ where age>20;
select * from employee where age<>20;

select * from employee where age between 18 and 25;

select * from employee where name in ("Will","lucy");

select * from employee where name like "w%";
| id | name     | gender | salary | age  | gmr  | dept_id |
|  2 | Will     | f      | 130.00 |   28 |    3 |    1001 |
|  5 | WangYong | m      | 700.90 |   25 |    5 |    NULL |

select * from employee where name like "w_l";//查询结果为空
select * from employee where name like "w_ll";就可以查到这一条数据了。

select * from employ where age>20 and salary<500; 

select * from employee where name like "w%" AND age>20 AND salary>500;

select * from employee where name like "w%" AND age>25 OR salary>500;

3 查询结果去重


select distinct [value Name]

select distinct age from employee;

4 排序

排序分为降序DESC,升序ASC两种,使用ORDER BY关键字。

ORDER BY [value] [ASC | DESC]
select * from employee order by age ASC;
select * from employee order by age DESC;
select * from employee order by age DESC,id ASC;

5 分组查询


其中,value是按照该字段值分组,HAVING用来限制分组后的显示,WITH ROLLUP将会在坐在记录的最后加一条记录,该记录是上面所有记录的总和。

5.1 单独使用group by查询
//单独使用group by分组,查询结果只显示分组的一条记录
select * from employee group by age;
5.2 与GRIOUP_CONCAT()函数一起使用


select age,group_concat(name) from employee group by age;

| age  | group_concat(name) |
|   18 | lucy               |
|   20 | lisan,李雷         |
|   25 | WangYong,Sam       |
|   28 | Will               |
结果显示分为4组,每组所有人的name 列出来了。
5.3 与集合函数一起使用


select age,count(age) from employee group by age;


select age,count(age) from employee group by age HAVING count(age)>=2;

| age  | count(age) |
|   20 |          2 |
|   25 |          2 |
5.5 多个字段分组
select * from employee group by age,gender;

| id | name     | gender | salary | age  | gmr  | dept_id |
|  3 | lucy     | m      | 500.70 |   18 |    2 |    1002 |
|  1 | lisan    | f      | 100.00 |   20 |    4 |    1001 |
|  4 | 李雷     | 男     | 670.00 |   20 |    4 |    1003 |
|  5 | WangYong | m      | 700.90 |   25 |    5 |    NULL |
|  2 | Will     | f      | 130.00 |   28 |    3 |    1001 |
5.6 与WITH ROLLUP一起使用

WITH ROLLUP将会在坐在记录的最后加一条记录,该记录是上面所有记录的总和。

select age,count(*) from employee group by age WITH ROLLUP;

| age  | count(*) |
|   18 |        1 |
|   20 |        2 |
|   25 |        2 |
|   28 |        1 |
| NULL |        6 |

6 限制查询量

6.1 不指定初始位置


limit [num]

select * from employee limit 2;
6.2 指定初始位置


limit [start],[limitNUm]
select * from employee limit 1,3;