
  • 1 关于微服务架构认证
  • 2 feign拦截器的使用
  • 3 feign拦截器的说明
  • 4 总结


1 关于微服务架构认证

微服务认证中心是什么 微服务之间应该认证吗_restful


用户登录后, 后台会生成token,传给前台,前台直接放到请求头中;或者后台保存数据到redis中,将唯一标识写到cookie中,由网关根据cookie获取token,增加请求头.

上面描述的是用户访问单一的微服务应用. 如果涉及到微服务之间的相互调用,由于不经过网关,所以无法由网关进行请求头增强,但是被调用的另一个微服务又需要鉴权.所以就产生了一个feign接口调用的鉴权问题?


2 feign拦截器的使用

方法一: 定义一个拦截器,在启动类中添加拦截器.

 * feign拦截器,只要请求就会拦截
public class FeignInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {
    public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {

        RequestAttributes requestAttributes = RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes();
        if (requestAttributes != null) {
            HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) requestAttributes).getRequest();
            if (request != null) {
                Enumeration<String> headerNames = request.getHeaderNames();
                if (headerNames != null) {
                    while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) {
                        String headerName = headerNames.nextElement();
                        if (headerName.equals("authorization")) {
                            String headerValue = request.getHeader(headerName);
                            template.header(headerName, headerValue);
public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public FeignInterceptor feignInterceptor(){
        return new FeignInterceptor();

方法二: 定义一个拦截器,从后台上下文中取出数据,直接放入.

public class UserFeignInterceptor  implements RequestInterceptor {
    public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
// 当feign接口调用异常时会进入这个类中处理
public class UserServiceFallback implements UserServiceApi {

     public String getUserById(String userId){
         ... // 自定义逻辑
@FeignClient(value = "ali-order", configuration = UserFeignInterceptor.class, fallback  = UserServiceFallback.class)
public interface UserServiceClient extends UserServiceApi {


3 feign拦截器的说明



微服务认证中心是什么 微服务之间应该认证吗_微服务_02


public class BasicAuthRequestInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {

  private final String headerValue;

   * Creates an interceptor that authenticates all requests with the specified username and password
   * encoded using ISO-8859-1.
   * @param username the username to use for authentication
   * @param password the password to use for authentication
  public BasicAuthRequestInterceptor(String username, String password) {
    this(username, password, ISO_8859_1);

   * Creates an interceptor that authenticates all requests with the specified username and password
   * encoded using the specified charset.
   * @param username the username to use for authentication
   * @param password the password to use for authentication
   * @param charset the charset to use when encoding the credentials
  public BasicAuthRequestInterceptor(String username, String password, Charset charset) {
    checkNotNull(username, "username");
    checkNotNull(password, "password");
    this.headerValue = "Basic " + base64Encode((username + ":" + password).getBytes(charset));

   * This uses a Sun internal method; if we ever encounter a case where this method is not
   * available, the appropriate response would be to pull the necessary portions of Guava's
   * BaseEncoding class into Util.
  private static String base64Encode(byte[] bytes) {
    return Base64.encode(bytes);

  public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {
    template.header("Authorization", headerValue);


public abstract class BaseRequestInterceptor implements RequestInterceptor {

	 * The encoding properties.
	private final FeignClientEncodingProperties properties;

	 * Creates new instance of {@link BaseRequestInterceptor}.
	 * @param properties the encoding properties
	protected BaseRequestInterceptor(FeignClientEncodingProperties properties) {
		Assert.notNull(properties, "Properties can not be null");
		this.properties = properties;

	 * Adds the header if it wasn't yet specified.
	 * @param requestTemplate the request
	 * @param name the header name
	 * @param values the header values
	protected void addHeader(RequestTemplate requestTemplate, String name,
			String... values) {

		if (!requestTemplate.headers().containsKey(name)) {
			requestTemplate.header(name, values);

	protected FeignClientEncodingProperties getProperties() {
		return this.properties;



public class FeignAcceptGzipEncodingInterceptor extends BaseRequestInterceptor {

	 * Creates new instance of {@link FeignAcceptGzipEncodingInterceptor}.
	 * @param properties the encoding properties
	protected FeignAcceptGzipEncodingInterceptor(
			FeignClientEncodingProperties properties) {

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {

		addHeader(template, HttpEncoding.ACCEPT_ENCODING_HEADER,
				HttpEncoding.GZIP_ENCODING, HttpEncoding.DEFLATE_ENCODING);



public class FeignContentGzipEncodingInterceptor extends BaseRequestInterceptor {

	 * Creates new instance of {@link FeignContentGzipEncodingInterceptor}.
	 * @param properties the encoding properties
	protected FeignContentGzipEncodingInterceptor(
			FeignClientEncodingProperties properties) {

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	public void apply(RequestTemplate template) {

		if (requiresCompression(template)) {
			addHeader(template, HttpEncoding.CONTENT_ENCODING_HEADER,
					HttpEncoding.GZIP_ENCODING, HttpEncoding.DEFLATE_ENCODING);

	 * Returns whether the request requires GZIP compression.
	 * @param template the request template
	 * @return true if request requires compression, false otherwise
	private boolean requiresCompression(RequestTemplate template) {

		final Map<String, Collection<String>> headers = template.headers();
		return matchesMimeType(headers.get(HttpEncoding.CONTENT_TYPE))
				&& contentLengthExceedThreshold(headers.get(HttpEncoding.CONTENT_LENGTH));

	 * Returns whether the request content length exceed configured minimum size.
	 * @param contentLength the content length header value
	 * @return true if length is grater than minimum size, false otherwise
	private boolean contentLengthExceedThreshold(Collection<String> contentLength) {

		try {
			if (contentLength == null || contentLength.size() != 1) {
				return false;

			final String strLen = contentLength.iterator().next();
			final long length = Long.parseLong(strLen);
			return length > getProperties().getMinRequestSize();
		catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
			return false;

	 * Returns whether the content mime types matches the configures mime types.
	 * @param contentTypes the content types
	 * @return true if any specified content type matches the request content types
	private boolean matchesMimeType(Collection<String> contentTypes) {
		if (contentTypes == null || contentTypes.size() == 0) {
			return false;

		if (getProperties().getMimeTypes() == null
				|| getProperties().getMimeTypes().length == 0) {
			// no specific mime types has been set - matching everything
			return true;

		for (String mimeType : getProperties().getMimeTypes()) {
			if (contentTypes.contains(mimeType)) {
				return true;

		return false;


4 总结
