
  • 一、修改爬取页面的逻辑
  • 二、缓存方式
  • 2.1 磁盘缓存
  • 2.2 数据库缓存




import re
import urllib
import random
import datetime
import robotparser
from urllib import parse
from downloader import Downloader

# 需要注意按照pep8书写规范,类的名字需要是名词
class Downloader:
	# 构造方法
	def __init__(self, delay=5, 
		user_agent='wswp', proxies=None,
		num_retries=1, cache=None):
		self.throttle = Throttle(delay) # 延时
		self.user_agent = user_agent
		self.proxies = proxies
		self.num_retries = num_retries
		self.cache = cache

	# 当像使用函数一样,使用类时,调用此方法
	def __call__(self, url):
		result = None
		# 下载前检查缓存
		if self.cache:
				result = self.cache[url]
			except KeyError:
				# 缓存此url不可用
			# try/except,没有捕获到KeyError是执行else下语句
				if self.num_retries > 0 and \
					500 <= result['code'] < 600:
					# 缓存时遇到服务器端错误,需要重新爬取网页
					result = None
		# 如果没有缓存,这个时候需要去爬取网页,并且要控制延时,防止爬取过快,给网站造成压力
		if result is None:
			proxy = random.choice(self.proxies) if self.proxies else None
			headers = {'User-Agent': self.user_agent}
			result = self.download(url, headers, proxy, self.num_retries)
			if self.cache:
				self.cache[url] = result
		return result['html']

	def download(self, url, headers, proxy, num_retries, data=None):
		print('Downloading: {}'.format(url))
		request = urllib.request.Request(url, headers=headers)
		opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
		if proxy:
			proxy_params = {parse.urlparse(url}.scheme: proxy}
			response = opener.open(request)
			html = response.read()
			code = response.code
		except Exception as e:
			print('Download error: {}'.format(e.reason))
			html = ''
			if hasattr(e, 'code'):
                code = e.code
                if num_retries > 0 and 500 <= code < 600:
                    # retry 5XX HTTP errors
                    return self._get(url, headers, proxy, num_retries-1, data)
                code = None
		return {'html': html, 'code': code}

class Throttle:
    """Throttle downloading by sleeping between requests to same domain
    def __init__(self, delay):
        # amount of delay between downloads for each domain
        self.delay = delay
        # timestamp of when a domain was last accessed
        self.domains = {}
    def wait(self, url):
        """Delay if have accessed this domain recently
        domain = parse.urlsplit(url).netloc
        last_accessed = self.domains.get(domain)
        if self.delay > 0 and last_accessed is not None:
            sleep_secs = self.delay - (datetime.now() - last_accessed).seconds
            if sleep_secs > 0:
        self.domains[domain] = datetime.now()


def link_crawler(seed_url, link_regex=None, delay=5, max_depth=-1, max_urls=-1, user_agent='wswp', proxies=None, num_retries=1, scrape_callback=None, cache=None):
    """Crawl from the given seed URL following links matched by link_regex
    # the queue of URL's that still need to be crawled
    crawl_queue = [seed_url]
    # the URL's that have been seen and at what depth
    seen = {seed_url: 0}
    # track how many URL's have been downloaded
    num_urls = 0
    rp = get_robots(seed_url)
    D = Downloader(delay=delay, user_agent=user_agent, proxies=proxies, num_retries=num_retries, cache=cache)

    while crawl_queue:
        url = crawl_queue.pop()
        depth = seen[url]
        # check url passes robots.txt restrictions
        if rp.can_fetch(user_agent, url):
            html = D(url)
            links = []
            if scrape_callback:
                links.extend(scrape_callback(url, html) or [])

            if depth != max_depth:
                # can still crawl further
                if link_regex:
                    # filter for links matching our regular expression
                    links.extend(link for link in get_links(html) if re.match(link_regex, link))

                for link in links:
                    link = normalize(seed_url, link)
                    # check whether already crawled this link
                    if link not in seen:
                        seen[link] = depth + 1
                        # check link is within same domain
                        if same_domain(seed_url, link):
                            # success! add this new link to queue

            # check whether have reached downloaded maximum
            num_urls += 1
            if num_urls == max_urls:
            print 'Blocked by robots.txt:', url

def normalize(seed_url, link):
    """Normalize this URL by removing hash and adding domain
    link, _ = urlparse.urldefrag(link) # remove hash to avoid duplicates
    return urlparse.urljoin(seed_url, link)

def same_domain(url1, url2):
    """Return True if both URL's belong to same domain
    return urlparse.urlparse(url1).netloc == urlparse.urlparse(url2).netloc

def get_robots(url):
    """Initialize robots parser for this domain
    rp = robotparser.RobotFileParser()
    rp.set_url(urlparse.urljoin(url, '/robots.txt'))
    return rp

def get_links(html):
    """Return a list of links from html 
    # a regular expression to extract all links from the webpage
    webpage_regex = re.compile('<a[^>]+href=["\'](.*?)["\']', re.IGNORECASE)
    # list of all links from the webpage
    return webpage_regex.findall(html)



2.1 磁盘缓存


import re
url = 'http://example.webscraping.com/default/view/#$@Australia-1'
# 将不是/0-9a-zA-Z\-.,;_空格的字符都替换成下划线
file_name = re.sub('[^/0-9a-zA-Z\-.,;_ ]', '_', url)
# 输出


import os
import re
from urllib import parse
import shutil
import zlib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# 导入模块还可以这些的啊,牛逼
    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle
from link_crawler import link_crawler

class DiskCache:
    Dictionary interface that stores cached 
    values in the file system rather than in memory.
    The file path is formed from an md5 hash of the key.

    >>> cache = DiskCache()
    >>> url = 'http://example.webscraping.com'
    >>> result = {'html': '...'}
    >>> cache[url] = result
    >>> cache[url]['html'] == result['html']
    >>> cache = DiskCache(expires=timedelta())
    >>> cache[url] = result
    >>> cache[url]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    KeyError: 'http://example.webscraping.com has expired'
    >>> cache.clear()

    def __init__(self, cache_dir='cache', expires=timedelta(days=30), compress=True):
        cache_dir: the root level folder for the cache
        expires: timedelta of amount of time before a cache entry is considered expired
        compress: whether to compress data in the cache
        self.cache_dir = cache_dir
        self.expires = expires
        self.compress = compress

    def __getitem__(self, url):
        """Load data from disk for this URL
        path = self.url_to_path(url)
        if os.path.exists(path):
            with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
                data = fp.read()
                if self.compress:
                    data = zlib.decompress(data)
                result, timestamp = pickle.loads(data)
                if self.has_expired(timestamp):
                    raise KeyError(url + ' has expired')
                return result
            # URL has not yet been cached
            raise KeyError(url + ' does not exist')

    def __setitem__(self, url, result):
        """Save data to disk for this url
        在使用cache[url] = result时调用此方法
        path = self.url_to_path(url)
        folder = os.path.dirname(path)
        if not os.path.exists(folder):

        data = pickle.dumps((result, datetime.utcnow()))
        if self.compress:
        	# 使用zlib压缩,之后再存储,节省磁盘空间
            data = zlib.compress(data)
        with open(path, 'wb') as fp:

    def __delitem__(self, url):
        """Remove the value at this key and any empty parent sub-directories
        path = self._key_path(url)
        except OSError:

    def url_to_path(self, url):
        """Create file system path for this URL
        components = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
        # when empty path set to /index.html
        path = components.path
        if not path:
            path = '/index.html'
        elif path.endswith('/'):
            path += 'index.html'
        filename = components.netloc + path + components.query
        # replace invalid characters
        filename = re.sub('[^/0-9a-zA-Z\-.,;_ ]', '_', filename)
        # restrict maximum number of characters
        filename = '/'.join(segment[:255] for segment in filename.split('/'))
        return os.path.join(self.cache_dir, filename)

    def has_expired(self, timestamp):
        """Return whether this timestamp has expired
        return datetime.utcnow() > timestamp + self.expires

    def clear(self):
        """Remove all the cached values
        if os.path.exists(self.cache_dir):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    link_crawler('http://example.webscraping.com/', '/(index|view)', cache=DiskCache())


2.2 数据库缓存


我们选用mongodb作为数据库来存储爬取的数据,之所以用mongodb这种NoSQL数据库(Not Only SQL),是因为扩展性好,当数据量过大无法存储在一台服务器中时,数据可能在不同的服务器,而关系型数据库常常需要查询多表,这就不太好用了。

    import cPickle as pickle
except ImportError:
    import pickle
import zlib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pymongo import MongoClient
from bson.binary import Binary

class MongoCache:
    Wrapper around MongoDB to cache downloads

    >>> cache = MongoCache()
    >>> cache.clear()
    >>> url = 'http://example.webscraping.com'
    >>> result = {'html': '...'}
    >>> cache[url] = result
    >>> cache[url]['html'] == result['html']
    >>> cache = MongoCache(expires=timedelta())
    >>> cache[url] = result
    >>> # every 60 seconds is purged http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/index-ttl/
    >>> import time; time.sleep(60)
    >>> cache[url] 
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    KeyError: 'http://example.webscraping.com does not exist'
    def __init__(self, client=None, expires=timedelta(days=30)):
        client: mongo database client
        expires: timedelta of amount of time before a cache entry is considered expired
        # if a client object is not passed 
        # then try connecting to mongodb at the default localhost port 
        self.client = MongoClient('localhost', 27017) if client is None else client
        #create collection to store cached webpages,
        # which is the equivalent of a table in a relational database
        self.db = self.client.cache
        self.db.webpage.create_index('timestamp', expireAfterSeconds=expires.total_seconds())

    def __contains__(self, url):
        except KeyError:
            return False
            return True
    def __getitem__(self, url):
        """Load value at this URL
        record = self.db.webpage.find_one({'_id': url})
        if record:
            #return record['result']
            return pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(record['result']))
            raise KeyError(url + ' does not exist')

    def __setitem__(self, url, result):
        """Save value for this URL
        #record = {'result': result, 'timestamp': datetime.utcnow()}
        record = {'result': Binary(zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(result))), 'timestamp': datetime.utcnow()}
        self.db.webpage.update({'_id': url}, {'$set': record}, upsert=True)

    def clear(self):



[1]《用python写web爬虫(web scraping with python)》