




  1. 随机搜索不是一种很好的优化算法,但是它是我们评估其他的算法优劣的基线(baseline)
  2. 爬山法(梯度下降法),是对随机尝试的一种改进,因为随机优化师到处跳跃的,不会自动的寻找与已经发现的优解相近的题解,主要是这种解没有充分的利用已经发现的最优解。而爬山法则是通过搜索已知解的附近的解,将解向着最优解的方向优化,但是可能存在最后的解局限于局部范围的最小值,但是它不是全局的最优解,对于这个问题又很多的改进,比如加动量或者是随机重复爬山法。
  3. 模拟退火算法:是受到物理学的启发而来的一种优化算法。算法的关键之处,如果新的成本值更低,则新的题解就会成为当前的题解,这和爬上法很相似,不过如果成本更高的化,则新的题解仍然可能会成为新的题解,这是一种规避局部最小值的一种策略。成本更高的题解被接受的概率为
    算法优化lstm python 算法优化主要通过_算法优化lstm python
  1. 遗传算法:这类算法运行的过程中先随机生成一组解,称为种群,然后根据成本函数对种群进行排序,然后将位于种群中最顶端的题解加入新的种群中,这一步称为精英选拔法,新的种群中余下的部分是有修改后的最优解形成的全新的解组成。其中有两个操作一个是变异,一个是重组。


  1. 组团旅游的问题(也就是航班问题)
  1. 描述题解,首先应该明确题解如何表达
import time
import random
import math

people = [('Seymour', 'BOS'),
          ('Franny', 'DAL'),
          ('Zooey', 'CAK'),
          ('Walt', 'MIA'),
          ('Buddy', 'ORD'),
          ('Les', 'OMA')]
destination = 'LGA'
flights = {}

def getminutes(t):
    x = time.strptime(t, "%H:%M")
    return x[3] * 60 + x[4]

# 这里是输出函数,用来解释数据
def printschedule(r):
    for d in range(len(r) // 2):
        name = people[d][0]
        origin = people[d][1]
        out = flights[(origin, destination)][r[2 * d]]
        ret = flights[(destination, origin)][r[2 * d + 1]]
        print("%10s%10s %5s-%5s $%3s %5s-%5s $%3s" % (name, origin, out[0], out[1], out[2], ret[0], ret[1], ret[2]))

# 这里是载入数据即
for line in open("schedule.txt"):
    origin, dest, depart, arrive, price = line.strip().split(",")
    flights.setdefault((origin, dest), [])
    flights[(origin, dest)].append((depart, arrive, int(price)))
  1. 构建成本函数 成本函数是优化算法的关键,通常通过众多的变量来鉴别方案的好坏。这里在本例子可以从价格、旅行时间、等待时间、出发时间、汽车使用时间等方面考虑。
def schedulecost(sol):
    totalprice = 0
    latestarrival = 0
    earliestdep = 24 * 60
    for d in range(len(sol) // 2):
        origin = people[d][1]
        outbound = flights[(origin, destination)][int(sol[2 * d])]
        returnf = flights[(destination, origin)][int(sol[2 * d + 1])]

        # 计算所有的去返航班的价格之和
        totalprice += outbound[2]
        totalprice += returnf[2]

        if latestarrival < getminutes(outbound[1]): latestarrival = getminutes(outbound[1])
        if earliestdep > getminutes(returnf[0]): earliestdep = getminutes(returnf[0])

    totalwait = 0
    for d in range(len(sol) // 2):
        origin = people[d][1]
        outbound = flights[(origin, destination)][int(sol[2 * d])]
        returnf = flights[(destination, origin)][int(sol[2 * d + 1])]
        totalwait += latestarrival - getminutes(outbound[1])
        totalwait += getminutes(returnf[0]) - earliestdep
    if latestarrival > earliestdep: totalprice += 50
    return totalwait + totalprice
  1. 确定使用优化算法,随机算法、模拟退火算法、遗传算法
def geneticoptimize(domain, costf, popsize=50, step=1, mutprob=0.2, elite=0.2, maxiter=100):
    # 变异操作
    def mutate(vec):
        i = random.randint(0, len(domain) - 1)
        if random.random() < 0.5 and vec[i] > domain[i][0]:
            return vec[0:i] + [vec[i] - step] + vec[i + 1:]
        elif vec[i] < domain[i][1]:
            return vec[0:i] + [vec[i] + step] + vec[i + 1:]

    # 交叉操作
    def crossover(r1, r2):
        i = random.randint(1, len(domain) - 2)
        return r1[0:i] + r2[i:]

    # 构造初始化种群
    pop = []
    for i in range(popsize):
        vec = [random.randint(domain[i][0], domain[i][1]) for i in range(len(domain))]

    # 每一代中有多少胜出者
    scores = None
    topelite = int(elite * popsize)
    bestPop = pop[0:topelite]
    for i in range(maxiter):
            scores = [(costf(v), v) for v in pop]
        ranked = [v for (s, v) in scores]
        # print("@@",np.sum(np.array(bestPop)))
        # print("###",np.sum(np.array(ranked[0:topelite])))
        # if (np.sum(np.array(bestPop)) == np.sum(np.array(ranked[0:topelite]))):
        #     break
        # 选出这次迭代的最优个体
        pop = ranked[0:topelite]
        bestPop = pop

        while len(pop) < popsize:
            if random.random() < mutprob:
                c = random.randint(0, topelite)
                c1 = random.randint(0, topelite)
                c2 = random.randint(0, topelite)
                pop.append(crossover(ranked[c1], ranked[c2]))
        # print(scores[0][0])

    return scores[0][1]

def annealingoptimize(domain, costf, T=1000000.0, cool=0.95, step=1):
    vec = [(random.randint(domain[i][0], domain[i][0])) for i in range(len(domain))]

    while T > 0.1:
        i = random.randint(0, len(domain) - 1)
        dir = random.randint(-step, step)
        vecb = vec[:]
        vecb[i] += dir
        if vecb[i] < domain[i][0]:
            vecb[i] = domain[i][0]
        elif vecb[i] > domain[i][1]:
            vecb[i] = domain[i][1]

        ea = costf(vec)
        eb = costf(vecb)

        if (eb < ea or random.random() < pow(math.e, -(eb - ea) / T)):
            vec = vecb

        T = T * cool
    return vec

def hillclimb(domain, costf):
    # 创建一个随机解
    sol = [random.randint(domain[i][0], domain[i][0]) for i in range(len(domain))]

    while True:
        neighbors = []
        for j in range(len(domain)):
            if sol[j] > domain[j][0]:
                neighbors.append(sol[0:j] + [sol[j] - 1] + sol[j + 1:])
            if sol[j] < domain[j][1]:
                neighbors.append(sol[0:j] + [sol[j] + 1] + sol[j + 1:])
        current = costf(sol)
        best = current
        for j in range(len(neighbors)):
            cost = costf(neighbors[j])
            if cost < best:
                sol = neighbors[j]
            if best == current:
        return sol

def randomoptimize(domain, costf):
    best = 999999999
    bestr = None
    for i in range(1000):
        r = [random.randint(domain[i][0], domain[i][1]) for i in range(len(domain))]
        cost = costf(r)
        if cost < best:
            best = cost
            bestr = r
    return bestr

# 使用算法
s3 = geneticoptimize(domain,schedulecost)
  1. 涉及偏好的优化问题(比如宿舍的分配问题)
import random
import math
import numpy as np
# The dorms, each of which has two available spaces
dorms = ['Zeus', 'Athena', 'Hercules', 'Bacchus', 'Pluto']

# People, along with their first and second choices
prefs = [('Toby', ('Bacchus', 'Hercules')),
         ('Steve', ('Zeus', 'Pluto')),
         ('Karen', ('Athena', 'Zeus')),
         ('Sarah', ('Zeus', 'Pluto')),
         ('Dave', ('Athena', 'Bacchus')),
         ('Jeff', ('Hercules', 'Pluto')),
         ('Fred', ('Pluto', 'Athena')),
         ('Suzie', ('Bacchus', 'Hercules')),
         ('Laura', ('Bacchus', 'Hercules')),
         ('James', ('Hercules', 'Athena'))]

domain = [(0, (len(dorms) * 2) - i - 1) for i in range(0, len(dorms) * 2)]

def printsolution(vec):
    slots = []
    # Create two slots for each dorm
    for i in range(len(dorms)): slots += [i, i]

    # Loop over each students assignment
    for i in range(len(vec)):
        x = int(vec[i])

        # Choose the slot from the remaining ones
        dorm = dorms[slots[x]]
        # Show the student and assigned dorm
        print(prefs[i][0], dorm)
        # Remove this slot
        del slots[x]

def dormcost(vec):
    cost = 0
    # Create list a of slots
    slots = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]

    # Loop over each student
    for i in range(len(vec)):
        x = int(vec[i])
        dorm = dorms[slots[x]]
        pref = prefs[i][1]
        # First choice costs 0, second choice costs 1
        if pref[0] == dorm:
            cost += 0
        elif pref[1] == dorm:
            cost += 1
            cost += 3
        # Not on the list costs 3

        # Remove selected slot
        del slots[x]

    return cost

# 打印结果
s1 = randomoptimize(domain, dormcost)
s2 = annealingoptimize(domain, dormcost)
s3 = hillclimb(domain, dormcost)
s4 = geneticoptimize(domain, dormcost)
  1. 网络可视化问题:此处的网络是指的是任何彼此相连的一组事物,比如社交网络,怎么让网络更好更清晰的表达网络中的事物和事物之间的关系,这种问题可以使用遗传算法进行解决。
  1. 创建数据集(事物之间的关联性)
import math
import random
people = ['Charlie', 'Augustus', 'Veruca', 'Violet', 'Mike', 'Joe', 'Willy', 'Miranda']

links = [('Augustus', 'Willy'),
         ('Mike', 'Joe'),
         ('Miranda', 'Mike'),
         ('Violet', 'Augustus'),
         ('Miranda', 'Willy'),
         ('Charlie', 'Mike'),
         ('Veruca', 'Joe'),
         ('Miranda', 'Augustus'),
         ('Willy', 'Augustus'),
         ('Joe', 'Charlie'),
         ('Veruca', 'Augustus'),
         ('Miranda', 'Joe')]
  1. 成本函数(计算交叉线)
def crosscount(v):
    # Convert the number list into a dictionary of person:(x,y)
    loc = dict([(people[i], (v[i * 2], v[i * 2 + 1])) for i in range(0, len(people))])
    total = 0

    # Loop through every pair of links
    for i in range(len(links)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(links)):

            # Get the locations
            (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = loc[links[i][0]], loc[links[i][1]]
            (x3, y3), (x4, y4) = loc[links[j][0]], loc[links[j][1]]

            den = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1)

            # den==0 if the lines are parallel
            if den == 0: continue

            # Otherwise ua and ub are the fraction of the
            # line where they cross
            ua = ((x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3)) / den
            ub = ((x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3)) / den

            # If the fraction is between 0 and 1 for both lines
            # then they cross each other
            if 0 < ua < 1 and 0 < ub < 1:
                total += 1
        for i in range(len(people)):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(people)):
                # Get the locations of the two nodes
                (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = loc[people[i]], loc[people[j]]

                # Find the distance between them
                dist = math.sqrt(math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + math.pow(y1 - y2, 2))
                # Penalize any nodes closer than 50 pixels
                if dist < 50:
                    total += (1.0 - (dist / 50.0))

    return total
  1. 绘制网络
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

def drawnetwork(sol):
    # Create the image
    img = Image.new('RGB', (400, 400), (255, 255, 255))
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)

    # Create the position dict
    pos = dict([(people[i], (sol[i * 2], sol[i * 2 + 1])) for i in range(0, len(people))])

    for (a, b) in links:
        draw.line((pos[a], pos[b]), fill=(255, 0, 0))

    for n, p in pos.items():
        draw.text(p, n, (0, 0, 0))


domain = [(10, 370)] * (len(people) * 2)

sol1 = randomoptimize(domain,crosscount)
sol2 = geneticoptimize(domain,crosscount)
sol3 = annealingoptimize(domain,crosscount,step=20,cool=0.99)


