Background: the web has been abuzz for the last week with talk of Caller IQ, a root-level application installed on millions of smart phones including most Android smart phones, BlackBerry units, and iPhones. Not all phones are affected, and at least Verizon has denied using Caller IQ on any of their phones, but there are plenty of phones which are.

背景:上周网络热闹非凡,谈到Caller IQ,这是安装在数百万部智能手机(包括大多数Android智能手机,BlackBerry设备和iPhone)上的根级应用程序。 并非所有电话都受到影响 ,至少Verizon拒绝在其任何电话上使用Caller IQ,但是其中有很多电话。

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The above video is a demonstration by Trevor Eckhart, the Android developer that discovered the application and publicized what it was up to–watch the video to get a better feel for the reach this application has.

上面的视频是Android开发人员Trevor Eckhart的演示,他发现了该应用程序并公布了最新内容-观看该视频,以更好地了解此应用程序的适用范围。

The application has sweeping privileges and can access everything you do on your phone. Although cell providers have denied using the application for anything malicious the reality is that the app is quite capable of enabling deep level surveillance without any indication to the end user that their privacy is being compromised.

该应用程序具有全面的特权,可以访问您在手机上所做的一切。 尽管蜂窝服务提供商拒绝将应用程序用于任何恶意行为,但现实情况是该应用程序完全有能力进行深度监视,而没有任何最终用户向其表明隐私受到损害的迹象。

We don’t know about you, but we’re not comfortable taking the word of a company that they’re not accessing our private data, text messages, and other phone contents when Caller IQ makes it trivially easy to do so–and to remain completely undetected in the process. So the best case scenario is that your provider is not actively collecting data on you, but the Caller IQ rootkit is wasting precious battery life and clock cycles; the worst case scenario is that, unbeknownst to you, it’s radically compromising your privacy in ways you never authorized.

我们不认识您,但是当Caller IQ使得这样做很容易时,我们不敢相信一家公司说他们没有访问我们的私人数据,短信和其他电话内容,并且在此过程中完全未被发现。 因此,最好的情况是您的提供商没有主动收集有关您的数据,但是Caller IQ Rootkit浪费了宝贵的电池寿命和时钟周期。 最坏的情况是,您不知道,它以您从未授权的方式从根本上损害了您的隐私。

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iPhone users have it easy; they can simply navigate to Settings -> General -> About -> Diagnostics and Usage and then toggle it to “Don’t Send”. Android users will need to dig much deeper: if you’re ready to check your phone and remove the Caller IQ installation (something you can’t do simply by uninstalling an app from your system menu as the carriers have made the application invisible to the end user) we highly recommend checking out Lifehacker’s thorough write up covering detection and removal at the link below.

iPhone用户很容易。 他们只需导航至设置->常规->关于->诊断和使用情况,然后将其切换为“不发送”即可。 Android用户将需要更深入地研究:如果您准备检查手机并删除Caller IQ安装(某些事情您不能简单地通过从系统菜单中卸载应用程序来完成,因为运营商已使该应用程序对用户不可见。最终用户),我们强烈建议您通过以下链接查看Lifehacker的详尽记录,内容涉及检测和清除。

Carrier IQ: How the Widespread Rootkit Can Track Everything on Your Phone, and How to Remove It [Lifehacker]

运营商IQ:广泛的Rootkit如何跟踪手机上的所有内容以及如何删除它 [Lifehacker]
