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Knowing your device’s battery health can be crucial for gauging battery life and longevity. If you’re a Chromebook user, you have a couple of useful tools for finding this info—especially if you want to track it over time.

了解设备的电池健康状况对于延长电池寿命和延长寿命至关重要。 如果您是Chromebook用户,则可以使用一些有用的工具来查找此信息,尤其是要随着时间的推移对其进行跟踪时。

(Check Battery Stats with Crosh)

If you’re looking for a simple way to get more information about your battery, using the Chrome Shell—or CROSH—is the easiest way to do it. To open a Crosh window, just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open a terminal window.

如果您正在寻找一种简单的方法来获取有关电池的更多信息,则使用Chrome Shell(或CROSH)是最简单的方法。 要打开Crosh窗口,只需按键盘上的Ctrl + Alt + T即可打开终端窗口。

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At the terminal, type the following command and then press Enter:



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This command shows you a few stats. First up, you’ll see the current battery state (charging/discharging) along with the remaining percentage of battery life. You’ll also see the battery’s health, displayed as a percentage. The health represents the overall usable portion of the entire battery and shouldn’t dramatically change over time.

此命令显示一些统计信息。 首先,您会看到当前的电池状态(正在充电/正在放电)以及剩余的电池寿命百分比。 您还将看到电池的状态,以百分比显示。 健康状况代表整个电池的总体可用部分,不应随时间而发生重大变化。

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The command also runs a simple discharge test, where it records the amount of battery drain over a specific amount of time. The default is 300 seconds, but you can change that time by appending a value in seconds to the end of the command, like so:

该命令还运行一个简单的放电测试,它记录特定时间段内的电池消耗量。 默认值为300秒,但是您可以通过在命令末尾附加一个以秒为单位的值来更改该时间,如下所示:

battery_test 30

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In our example, the test runs for 30 seconds instead of 300. While you can do this for any value, it’s probably not a good idea to go for extreme amounts of time here—stick to minutes, not hours. Just keep in mind that the value has to be entered in seconds when appended to the command.

在我们的示例中,测试运行30秒而不是300秒。尽管您可以为任何值执行此操作,但在这里花费大量时间(坚持几分钟而不是几小时)可能不是一个好主意。 请记住,将值附加到命令后必须以秒为单位输入。

Once the test has finished, it will tell you how much the battery drained in the specified amount of time, which can help you gauge how much battery life you’ll get overall under a similar workload.


(Find Advanced Battery Stats in Chrome OS’ HIdden Power Menu)

Like so many things in Chrome OS, many of the most powerful tools are hidden behind the scenes. That’s the case with the Power Menu, which shows you battery charge and loss over time, as well as CPU states and idle times. To get there, open a new tab in your browser and type the following address into the Omnibox:

就像Chrome OS中的许多东西一样,许多最强大的工具都被隐藏在幕后。 电源菜单就是这种情况,它显示了电池随时间的充放电,CPU状态和空闲时间。 要到达那里,请在浏览器中打开一个新标签,然后在多功能框中输入以下地址:


A barebones power menu shows you a few advanced options. To take a closer look at any of the options, click their corresponding “Show” button.

准系统电源菜单为您显示了一些高级选项。 要仔细查看任何选项,请单击其相应的“显示”按钮。

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Clicking the “Show” button next to the Battery Charge entry reveals two displays: “Battery Charge Percentage” and “Battery Discharge Rate.” The former simply shows the battery percentage drop (or gain if charging) over time, but in a much more granular way than you’ll get in the status bar—it breaks the battery drain down by .1% at a time, so you can really see what’s going on.

单击“电池电量”条目旁边的“显示”按钮,将显示两个屏幕:“电池电量百分比”和“电池放电率”。 前者只是显示电池百分比随时间的下降(如果充电会增加),但是比状态栏中显示的粒度要细得多-一次可将电池耗电量降低0.1%,因此您可以真正看到发生了什么。

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The “Battery Discharge Rate” display is a little harder to understand. It’s a line graph that displays three different values. Without getting overly technical, here is a quick look at what each of these values represent:

“电池放电率”显示有点难以理解。 它是显示三个不同值的折线图。 在不过度了解技术的情况下,下面快速浏览一下这些值分别代表什么:

  • Discharge Rate in Watts: This shows the battery’s discharge rate in terms of energy transfer, not just percentage. 以瓦特为单位的放电率:这显示了电池在能量传递方面的放电率,而不仅仅是百分比。
  • Moving Average: This essentially smooths out the battery discharge rate by using subsets of data and taking averages based on these larger sections of data. 移动平均值:通过使用数据子集并根据这些较大的数据部分取平均值,可以从根本上平滑电池放电速率。
  • Binned Average: This combines clusters of data into a single, larger section of data, and then uses the average as the primary value. 合并平均值:将数据簇合并为单个较大的数据部分,然后将平均值用作主要值。

You can also specify the number of samples in which to take the average by using the “Average Over” box at the very bottom. Type the number of samples you want to use and then click the “Reload” button. Playing with this will give you a better idea of what each value means, too.

您也可以使用最底部的“ Average Over”框指定要取平均值的样本数。 输入您要使用的样品数量,然后单击“重新加载”按钮。 尝试使用此方法还可以使您更好地了解每个值的含义。

Back on the main power menu, you’ll also find the “Idle State Data” menu.


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Idle state data doesn’t directly show the battery output, but rather the processor cores and what each one is doing. It’s a good way to see what’s going on with the processor. But I’ll be honest with you: there is a lot of data here, and probably more than you care to pay attention to. Still, it can be nice to see an overview of what each processor core is doing.

空闲状态数据不会直接显示电池输出,而是显示处理器核心以及每个处理器的功能。 这是查看处理器运行状况的好方法。 但是我对你说老实话:这里有很多数据,可能比您关心的更多。 尽管如此,还是很高兴看到每个处理器内核正在做什么的概述。

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A look at one CPU core. 看看一个CPU内核。

Finally, there’s the “Frequency State Data” display, which I couldn’t get to do anything during my testing. Turns out this could be a bug related to Intel chips. Maybe one day it will be fixed, but given that this bug has been in place since Chrome 41, I’m not holding my breath. I can’t imagine it being very high on the priority list.

最后,还有“频率状态数据”显示,在测试期间我什么也做不了。 事实证明,这可能是与英特尔芯片有关的错误 。 也许有一天它会得到修复,但是鉴于此漏洞自Chrome 41以来一直存在,因此我没有屏息。 我无法想象它在优先级列表上很高。

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While there isn’t a tool out there that will straight up tell you everything you could possibly want to know about your device’s battery, these tools are a great start for learning the ins and outs of what goes on under the hood of your Chromebook.


